• 12k-16k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    制造业,贸易|进出口,物流|运输 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    1. Specification To define requirements and specifications for simulation studies of systems of a small size / low complexity and for medium size / complexity systems with help from a more senior simulation engineer. 2. Architecture To define, specify and develop new simulation models, control algorithms and generic modules with help from a more senior simulation engineer. Hereby taking into account structure, scalability, re-usability and readability of the code. 3. Analysis To plan and perform system analysis and draw correct conclusions with respect to performance and compliancy with the requirements for systems of low complexity and for medium complexity systems with help from a more senior simulation engineer. 4. Optimization To contribute to optimization (less complex, improved performance, lower costs) of the solution under development or a part of it. 5. Process To contribute to implementing process improvements within the Simulation department. 6. Reporting To professionally report to (internal and external) customers and management with help from a more senior simulation engineer. This includes reporting on small / low complexity projects in the form of progress updates, clear and understandable reports, documents, presentations or emails and also archiving all of these. • Bachelor of Science working level. • Affinity with logistical processes and automated systems. • Affinity with technology, both software/controls and mechanical. • Affinity with modelling- and analysis techniques. • Analytic mindset. • Ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams. • Good communication skills. • Proficient in presenting to (external) customers. • Proficient in explaining models and algorithms.
  • 其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: - 根据产品开发流程,运用相应CAE理论和工具对产品进行仿真模拟并优化产品设计。 岗位要求: - 大学英语四级。 具备良好的读写能力。 口语熟练者优先。 - 力学,机械及材料成型等相关专业本科以上学历。 - 熟练使用常用3D设计软件(UG,Pro-E,CATIA等,其中一种即可),并具有实际工程应 用经验。 精通CATIA者优先。 - 精通前处理(网格划分) -至少精通以下模拟及相关软件的一种,并具有实际工程应用经验: CFD散热分析,熟练使用Fluent, Icepak, floefd等相关软件。 模流分析,熟练使用Moldflow。 振动分析,熟练使用Ansys。 - 1年以上CAE工作经验(2021年应届毕业生可择优录取) - 以客户需求为导向。具备团队合作意识,良好的沟通能力,及在压力下工作的能力。 - 有汽车行业工作经验者优先。
  • 8k-14k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位介绍: 1. Be familiar with the basis of operating system, OSI network model, various computer services and protocols. 1.熟悉操作系统基础、OSI网络模型、计算机各类服务和协议。 2. Be familiar with the principles of firewall, IDS / IPS and WAF, and be familiar with the security reinforcement of host operating system (Windows / Linux). 2. 熟悉防火墙、IDS/IPS、WAF等原理,熟悉主机操作系统(Windows/Linux)安全加固。 3. Be familiar with OWASP ****0 security risks, familiar with common vulnerability principles and reinforcement methods. 3. 熟悉OWASP ****0安全风险,熟悉常见漏洞原理及加固方法。 4. Master a variety of tools or platforms for penetration testing or simulation attacks, such as burpsuite, awvs, nmap, Nessus, sqlmap, Metasploit, cobaltstrike, etc. 4. 