• 硬件,消费生活,电商 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    工作职责: 作为渠道销售代表或店面销售人员,你将负责以下职责: 1. 负责公司慕斯甜品产品的销售,渠道建设。 2. 维护与客户的长期关系,以确保客户的满意度和忠诚度。 3. 制定销售计划和销售目标,并参与销售数据的收集和分析。 4. 参加各种销售活动,包括公司组织的销售会议、外客户的拜访、以及公司产品的展会等。 5. 制作销售报表,包括销售数据、销售计划和销售目标的完成情况等。 6. 负责公司产品的库存管理,包括产品入库、出库、调拨等。 7. 参与产品的市场推广和宣传,协助公司制定市场推广计划。 8. 遵守公司的销售政策和规定,并承担销售业绩目标的责任。 任职资格 1.善于拓展,有开拓精神。 2. 具备良好的沟通能力和业务拓展能力,有一定的销售经验。 3. 熟悉公司的产品知识,对公司的产品有深入的了解。 4. 具备良好的团队合作精神和责任心,能够承受一定的工作能承受较强的工作压力
  • 硬件 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    招募年龄16-45岁 薪资待遇: 23元/小时,230元/天,每天工作10个小时,月薪6000+/月。 包吃包住.4-6人间宿舍,上下铺 上六休一!每周固定休息一天 月工资每个月10号发放 入职购买五险一金
  • 4k-7k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    消费生活,电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责公司店铺(自营小程序、官网、公众等)整体形象设计、网店风格及商品展示设计,包括首、商品详情页、广告图片制作及美化、整体布局、活动素材等; 2、负责店铺的促销活动与日常活动等的多为一体的图片设计制作; 3、负责公司单页、海报、展板、名片、公司形象、公众号素材、宣传手册等设计及制作; 4、结合公司宣传目的、参与推广素材创意方向和输出设计,并给予有效的设计策略支持。 5、设计合成线上线下产品宣传海报、基础物料。 工作内容: ? 公关活动类: 1.活动主视觉设计; 2.活动区域布置设计; 3.活动延伸物料设计; 4.展会设计; 5.舞美设计; 6.海报设计; 7.宣传册/画册设计等。 8.logo ? IT类: 1.小程序界面设计; 2.ICON设计; 3.动画视觉; 4.网页设计等 5.公众号设计 岗位要求: 1、有做过品牌内容的平面设计师经验,2年以上设计相关工作经验,有餐饮经验最佳。 2、具备 — 有一定得市场营销专业基础知识与文案编辑能力优先。 3、可以兼职合作模式,在广州,该岗位要求坐班 4、善于沟通,能够理解运营人员的设计需求,做到快速响应; 5、熟练操作 PS、AI、CDR AE、Premiere Pro视频剪辑等设计软件。 设计、广告相关专业优先。 合作请发餐饮类相关作品;没食品/餐饮行业作品勿扰!
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活,电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责市场营销活动的策划、创意、推广及执行,负责行业资源的引入与合作; 2、规划和拓展市场渠道,实现公司整体的市场拓展目标; 3、不断开拓新的活动模式,并对同行业相关网站的活动保持密切关注和学习; 4、建立和维护行业主流媒体资源,高效利用各类资源来执行市场营销推广计划; 5、组织管理市场运营及拓展团队,提高团队的执行力,增强团队的凝聚力与稳定性。 岗位要求: 1、工商管理、企业管理、市场营销等相关专业研究生及以上学历; 2、具备3年以上市场活动策划、组织、实施相关工作经验(教育培训行业背景优先),有品牌策划、设计、推广及管理经验; 3、能把控活动的各项环节和进展,及时处理活动中 遇到的各种问题; 4、拥有丰富的平台和媒体资源,能保持良好的合作关系; 5、具备良好的团队协作、组织协调、沟通交流的能力,能够承受工作压力。
  • 其他 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities: • Plan and execute new unit start-ups leading to prompt acceptance of unit performance by client. • Provide post start-up technical services and assistance including trouble-shooting, performance monitoring and planning for unit turnarounds • Manage client interface during high stress situations such as plant start-ups, turnarounds and emergencies. • Answer client operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Provide feedback for improvement in design and procedures based on field experience. • Answer operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Extensive domestic travel required Qualifications - External Basic Qualifications: • At least eight years operations experience of a slurry-fed gasification facility • Additional experience in other Petrochemicals or Refining technologies is preferred • Familiar with process engineering including simulations, heat and material balance, stream properties, generation, equipment design, flow sheet development, P&ID development, technical presentation and process development • English written and verbal skills are required • Ability to interact successfully with internal and external clients in all areas of expertise • Ability to make technical presentations • Ability to provide technical service on commercial operating units • The ability to adapt to various cultures and protocols successfully • Must be able to perform plant equipment inspections including climbing towers and entering vessels required • Willingness to travel
  • 其他 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    At Lummus Technology, innovation, excellence and family values are extremely important to us. We bring our employees together with the work that we do, the technology that we develop, and the training and development initiatives we support. Unlike most companies, we have low turnover, and we retain our amazing employees because of the unique way we work together. Our people are some of the smartest, most dedicated and capable people in our industry. The biggest reason we are so successful is because we truly care about each other, and that is why we are special. Many of us have spent our entire career at Lummus; we take pride in our history, our current success, and our future is bright. Knowledge transfer and mentoring are essential in order to ensure our employees’ success for the future. As a new employee, you will receive in-depth technical training, growth, and support from brilliant technology leaders that are world renown for their expertise. As part of a global company, you will have the opportunity to work with people with extremely diversified backgrounds. This is us; this is Lummus. Would you like to be part of the Lummus Technology Family? Overview: Tech Service Engineer to support different units in China and China office projects. Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities: • Plan and execute new unit start-ups leading to prompt acceptance of unit performance by client. • Provide post start-up technical services and assistance including trouble-shooting, performance monitoring and planning for unit turnarounds • Manage client interface during high stress situations such as plant start-ups, turnarounds and emergencies. • Answer client operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Provide feedback for improvement in design and procedures based on field experience. • Answer operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Extensive domestic travel required Basic Qualifications: • At least two years operations experience of a propane or isobutene dehydrogenation facility • Additional experience in other Petrochemicals or Refining technologies is preferred • Familiar with process engineering including simulations, heat and material balance, stream properties, generation, equipment design, flow sheet development, P&ID development, technical presentation and process development • English written and verbal skills are required • Ability to interact successfully with internal and external clients in all areas of expertise • Ability to make technical presentations • Ability to provide technical service on commercial operating units • The ability to adapt to various cultures and protocols successfully • Must be able to perform plant equipment inspections including climbing towers and entering vessels required • Willingness to travel With a heritage spanning more than 110 years and a focus on innovation that has resulted in more than 130 technologies and 3,400 patents and patent applications, Lummus is the global leader in the development and implementation of process technologies that make modern life possible. While our reach is global, we pride ourselves on fostering ***** relationships to meet the needs of each customer, efficiently and effectively.
  • 其他 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    At Lummus Technology, innovation, excellence and family values are extremely important to us. We bring our employees together with the work that we do, the technology that we develop, and the training and development initiatives we support. Unlike most companies, we have low turnover, and we retain our amazing employees because of the unique way we work together. Our people are some of the smartest, most dedicated and capable people in our industry. The biggest reason we are so successful is because we truly care about each other, and that is why we are special. Many of us have spent our entire career at Lummus; we take pride in our history, our current success, and our future is bright. Knowledge transfer and mentoring are essential in order to ensure our employees’ success for the future. As a new employee, you will receive in-depth technical training, growth, and support from brilliant technology leaders that are world renown for their expertise. As part of a global company, you will have the opportunity to work with people with extremely diversified backgrounds. This is us; this is Lummus. Would you like to be part of the Lummus Technology Family? Overview: Sr Tech Specialist to support CLG and work with BD team. Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities: • Plan and execute new unit start-ups leading to prompt acceptance of unit performance by client. • Provide post start-up technical services and assistance including trouble-shooting, performance monitoring and planning for unit turnarounds • Manage client interface during high stress situations such as plant start-ups, turnarounds and emergencies. • Answer client operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Provide feedback for improvement in design and procedures based on field experience. • Participate in technology improvements including flow scheme development, catalyst evaluation, scaling up pilot plant data and R&D review • Answer operating and production questions after start-up/test run • Extensive international and domestic travel required Basic Qualifications: • At least eight years operations experience of a slurry-fed gasification facility • Additional experience in other Petrochemicals or Refining technologies is preferred • Familiar with process engineering including simulations, heat and material balance, stream properties, generation, equipment design, flow sheet development, P&ID development, technical presentation and process development • English written and verbal skills are required • Ability to interact successfully with internal and external clients in all areas of expertise • Ability to make technical presentations • Ability to provide technical service on commercial operating units • The ability to adapt to various cultures and protocols successfully • Must be able to perform plant equipment inspections including climbing towers and entering vessels required • Willingness to travel With a heritage spanning more than 110 years and a focus on innovation that has resulted in more than 130 technologies and 3,400 patents and patent applications, Lummus is the global leader in the development and implementation of process technologies that make modern life possible. While our reach is global, we pride ourselves on fostering ***** relationships to meet the needs of each customer, efficiently and effectively.
