• 12k-20k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    社交 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1. 负责QQ直播、NOW直播、QQ群视频等业务的客户端架构设计和开发 ; 2. 参与移动客户端在性能、稳定性方面的建设; 3. 负责高质量的技术设计和编码,设计良好的代码结构,不断迭代重构; 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业;2年以上iOS客户端开发经验;扎实的计算机科学基础,熟悉常见的数据结构和算法; 2. 熟悉iOS系统运行机制及内核,精通Object C开发语言,熟练运用UIKit等进行界面开发,精通多线程以及网络编程; 3. 有良好的编程习惯,代码结构清晰; 4. 具备良好的分析解决问题能力,能独立承担任务及把握进度风险; 5. 有音视频相关项目经验或图像处理技术相关经验优先;C++项目开发经验优先;有优秀技术解决方案设计经验优先;优秀开源项目开发维护经验优先。 备注:此岗位为腾讯集团旗下全资子公司编制岗位
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    科技金融 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    职责描述: 1、负责iOS开发及架构设计; 2、负责制定iOS开发相关规范,解决开发过程中的技术难点; 4、关注前端前沿技术研究,持续的优化前端体验和页面响应速度,优化代码并保持良好兼容性,提升页面的友好度和易用性 任职要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,3年以上iOS研发经验; 2、对移动市场领域中的前沿技术,网络架构等移动技术有一定的了解; 3、精通iOS,包括Object C、 Swift、SDK,掌握相关框架及原理,了解iOS系统底层;熟悉Hybrid开发模式,有vue开发经验者优先 4、熟悉iOS高性能编程,性能优化; 5、有良好的沟通协调能力,抗压力,适应高强度工作节奏
  • 9k-12k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    任职要求: 1、计算机软件相关专业本科或以上学历; 2、具有扎实的Object C/C/C++语言基础,熟悉Iphone动画机制,有良好的编程规范,对各种接口有丰富的调试经验; 3、掌握混合开发框架React Native的优先; 4、具有2年以上的实际IOS平台开发经验及IOS带界面静态库开发经验,熟悉IOS应用开发框架以及IOS平台下的GUI设计和实现,能独立开发高性能的IOS应用; 5、熟悉IOS下网络通信机制,熟悉TCP/IP,HTTP协议,熟悉常用的数据结构,了解iOS内存管理机制; 6、具有较强的分析和解决问题的能力;热爱互联网新技术,了解并探索业界技术动向; 7、善于沟通,工作积极主动,责任心强。有良好的编码习惯和文档编写能力; 8、有音视频、IM、社区类开发经验者优先; 9、有提供github地址和博客地址的应聘者可以加分。 岗位职责: 1、参与公司两个主要APP的开发; 2、参与需求评审,根据产品、UI文档进行系统的设计、评审和开发实现,定期进行Code Review。 福利待遇: ——福利超nice 1、试用期缴纳六险一金; 2、每天7小时工作制,过年带薪休息15天左右(平时赚钱过年休息); 3、入职周年享有周年礼,年底再发年资奖; 4、各种节日(元宵、端午、中秋、国庆、教师节、春节、元旦等)购物卡或者等价节日礼品; 5、年终13薪和年终奖,人人都有; 6、你的生日我来庆祝、你的父母我来关怀。你自己的生日礼物、父母生日礼物、甚至父母的春节礼物我们都替你准备好; 7、人生几大喜事,结婚生子公司的祝福礼金立马到位; 8、日常还有员工生日会、节日活动、部门团建、户外团建等超多活动哦; 9、生活关怀:公司设有茶水间提供微波炉、电冰箱、休息区;还有超豪华健身区,让你入职便能免费享受豪华健身房。 培训: 1、提供系统化的入职培训,一对一带教; 2、免费学习岗位相关的课程(在不耽误工作的同时提升自我); 3、系统全面的在线学习平台,大量内部学习资源免费提供(路上手机可学,回家电脑可学,方便快捷高效)。 青春不只是眼前的钱和工作,还有梦和远方。有了高“薪”,恋爱和理想就一下子变得有趣起来。风里雨里,我们在公选王等你!