熟练掌握多种渗透测试或者模拟攻击的工具或平台,如:BurpSuite、AWVS、Nmap、Nessus、SQLmap、Metasploit、CobaltStrike等。 5. Master at least three red team attack skill fields (such as web / mobile app penetration, network penetration, network security simulation attack, social engineering, threat intelligence collection, etc.), be familiar with their principles and skills, have a certain vulnerability mining ability and defense vulnerability discovery ability, and be able to independently complete the test tasks arranged by the superior. 5. 熟练掌握至少三种红队攻击技能领域(如:web/mobile app渗透、网络渗透、网络安全模拟攻击、社交工程、威胁情报搜集等),熟悉其原理、技巧,具备一定程度的漏洞挖掘能力与防御弱点发现能力,能够独立完成上级安排的测试任务。 6. Have good report preparation ability, and be able to independently complete the preparation of penetration test, risk assessment and other reports. 6. 具有良好的报告编写能力,能独立完成渗透测试、风险评估等报告的编写。 7. CET-4 or above, with strong English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 7. 英语四级以上,有较强的英语阅读、写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 8. Be familiar with at least one computer programming language (C, Java, python, go, PHP, etc.). 8. 至少熟悉一种计算机编程语言(C、JAVA、Python、Go、PHP等)。 9. Be familiar with at least two international or regional compliance requirements or network security standards (such as China's network security law, personal information protection law, China's data security law, level protection 2.0, EU GDPR, ISO27000, NIST cybersecurity framework, NIST privacy framework, PCI-DSS, etc.), in security compliance, risk management have some practical experience in system planning. 9. 至少熟悉两种国际或区域性合规要求或者网络安全标准(如:中国网络安全法、个人信息保**、中国数据安全法、等级保护2.0、欧盟GDPR、ISO27000、NIST Cybersecuirty Framework、NIST Privacy Framework、PCI-DSS等),在安全合规、风险管理、体系规划等方面具备一定的实践经验。 10. Master Mandarin listening, speaking, reading and writing, CET-4 or above, have good Chinese and English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 10. 掌握普通话的听说读写,英语四级以上,有良好的中英文阅读与写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 11. Can work under pressure and accept flexible working time according to project’s requirement and can accept short-term travel. 11. 吃苦耐劳,能适应灵活的工作时间,根据项目需要,能接受短期国内出差。 12. Vulnerabilities submitted on major SRC platforms (extra points). 12. 在各大SRC平台提交过漏洞(加分项)。
  • 25k-40k·14薪 经验不限 / 不限
    电商平台,新零售 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1、深入理解公司业务流程及管理逻辑,通过数据分析定位业务痛点,设计基于人工智能算法的解决方案 2、运用机器学习、深度学习、强化学习、运筹优化、模拟仿真等技术方案,解决商品计划、分仓分货、物流调拨、门店配货等场景中的预测及优化问题,实现以数据驱动的智能决策 3、运用大型语言模型、自然语言处理技术,拉通集团内部各系统数据,搭建集团智能助手等应用,实现一站式办公协同系统 4、协同业务部门和数据平台部门,对现有模型进行快速迭代和高效维护,并对模型效果进行周期性统计及复盘分析 5、上级交办的其他事项 任职资格: 1、有良好的Python代码能力,熟悉高并发、高性能工程解决方案 2、算法理论知识扎实,掌握XGBoost/LSTM/CNN/线性规划/遗传算法等常见算法,并具有实际项目代码经验 3、 理解Agent-based simulation、System dynamics simulation的构建方式,及其与智能决策系统的交互方式,有实际项目经验 4、掌握大型语言模型LLM的基本逻辑,了解Langchain框架基本逻辑,具备NLP实际项目经验 5、统计学、计算机、软件工程等相关理工科本科及以上学位优先,有供应链、商业分析背景者优先