  • 5k-9k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    为什么选择我们: 我们致力于为所有员工打造一个舒适、轻松的工作环境,为大家提供一个广阔的职业发展平台,更为大家提供: 1、双休不加班,上班时间为9.00-12.00,1.30-6.00。按国家法定节假日放假 2、购买五险一金,社保齐全 3、完善的培训制度,十五年业务经理教导业务相关知识,帮助快速提高业务水平 4、完备的团队组成,有优秀的团队处理报价寄样采购出关等一切事宜,让业务专心谈下客户,无需分心关注琐事 5、奖金加提成双重奖励,公司可担保两年以上业务综合月薪上万 6、每周探店福利,公司花钱让你享受美食 7、周三羽毛球日,包室内羽毛球场打球,热爱运动的不容错过 8、不定时下午茶与聚餐,作为饮品包装行业的公司,最不缺的就是每周的下午茶,上着班吃吃喝喝岂不美哉 任职要求: 1、有进出口贸易相关工作经验或管理经历; 2、有国外参展经验优先; 3、了解进外贸业务流程,熟悉外贸业务环节; 4、具备良好的英语听说读写能力,熟练运用各种办公软件; 5、具备较好的沟通、协调及执行能力,工作踏实认真、应对快捷敏锐,责任心强; 6、热爱外贸行业,对金钱有追求,有欲望。 工作职责: 1、回复新客户询盘,促进客户下单; 2、联系和维护现有客户,定期与客户宣传新品; 3、开拓海外市场,通过社媒及其他平台资源开发新市场。
  • 7k-12k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    工作概述: 作为外贸业务员,你将负责开发新客户、维护现有客户以及协调和管理订单。你将与来自不同国家和地区的客户进行沟通,并协调团队完成订单,以确保客户满意度并实现业务目标。 具体职责: - 开发新客户:通过互联网、社交媒体、市场展会等渠道寻找潜在客户,了解客户需求并制定销售计划。 - 了解产品:熟悉公司的产品和服务,了解产品特点、优势以及定价策略。 - 联系客户:通过电话、邮件或社交媒体等方式与客户进行沟通,了解客户需求并解答疑问。 - 制定销售计划:根据客户需求和产品特点,制定销售计划并跟踪销售进展。 - 订单管理:跟进订单状态,协调团队完成订单,确保交期和质量。 - 维护客户关系:与客户保持联系,并及时回应客户的需求和问题。 - 市场研究:了解市场动态和竞争对手,为公司提供市场分析和销售建议。 职位要求: - 大学英语或其他语言,具备良好的口头和书面表达能力。 - 熟悉外贸业务流程,具备一定的贸易知识和技能。 - 具备良好的沟通技巧和团队合作能力。 - 具有开拓市场和销售经验,有成功案例者优先考虑。 - 对销售工作充满热情,具有积极向上的心态。 为什么选择我们: 我们致力于为所有员工打造一个舒适、轻松的工作环境,为大家提供一个广阔的职业发展平台,更为大家提供: 1、双休不加班,上班时间为9.00-12.00,1.30-6.00。按国家法定节假日放假 ,力求为同事提供最好的待遇,别人有的我们都要有 2、购买五险一金,社保齐全 3、耕耘包装行业多年,产品知识专业,客户返单快,回头客多,稳定性强,随时间推移收入会愈来愈高 4、完备的团队组成,有优秀的团队处理报价寄样采购出关等一切事宜,让业务专心谈下客户,无需分心关注琐事 5、工作氛围好,老板进可作为知心大哥和同事打成一片,退可化身资深业务提供专业指导和建议,上班也能欢声笑语,周周都有奶茶零食 6、上下班有免费接驳车往返市桥地铁站接送,不必为通勤担忧 7、季度奖金年度奖金丰厚,出国参展学习计划,年度出国旅行计划,你想得到的我们都有 8、周三羽毛球日,包室内羽毛球场打球,工作重要,身体也同样重要
  • 5k-10k 经验1年以下 / 不限
    电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    职位要求 1.形象良好,口齿清晰,表达能力强,逻辑清晰2有经验的优先录取,接受小白(有老主播带) 3.服从工作安排,工作态度良好 工作内容: 1通过直播过程展示产品突出卖点和优惠活动,主动与粉丝交流。 2直播4小时(根据数据而定不会强制要求) 3.主播月休4天(带薪) 4新老主播底薪+提成不同,多劳多得,底薪以每个月gmv突破决定上涨10% 公司简介 1公司包中/晚外餐 2.公司设有5个专业直播间,为主播提供良好的直播环境。 3.公司主播都在00年左右,好相处不存在勾心斗角。 4.业绩有明显上涨,有不定期团建活动 各大平台发展至今,卷的不行 单打独斗已经很难取得大的结果 也许您经历了很多行业 辗转了很多地方 找不到愿意扎根的土壤 满腹才华无法施展 试试和我们聊一下呢 说不定我们就是你要寻找的团队 优秀的我们期待优秀的你