  • 10k-20k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    ** English language must be extremely proficient (Verbal, Reading, and Writing) DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Ability to perform SAP ABAP Programming 2. Understanding of the principles and techniques of systems analysis, design and testing 3. Ability to work independently 4. Effective communication skills 5. Ability to multi-task and manage concurrent projects 6. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills 7. Ability and willingness to expand SAP knowledge 8. Provide business applications development support, including: a. Work with IT and users to understand why application is needed and how it must function b. Participate in design of custom solutions for business teams c. Develop programs according to specifications d. Provide user support, including documentation and initial training 9. Perform administrative support for IT business applications, including: a. SAP Role and User Administration b. EDI administration c. First level application support services i. Request Tracking ii. Initial review and routing iii. Perform incremental changes and repairs REQUIREMENTS 1. Bachelor’s degree with emphasis on Computer Science or related field 2. 7+ years programming experience in SAP ABAP, should have hands-on experience on the following: a. Smartforms/Sapscript b. Dialog programming, designing custom screens c. BAPI’s, RFC’s, Call Transactions, BDCs d. Online ABAP Reporting, ALV e. Interface programming (Inbound and Outbound) between SAP and non-SAP systems f. User exits/BADIs/Enhancement Framework g. Object oriented programming h. ALE/IDoc 3. Good knowledge in SAP Performance tuning techniques 4. Strong debugging skills in ABAP 5. Strong working knowledge in SQL and Data Dictionary 6. Experience in one or more functional areas of SAP (FI/CO/MM/PP or SD) 7. Pluses: a. SAP Configuration experience b. SAP Business Warehouse experience c. Full life cycle SAP implementation experience
  • 3k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    电商,广告营销 / 天使轮 / 50-150人
    岗位职责 1. 负责拓展商家上线:上线广告到站点生成lp、检查出站联盟关系是否正常 2. 完成扩展商家的页面维护:促销词条维护、商家logo补缺 3. 优化现有TOP页面有效促销及当前有流量的无促销页面 4. 重新上线各账户Aisapproved Ads 5. 负责检查各站点邮件投诉并处理 6. 上线Tag页面,添加相关About内容 7. 每日完成Object认领 8. 其他相关工作 任职要求 1. 2024届本科毕业生或研究生在读,每周可到岗实习4天及以上 2. 电子商务、市场营销、英语等相关专业,读写能力强,有六级相关专业证书 3. 熟练操作电脑,会操作Excel等办公软件 4. 工作认真细致、思维敏捷,责任心强 5. 学习能力强,有较强的沟通能力,细心、耐心,有责任心、有上进心 6. 热爱互联网行业,对电子商务、网络购物有一定了解,有外贸经验工作者优先 福利介绍 1. 实习满2个月可提供实习证明 2. 入职即享受公司购买的商业保险 3. 入职有一对一导师辅助工作 4. 提供留用转正机会,取得***即签订劳动 5. 女神节、端午节、中秋节等节日福利 6. 万圣节、感恩节、圣诞节等惊喜连连 想了解更多,欢迎投递简历! 招贤纳士人才理念: 进取、创新、诚信、敬业、尊重、责任 公司目前处于高速发展的阶段,期待有志之士加盟,一起成长,携手共进!