  • 25k-35k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商平台,新零售 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1、深入理解公司业务流程及管理逻辑,通过数据分析定位业务痛点,设计基于人工智能算法的解决方案 2、运用机器学习、深度学习、强化学习、运筹优化、模拟仿真等技术方案,解决商品计划、分仓分货、物流调拨、门店配货等场景中的预测及优化问题,实现以数据驱动的智能决策 3、运用大型语言模型、自然语言处理技术,拉通集团内部各系统数据,搭建集团智能助手等应用,实现一站式办公协同系统 4、协同业务部门和数据平台部门,对现有模型进行快速迭代和高效维护,并对模型效果进行周期性统计及复盘分析 5、上级交办的其他事项 任职资格: 1、有良好的Python代码能力,熟悉高并发、高性能工程解决方案 2、算法理论知识扎实,掌握XGBoost/LSTM/CNN/线性规划/遗传算法等常见算法,并具有实际项目代码经验 3、 理解Agent-based simulation、System dynamics simulation的构建方式,及其与智能决策系统的交互方式,有实际项目经验 4、掌握大型语言模型LLM的基本逻辑,了解Langchain框架基本逻辑,具备NLP实际项目经验 5、统计学、计算机、软件工程等相关理工科本科及以上学位优先,有供应链、商业分析背景者优先
  • 12k-24k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    制造业 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    -作为博西家电全球电子系统与驱动产品研发的中国中心,你将深度参与软硬件的开发与验证、驱动产品研发等核心工作,共同为家电产品提供内核支撑。 -这里有全球化的工作平台,开放包容的工作氛围,舒适宜人的工作环境,有挑战性的海外工作机会;跨职能、跨部门、跨地区的内部转岗机会;三个方向发展路径:领导力、技术专家、项目管理,等你来挑战! -我们提供业内有竞争力的薪酬,年终奖金与节假日礼金,五险一金,补充医疗保险,年度免费体检、双休、弹性上下班、移动办公、员工宿舍、免费午餐、免费班车、丰富的工会活动等。 Job Description: 1.Embedded software development for smart home appliance 为智能家电产品开发专用的嵌入式软件 2.Participating embedded software product overall process, including requirements, design, implementation and software release. 参与软件产品开发的全过程,包括需求分析,设计,实现和发布等 3.Cooperation with global team on software development 与全球团队合作软件产品的开发 4.Design, develop and test of advanced MCU software framework platform, high quality sensor software. 先进的单片机软件平台以及高质量传感器软件的设计,开发和测试 5.Contribution to Continuous Integration and Delivery, Automatic SW Testing (CI/CD) 致力于持续性的集成和交付(CI/CD), 自动化的软件测试 Professional Requirements: 1.Experienced with C/C++ language, good coding style. 熟悉C/C++语言,良好的编码风格。 2.2+ years MCU software develop experience. STM32 MCU development experience is preferred. 2年以上单片机软件开发经验。有STM32开发经验者佳. 3.Familiar with one or two simulation software (for example MATLAB…). Algorithm simulation and corresponding development experience are preferred. 掌握一到两个仿真软件(如MATLAB…),有一定的算法仿真和开发经验者佳. 4.Familiar with hardware schematics, skilled use of oscilloscope, multi-meter and other debugging tools. 熟悉硬件原理图,熟练使用示波器、万用表等调试工具。 5.Strong sense of responsibility, good communication, compression, creativity and English reading skills. 强烈的责任心,良好的沟通能力、抗压能力、创新能力和英文资料阅读能力。 6.Self-driven, willing to accept new challenges 自我驱动,愿意接受新的挑战。
  • 30k-60k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    智能硬件,区块链 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Job responsibility: 1.Responsible for the specification formulation, design, simulation and verification of photo diode and light for CMOS image sensor 2.Cooperate with application and test engineer to design test plan and evaluate chip performance; 3.Cooperate with analog design and digital design to make a CMOS image sensor. Job requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, CMOS image sensor design experience is preferred; 2. Familiar with TCAD, Spectra, Lumerical and TOCCATA tools; 3. Familiar with the working principle of CMOS image sensor, 4.Understand the composition and working principle of pixels; 5.Familiar with the theoretical basis of analog circuit design, familiar with device model 6.Understand the process technology; 7.Strong learning ability, analytical ability, communication skills, good team spirit.