  • 10k-15k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,国际贸易、商务英语类相关专业; 2、一年以上外贸营销工作经验,有国外参展经验; 3、了解进出口业务流程,熟悉外贸进出口业务环节; 4、具备良好的英语听说读写能力,熟练运用各种办公软件; 5、具备较好的沟通、协调及执行能力,工作踏实认真、应对快捷敏锐,责任心强。 工作职责: 1、联系和维护国外客户,开发新的海外客户; 2、积极促成订单,完成销售目标;; 3、利用海外社媒等平台拓展海外市场; 4、外贸订单客户的维护和管理; 5、外贸订单的生产和协调跟单的后续工作; 6、目标客户资料的整理,做好客户要求的及时反馈和处理;
  • 6k-8k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    任职要求: 1、专科及以上学历,英语读写良好优先考虑: 2、熟悉海外社交媒体平台规则及玩法,如FacebookTiktok、ins,有相关海外社媒运营经验一年以上: 3、善于捕捉热点,策划热梗,编撰文案,剪辑、引爆视频,具备独立策划,撰写脚本的能力与经验: 4、主动学习能力强,喜欢专研: 5、具有极强的执行力和沟通能力,能够快速把创意落 实,行动力超强: 工作职责: 1、负责公司海外社交平台账户的建设、运营与用户关系维护: 2、负责Facebook、Tiktok等海外社交媒体的运营策划发布工作,有独立创作内容输出、独立剪辑视频、策划活动的能力: 3、与粉丝建立良好关系,挖掘潜在客户需求,并帮助潜在客户答疑解惑,通过各类新媒体渠道对用户进行引导并引流至相关社交账号。 4、善于数据分析,结合数据策划线上推广方案
  • 5k-8k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,国际贸易、商务英语类相关专业; 2、一年以上外贸营销工作经验,有国外参展经验; 3、了解进出口业务流程,熟悉外贸进出口业务环节; 4、具备良好的英语听说读写能力,熟练运用各种办公软件; 5、具备较好的沟通、协调及执行能力,工作踏实认真、应对快捷敏锐,责任心强。 工作职责: 1、联系和维护国外客户,开发新的海外客户; 2、积极促成订单,完成销售目标;; 3、利用海外社媒等平台拓展海外市场; 4、外贸订单客户的维护和管理; 5、外贸订单的生产和协调跟单的后续工作; 6、目标客户资料的整理,做好客户要求的及时反馈和处理;
  • 5k-8k 经验不限 / 不限
    消费生活,电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    任职要求:有责任心,勤劳尽责,品行端正,执行力强,能够按时完成任务,不拘小节。 职位福利:(周末双休)
  • 8k-11k 经验不限 / 不限
    物流|运输 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    22~25/小时 压1天后 每天先日结200,可以日结15天,15天后转月结,每周可预支500元,剩下的每月20号发; ~~~~~~~~~ 短期工可以离职后一周内工资结清!) ~~~~~~~~~ 【门店不同 工价不同】 月薪7000~8000+ 做六休一! 【全上海最近安排】 ~~~~~~~ 长白班:7:20-21:30左右 ~~~~~~~~ 有些门店长期夜班也要 夜班20/21点~早8/9点 ~~~~~~~~ 会员店云仓 小商品 食品, 白班:拣货,打包, 夜班:补货,上架 年龄要求:18~45岁                   男女不限 地址: 1店:宝山区南大路201号 2店:杨浦区黄兴路1616号 3店:普陀区新村路1501号 4店:普陀区怒江北路449弄 5店:青浦区徐龙路168号 6店:青浦区清河湾路1121弄 7店:徐汇区田林路388号 8店:闵行区中春路6818弄 9店:闵行区春申路2328号 10店:长宁区中山西路1279弄 11店:松江区洞业路999弄 12店:松江区人民北路1515号 13店:松江区强业东路998弄 14店:浦东区严丰路218号 15店:浦东区金藏路258号 16店:浦东区康意路406号 17店:浦东区三林路235号 18店:浦东区德爱路450弄 19店:浦东区华夏东路595号 20店:浦东区临沂北路252号 21店:浦东区崮山路920号 22店:浦东区繁荣东路181号 23店:浦东区芳华路630弄 【以上门店最近安排】 注:不包吃住!公司直招! 不收任何费用!