  • 20k-35k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Job Description: - Design system architecture based on AIA Enterprise Architecture and user requirements; - Draft technical specification according to functional specification; - Lead the development team to deliver coding and UT; - Review and monitor the output of developers to ensure the time and quality; - Support PM to estimate the timeline and cost from. Qualifications: - Bachelor or above degree in IT related disciplines with at least 6 years working experience; - 2+ years’ experience in software architect to design enterprise J2EE web systems; - Proficient in Spring cloud or other popular J2EE framework, and good at Object Orientated Design & Development; - Good understanding of web front-end development, JavaScript, HTML(5), CSS(3), AJAX, JQuery, etc.; - Familiar with common software architecture models and a variety of algorithms and data structures e.g. multithreading, network programming (Socket, http/web service) and etc.; - Well know Application and Web Server (e.g. Apache, JBoss, and WebSpere etc); - Rich experience in popular database, such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL; - Familiar with Waterfall, Agile or other SDLC; - Knowledge of Insurance business is preferred, e.g. Group/Individual insurance and Claims; - Experience of database migration will be a plus; - Able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines; - Excellent communication and documentation skills in English; - Have strong interest in new technology, and enjoy facing to challenges.
  • 25k-33k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Skill set: - Bachelor or above degree in IT related disciplines with at least 6 years working experience - 2+ years’ experience in software architect to design enterprise J2EE web systems; - Proficient in Spring cloud or other popular J2EE framework, and good at Object Orientated Design& Development; - Good understanding of web front-end development, JavaScript, HTML(5), CSS(3), AJAX, JQuery, etc.; - Familiar with common software architecture models and a variety of algorithms and data structures e.g. multithreading, network programming (Socket, http/web service) and etc.; - Well know Application and Web Server (e.g. Apache, JBoss, and WebSpere etc); - Rich experience in popular database, such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL; - Able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines; - Excellent communication and documentation skills in English; - Have strong interest in new technology, and enjoy facing to challenges; - Familiar with Waterfall, Agile or other SDLC; - Knowledge of Insurance business is preferred, e.g. Group/Individual insurance and Claims - Experience of following will be a plus: AngularJS/ Bootstrap/ ExtJS/ React/ ESB/ Linux/ Unix/ JIRA Job description: - Design system architecture based on AIA Enterprise Architecture and user requirements - Draft technical specification according to functional specification - Lead the development team to deliver coding and UT - Review and monitor the output of developers to ensure the time and quality - Support PM to estimate the timeline and cost from technical view - Travel to different countries for onsite support
  • 18k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    其他 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    职责: • 参与航运及物流相关电子商务项目开发 • 参与用例阅读和理解,并参加需求讨论 • 负责基于面向对象的系统设计与评审 • 负责应用程序和系统框架开发 • 负责代码审查,单元测试和性能调试 • 参与功能测试用例的评审和性能测试 • 参与跨项目技术论坛的知识和经验分享 要求: • 计算机/信息相关专业,大学本科及以上学历 • 英语四级,优秀的英文读写能力 • 具有面向对象的分析、设计和开发能力,熟悉UML和常用设计模式 • 熟悉Java 和Java EE 等相关技术,熟悉Spring, Hibernate, EclipseLink等主流框架以及 Java多线程编程 • 熟悉JMS相关的消息框架产品,如Tibco EMS, ActiveMQ • 熟悉Oracle或者MySQL,包括数据库设计、性能调优以及配置优化等 • 工作认真负责,具有出色的沟通能力及团队合作精神 • 具有学习新技术的热情,并学以致用,不断提高团队工作效率和质量 Accountability: • To participate in shipping and logistics related e-commerce project development • To participate in use case walkthroughs and requirements discussions • To be responsible for object-oriented system design and review • To be responsible for application and framework development • To be responsible for code review, unit testing and performance tuning to ensure quality of work • To participate in functional test case review and performance testing • To participate in cross-team technical forums to share knowledge and experience. Requirements: • Bachelor degree or above in computer/information related field • CET-4 is a must, good at written and oral English • Knowledge and experience in Object Oriented analysis, design and development, be familiar with UML and design patterns. • Knowledge and experience in Java/Java EE, and major frameworks, e.g. Spring, EclipseLink etc. Experience in Java Multithreading programming. • Knowledge and experience in JMS based messaging frameworks, e.g. Tibco EMS, ActiveMQ etc. • Knowledge and experience in Oracle or MySQL, including design, performance analysis and tuning, troubleshooting etc. • Excellent communication, interpersonal skills and team work spirit • Passion in learning new technologies and applying them to daily work to improve team efficiency and product quality. • Knowledge and experience in Agile Methodologies and Scrum practice
  • 12k-20k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Description: • Design and Develop Restful API/Webservices on cloud platform for service and consumption • Gather and refine specification and requirements based on technical needs. • Analyse and optimise performance and reliability for the front end of the applications. • Build responsive Web applications using React JS/angular • Building Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) • Create and maintain software automation using CI-CD • Deliver and integrate Microservices with web and mobile applications. • Follow Agile Software methodologies for development. • Write automated unit, feature and regression test suites. • Hands-on experience with Java/Web frameworks and tools including Java/JEE, Python, Spring Boot Framework, Redis/Aerospike, ReactJS, Kafka, MongoDB, Cloud Foundry or similar cloud technology(AWS) • DevOps and CICD knowledge e.g. Git, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, Docker, unit test and Test driven development • Familiarity with the database technologies, preferably MariaDB, MySQL, NoSQL • You are able to develop services that constitute front to back applications • Object Oriented analysis and design using common design patterns • Knowledge in different domains, programming languages and client environments • Knowledge of containerization and Kubernetes will be added advantage NCS广州直招,非外包!!!!
  • 15k-30k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Description: • Design and Develop Restful API/Webservices on cloud platform for service and consumption • Gather and refine specification and requirements based on technical needs. • Analyse and optimise performance and reliability for the front end of the applications. • Build responsive Web applications using React JS/angular • Building Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF) • Create and maintain software automation using CI-CD • Deliver and integrate Microservices with web and mobile applications. • Follow Agile Software methodologies for development. • Write automated unit, feature and regression test suites. • Hands-on experience with Java/Web frameworks and tools including Java/JEE, Python, Spring Boot Framework, Redis/Aerospike, ReactJS, Kafka, MongoDB, Cloud Foundry or similar cloud technology(AWS) • DevOps and CICD knowledge e.g. Git, Jenkins, Sonar Qube, Docker, unit test and Test driven development • Familiarity with the database technologies, preferably MariaDB, MySQL, NoSQL • You are able to develop services that constitute front to back applications • Object Oriented analysis and design using common design patterns • Knowledge in different domains, programming languages and client environments • Knowledge of containerization and Kubernetes will be added advantage NCS广州直招,非外包!!!!
  • 15k-30k 经验不限 / 大专
    企业服务 / B轮 / 150-500人