  • 20k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    医疗丨健康,其他 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Base胜浦 英语听说流利 70%医疗仪器注册研发,30%技术支持 General Summary & Overall Challenges We are looking for a dynamic Electronics Engineer to join our team! The ideal candidate will be an experienced Electronics Engineer who is seeking an exciting product development opportunity where the key responsibility will be to bring engineering development experience to our Engineering team. 1 The primary responsibility for this position is to support our ongoing development programs for transferring legacy products. The Electronics Engineer will be a critical team member working multi-functionally in supporting legacy instrumentation in cost reduction, product design changes and regulatory and *****ization. 2 Support the production lines and technical issue trouble shooting. Work closely with QA, Sourcing, Purchasing and NPI departments during the project. The position is located in Suzhou and is part of a team of highly skilled engineers in RSUZ working for IA team. RUSZ is a manufacture center with the vision of accelerating product roadmaps in China. The teams consist of highly hardworking hardware engineers and manufacture engineer. The teams are supported by ***** Product managers, Quality & Regulatory. The inhouse teams works in close coordination with other global R&D centers at US, Denmark and Poland. We are responsible for the task for the Immunoassay Analyzers in Radiometer. II. Key Responsibilities Responsibilities Measure of performance • Support and lead hardware sustaining, and research and development projects from an electronics perspective (analog / digital circuits and FPGA). • Ensures robust/reliable product design, verification and validation of initial and subsequent design changes making sure that all NMPA/FDA/ISO/EN and other related requirements are consistently met. • Handle design execution of sophisticated projects using a strong systems approach including hardware, software, fluidics, reagents, biologics, leading closure of all technical gaps throughout ideation and development life cycle. • Create Design of Experiments (DOE) and test reports, including summarizing results, drawing conclusions from test results and proposing recommendations, and present to peers and management. • Function as the CAD Librarian for OrCAD CIS. III. Requirements for this position (“What” the candidate can do) a) Formal Education • Bachelors/Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering or equivalent. b) “Must Have” Competencies / Skills / Experience • Should have 7+ years of relevant experience in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Product Design & Development domain. • Experience with IVD and/or Life Science instruments – desired. • Understanding of Product Development Process, Life Cycles Management, and Manufacturing. • Experience in Analog, Digital, Control and Microcontroller centered Electrical design. • Experience in FPGA design with knowledge of Verilog and VHDL languages is a plus. • Experience using Orcad design and layout. • Experience in Simulation and timing analysis. • Experience in EMC test trouble shooting. • Experience in programming and firmware coding a plus. • Proven knowledge and application of manufacturing testing systems in-circuit and functional testing. • Ability to work independently and on cross-functional. • Ability to travel as needed. • Good knowledge of medical device industry related standards like ISO 13485 will be preferred. c) Language Fluency in English both written and verbal d) Travel (required estimated % of time) Travel ~10% (Based on the business needs during the Non COVID times) e) Other • Customer-facing experience IV. Personal Skills VII. WHY IS THIS POSITION AN ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITY? This position offers a unique opportunity to be a key part of RD Suzhou, and with big opportunity to be developed as an expert / leader of Immunoassay analysers in medical instrument.
  • 26k-27k·15薪 经验不限 / 博士
    教育|培训 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 一、工作职责: 1. 开展高水平课题研究,独立完成科研任务,发表具有国际影响力的研究成果; 2. 协助课题组项目申请,积极依托课题组申请国家、省、市项目及课题; 3. 协助指导硕士或本科生; 4. 协助课题组建设和管理。 二、研究方向: (一)谭刚教授课题组 1.导师简介 谭刚,浙江大学求是讲席教授,博士生导师,创新实验室主任。研究工作曾获得国家层面如自然科学研究基金、地方政府、区域研究机构等多方支持,主持或参与基础研究项目十余项,发表研究论文90余篇,其中包括在Science (3篇), Joule, Nature Communications, ACS Energy Letters, Nano Energy等**期刊发表多篇文章。谭刚教授及合作团队在被动式辐射制冷技术、太阳光热和长波辐射动态调控智能窗、高性能碳基材料、水凝胶和气凝胶等基于新材料的节能技术进行了研究和探索,做出了具有一定首创性意义的工作,相关研究获得国内外专利授权多项,兼任《Building Simulation》副主编。 2.研究方向 建筑新材料、可穿戴电子材料、节能减排新技术、可再生能源及利用、建筑环境控制等。 三、岗位待遇 1. 薪酬:年薪40万元起(含人才补贴),优秀博士年薪一事一议; 2. 福利:享受用餐补贴、节假日福利、生日福利、健康体检等,符合条件者可享受嘉善县相应人才政策;提供人才公寓租住,协助解决子女入学入托等问题; 3. 绿色通道:期满出站后优先录用至中心科学研究岗位或工程技术岗位或推荐至省内其他高校或科研院所; 4. 其他支持:支持申报博士后科学基金、国家自然科研基金(青年和面上项目)等人才项目(见下表);根据个人学历、职称等实际情况按照嘉善县人才政策享受相应的人才补助待遇。 任职要求: 1. 近三年内获得博士学位,身心健康,原则上年龄不超过35周岁; 2. 专业理论基础扎实,有相关学科背景,并具有创新意识; 3. 具有优秀团队协作能力和独立科研精神,能主动开展研究工作,学术作风端正、严谨。 4. 具备良好的英语听说读写能力; 5. 能够全职从事博士后工作,无博士后退站经历。
  • 30k-40k·16薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Position Overview Product designers and engineers face all kinds of challenges bringing their ideas to life. As an Autodesk Product Manager, your job will be to identify and articulate the impact of those challenges to help guide a world class product team develop revolutionary customer solutions. Behind every great product at Autodesk, there are people with great empathy for the customer, insight into what is possible and the ability to uncover unarticulated customer needs. Solutions you identify will combine the best of simulation technologies, core Autodesk strengths and essential manufacturing process insights. In this role you will help to drive solution strategy and direction, bridging technical and business worlds as you introduce a disruptive goal driven approach to generating manufacturing options & insights. To be successful in this role, you must be results-driven, an enthusiastic self-starter, a strong collaborative leader and experienced in discrete manufacturing. Responsibilities Take responsibility for the “whole” product/solution experience Clearly articulate market problems & solution objectives to guide design and engineering teams Partner with extend product management teams to ensure a coordinated solution outcome Identify and describe target customers, users and purchase influencers Establish subject matter expertise on assigned projects/solution areas Create solution examples and workflow vignettes Develop core messages describing solution/approach benefits Represent solutions at industry events and to key internal/external audiences Review product deliverables to assure the offering is complete and well documented Evangelize internally and externally and at all levels, including sales, development, end users, executives, media & analysts Track and understand the competitive landscape and evolving market dynamics Initiate market research and market sizing in order to identify/quantify opportunities Plan and execute primary research to identify customer problems Conduct end-user interviews by phone and in person to uncover insights into customer perceptions, problems and workflows Create proposals prioritizing customer problems and illustrating how recommended investments will improve customer satisfaction, enhance Autodesk credibility or increase differentiation Minimum Qualifications BS, MBA/MS preferred Agile/SCRUM development process experience is a plus 5+ years of Product Management/product ownership experience 5+ years Manufacturing industry experience is required Experience defining product requirements Experience developing product positioning, identifying target customers, creating user personas, and developing core product value propositions Experience conducting both primary and secondary market research Hands on experience in manufacturing, fluent in processes and ecosystems Experience authoring and editing video content Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills Enjoys participating in team as well as independently accountable roles Fluent in English, both written and verbal Strong project management, planning, research and analytic skills (analysis & synthesis) Ability to travel approximately 25% Preferred Qualifications Skilled diplomat with high levels of confidence and maturity working within a matrix organization Strong passion for product management Fusion 360, Solidworks, Inventor
  • 25k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE As a member of the Autopilot Infrastructure team, you will design, deploy and support a diverse set of backend services and tools that power Autopilot software and processes. The systems you build will have a large impact on Autopilot, from fleet data collection & processing, to Machine Learning workflows, to evaluation and validation of the Autopilot software stack. As an engineer on the Autopilot Infrastructure team, you bring top-notch reliability engineering skills and can contribute to our systems immediately. A strong candidate will have strong background in backend, distributed systems and Linux administration. RESPONSIBILITIES Design, deploy and support backend services and tools that handle fleet data collection, batch processing, training, simulation, and evaluation based on real-world sensor data. Influence architectural decisions with focus on security, scalability, reliability and high performance. Setup and maintain monitoring, metrics & reporting systems for fine-grained observability and actionable alerting. Work closely with the other Autopilot teams to design and implement backend components required for future Autopilot features and processes. REQUIREMENTS MUST Experience with Python. Experience with Linux, networking, storage and virtualization automation with tools like Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Puppet or similar. PREFERRED Experience with AWS services such as EC2/S3/RDS/SQS. In-depth knowledge of container orchestrators and cluster management software. Experience with data stores and indexers like PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis. Experience with C++, Go.