    岗位描述: 1.负责公司图像创意设计工具产品Android客户端开发,负责app的架构设计和功能开发; 2.负责每个版本的需求拆解,具有优秀的技术判断力,负责研发效率提升; 3.负责公司移动端产品的性能优化和用户体验; 任职要求: 1.Android开发经验 3年以上,精通Java和Android主流框架,熟悉Android系统运行机制及内核,有C端产品完整APP开发经验者优先; 2.有图形图像设计工具或重客户端类产品研发经验、对Android平台图像处理(如剪裁、滤镜、水印、文字效果等)有经验者优先; 3.有AI在Web上图像处理方面的应用和产品落地经验、有图像Face Detection、Object Detection、Face Restoration、Style Transfer、Portrait Matting等经验者优先; 4.有Android环境下C/C++开发经验者优先;
  • 15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    移动互联网,电商 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    • Bachelor’s Degree (four-year college or university) in business or related IT discipline preferred • 3+ years’ professional IT experience designing, building and implementing enterprise applications with focus on CRM, PSA, and ERP on Microsoft platforms • Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Online; experience with Plugins and Web Resource development • Active certifications in Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM, Office 365, SharePoint a plus • Expertise implementing business applications as a billable consultant including Sales, Customer Service, Project Services Automation, and other Dynamics 365 solutions • Strong JavaScript and C# experience including developing Dynamics CRM plug-ins as well as a strong SQL Server understanding • Experience with configuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM including security, organizations and business units’ entities, forms, workflows, reports, customizations, and integrations preferable • Knowledge of functional aspects of CRM applications including Sales, Service, and Marketing • Strong experience with integration and automation into CRM and other business platforms. Experience creating integrations of Dynamics CRM with ERP a strong plus • Experience with technology agnostic business functions with sales operations, marketing operations, customer service, field service management, project services, and foundational ERP concepts • Experience with needs analysis, software evaluation and selection, customization, and implementation Preferred Technical Skills • CRM 2011/2015/2016/Dynamics 365 or equivalent CRM Product Experience. • Proficient in minimum 2 modules (Sales, Service and Marketing) • Good understanding of CRM entity & Object model • Hands on experience in writing CRM Plugins, Custom Workflows, Integration, Client-side custom code. • Experience in Designing CRM Data Models to implement complex business requirements. • Extending Dynamics365 using PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, Logic Apps & Azure Functions. • Implement scalable integrations & workflows in the Cloud using Logic Apps. • Integration with Dynamics 365 using Azure Logic Apps & API Apps. • SharePoint • Dynamics 365 Portals/ ADX Studio Portal • BizTalk or other Middleware technologies used for integrations • Azure or other cloud solutions • Dynamics CRM ISV solutions • SSIS, SSAS and Power BI
  • 20k-30k 经验不限 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询,汽车交易平台 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责 根据公司要求独立完成iOS应用程序开发设计、调试工作; 根据项目任务计划独立按时完成软件高质量编码和测试工作; 规范文档的编写、维护,以及其他与项目相关工作; 按时按需完成客户端软件的维护及更新。 任职资格: 计算机及相关专业本科及以上学历,1年以上iOS开发经验。 有扎实的Object C语言基础 熟练掌握iOS开发技术,熟悉常用第三方开发库 熟悉各个不同版本的iOS特点,了解Cocoa、UIKit框架等。 具备良好的数据结构和算法基础 学习能力强,具备较好的逻辑分析能力。 有积极的工作态度、一定的抗压能力,善于沟通和团队协作。
  • 10k-20k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    企业服务,人工智能,工具 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、根据公司需求在ios移动端进行APP设计、开发与维护; 2、根据产品需求完成架构和模块设计、编码、测试工作,保证代码的质量; 3、完成与工作相关的技术文档编写工作,负责技术难点的解决,能独立解决项目中的问题和难题; 4、负责支撑项目版本发布、产品生产、后续维护。 任职要求: 1、计算机/通讯/数学等相关专业,大专及以上学历,工作经验1年以上; 2、扎实的Object C/swift语言基础,熟悉常用数据结构和算法; 3、对新技术保持热情,关注用户体验,能够积极把技术转化到用户体验改进上; 4、良好的沟通与表达能力以及执行力; 5、熟悉C、C++、Java语言的任意一种、对H5、JS应用有一定的了解者优先。
  • 5k-6k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网,社交 / A轮 / 15-50人
    【岗位职责】 1、负责使用Unity3D工具引擎,开发移动终端游戏; 2、负责根据策划要求,与后台,数值和美术一起协作,完成相关的游戏功能开发; 3、负责集成(或开发)相关插件实现游戏平台相关(IOS/Android)的功能需求。 【任职要求】 1、计算机相关专业毕业,面向2021/2022年毕业实习生。 2、熟悉C/C++,java, Object C,C#任何一种开发语言,熟悉基本算法和数据结构; 3、思维活跃,具有严谨的逻辑推理能力; 4、责任感强,工作认真负责,富于团队精神和敬业精神以及独立解决问题的能力; 5、热爱游戏,了解游戏行业工作性质,有志于在游戏开发方向发展,对游戏有独立见解。 6、英语水平良好,能熟练阅读英文技术文档,具有良好的自学能力者优先。 7、有独立游戏研发经验者优先。