  • 汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE As a Software QA Engineer, you will be responsible for validating all current and future Autopilot features on the path to full self-driving. You will work very closely with the development team to drive the validation of new and existing Autopilot features, and you will be responsible for reporting and investigating issues that are detected in the field. The work you do will directly impact the experience that our customers around the world have with Autopilot. You will work with teams in Europe, US and Asia. This will require you to be flexible in terms of time. A strong candidate will possess excellent quality assurance skills with a great attention to detail, have prior industry experience testing sensory-based robotics motion, planning and controls features, and have a self-driven attitude and passion to deliver the highest quality software possible. RESPONSIBILITIES Help transition Tesla’s Autopilot to full self-driving by developing & validating features including Autosteer, Navigate on Autopilot, Smart Summon, and more. Support in maintaining existing tooling/automation/simulation code and pitch your own validation requirements to the tooling team on new tooling projects. Perform functional, stress, and performance tests on multiple levels within the system including vehicle software simulation, hardware-in-the-loop automation, and in-vehicle testing. Leverage Tesla’s vast telemetry pipeline to monitor Autopilot performance in the field. Identify effective test strategies for new/existing features and craft test plans accordingly. Analyze issues detected during your tests or reported by others and work closely with firmware developers to fix issues and validate software changes. Review of system requirements for testability and make sure software meets internal requirements. Create data visualizations and metrics. REQUIREMENTS MUST Evidence of solid coding skills in Python or C++. A live coding test will be part of the interview procedure. Very strong English communication skills in conversation and writing. Qualified in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Software Engineering, Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems Engineering, or the equivalent in practical experience and evidence of exceptional ability. Several years of experience feature validation in the field of automotive, aerospace, nautical or robotic systems, embedded or system-level software, or consumer electronics hardware/software. Evidence of hands-on experience troubleshooting on both software and hardware level. Valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Outstanding attention to detail. PREFERRED Manual test execution is not considered as relevant experience. Flexibility of traveling to various domestic and international destinations when necessary, to test vehicles on public roads, test tracks and proving grounds. Experience testing ADAS features, and/or experience testing computer vision systems a big plus but not a must. Candidates with strong validation and test-automation experience from other fields of work, are welcomed to apply.
  • 30k-35k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    BMW is focusing on the development of automated driving (AD) with great effort. In order to develop and test highly intelligent software for environmental perception, maneuver planning and acting, which finally enables the self-driving capability of an autonomous car, a huge amount of environmental sensor data needs to be collected, hosted and processed in an AD Development Platform (AD Data Center). The processing covers e.g. broad data analytics, reprocessing and KPI evaluation, simulation, virtual endurance run, etc. The BMW AD team in China is fully integreated into the global network of highly educated experts of different domains. In this job you will play a crucial role at the interfaces between BMW AD SW development and IT teams as well as Chinese internet tech-companies and high-tech AD suppliers. Big data, distributed data and RaaS(Reprocessing as a Service) (e.g. MapReduce, HDFS,Airflow,Jenkins,CI\CD etc.,) will be your core focus. Your prime target will be to accelerate the AD product development by analyse FTs requriments and designing big data architectures , tasking the development of related big data applications and managing their deployment to a massive off-site data center BMW just developed in cooperation with a big Chinese Tech-Player. In order to achieve this target you will be exposed to a complex project environment involving both BMW internal and external partners. You will be working with are Docker, Openshift, Kubernetes, Grafana, SPARK etc. switch global environment to *****. Major Responsibilities: -Design, deployment and improvement of distributed, big data systems targeting automated driving applications; -Tasking the development and improvement of off-board backend big data applications and related communication protocols targeting automated driving use cases; -Management and structuring of requirements provided by BMW's AD development teams regarding the big data AD platform; -Steering of BMW China AD development teams and external cooperation partners (big Chinese Tech-Player) regarding data driven development; -Review, monitor and report the status of own project; -Support in the budget planning process for the organization unit; -Research, recommend, design and develop our Big Data Architecture. Ensures system, technical and product architectures are aligned with China data platfrom strategy; Qualifications: -Master/Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science,Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Information Technology or another related field or Equivalent; -Good communication skills, good language skills in English; German language skills optional and appreciated; -Rich experience in big data processing Hadoop/Spark ecosystem applications like Hadoop, Hive, Spark and Kafka preferred; -Solid programming skills, like Java, Scala or Python; -Rich experience in docker and Kubernetes; -Familiar with CI/CD tools, like Jenkins and Ansible; -Substantial knowledge and experience in software development and engineering in (distributed big data) cloud/ compute/ data lake/datacenter systems (MAPR,Openshift,docker etc.,) -Experience with scheduling tools is a plus, like Airflow and Oozie preferred; -Experience with AD data analysis e.g. Lidar, Radar, image/video data and CAN bus data. -Experience in building and maintaining data quality standards and processes; -Strong background working with Linux/UNIX environments; -Strong Shell/Perl/Ruby/Python scripting experience; -Experience with other NoSQL databases is a plus, like Elasticsearch and HBase preferred; -Solid communication skills with ability to communicate sophisticated technical concepts and align on decisions with global and China ***** partners; -Passion to stay on top of the latest happenings in the tech world and an attitude to discuss and bring those into play; -Must have strong hands-on experience in data warehouse ETL design and development, be able to build scalable and complex ETL pipelines for different source data with different format;
  • 20k-40k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 硕士
    智能硬件 / A轮 / 500-2000人
    1、负责机器人多体动力学模型搭建,包括且不限于整机系统晃动,部件共振等分析; 2、负责建立动力学及静力仿真流程及教程,协助提升其他机械工程师的仿真能力; 3、参与新的机器人/设备开发,负责相关结构的仿真分析及结构优化; 4、进行仿真相关流程及基础知识培训,如网格划分、计算器选型等; 5、针对较为复杂的问题和多样环境,针对公司所想开发的机器人,提出优秀的结构或动力参数方案; 6、按照公司规定的流程制度工作,并及时提出更好的解决方案 任职资格: 1、机械、力学、车辆等相关专业,硕士及以上学历,至少CAE分析5年经验; 2、5年以上多体动力学及静力学的仿真工作经验,精通至少一款三维多体动力学仿真软件(如ANSYS),且可接受使用solidwork simulation进行教程编写; 3、具备很强的数据分析意识、优秀的技术自驱力和业务思考力,擅长使用相关数据分析软件,如maple,matlab等专业软件; 4、扎实的理论基础,精通机械原理、各类传动机构及其设计标准化知识、机械加工工艺知识,要求了解轴承、齿轮、平键、链传动等传动机构的仿真软件,如Kisssoft等; 5、对前公司某领域的技术和业务发展有推动作用,能影响业务决策,有解决中大型复杂项目问题的能力; 6、热爱机械行业,对团队能力提升有过突出贡献,最好有带团队经验; 7、具备开放的心态,优秀的技术自驱力和业务思考力; 8、有仓储物流项目(立库、AGV、传输分拣等)机械、方案相关研发设计经验优先。
  • 15k-30k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    智能硬件 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    职责描述: 1、负责机器人产品结构系统的研发设计工作、文件编制,关键器件选型等; 2、负责机器人三维结构设计、出图、组装、调试; 3、负责机器人的强度校核,优化设计等。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上机械设计、机械自动化相关专业,3年以上工作经验; 2、能独立进行产品结构系统的开发设计工作 2、熟悉电机、减速器、齿轮传动、链条传动、丝杆导轨等; 3、熟悉机加工、钣金表面处理、注塑等工艺,具备降噪、密封、散热、防水设计经验; 4、熟练使用Solidworks、AutoCAD等常用设计软件,掌握solidworks simulation motion或Ansys、Adams静力学仿真和正向逆向动力学求解技能的优先; 5、从事过工业机器人相关结构设计的优先。