• 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责抖音生活服务营销平台前端开发工作,包括但不限于活动会场、会员中心以及中后台系统等的开发; 2、持续改善前端用户体验,包括但不限于页面渲染性能优化、动效的实现,及时响应用户交互等; 3、通过工程化手段,持续提升前端开发效率、自动化以及Oncall效率等; 4、与团队成员良好的沟通协作,积极主动推动项目进展,逻辑清晰,有自己的思考与技术规划。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机、通讯等相关专业,3年及以上工作经验优先; 2、扎实的计算机知识,有较强的逻辑能力和学习能力;熟练掌握JavaScript,HTML和CSS; 3、前端工程化经验,包括但不限于构建和CICD等,熟悉Webpack、Vite等至少一种构建工具; 4、热爱编程,责任心强,有较强的学习能力,有强烈的求知欲,具有良好的团队沟通与协作能力; 5、有 Hybrid(Weex/React Native/Flutter 等)或大型应用开发经验优先。
  • 26k-45k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责公司移动产品的研发,编写高质量的代码; 2、和产品经理配合,深度参与手机产品需求讨论,功能定义等; 3、参与 APP 性能、体验优化及质量监控评估体系建设; 4、参与 Hybrid 容器搭建,插件、React Native 等动态技术调研。 职位要求: 1、有强烈的求知欲和进取心; 2、具有扎实的编程功底,良好的设计能力和编程习惯; 3、一年以上 iOS 开发经验,熟练掌握 Objective-C,能独立开发 iPhone App 者优先; 4、对软件产品有强烈的责任心,具备良好的沟通能力和优秀的团队协作能力; 5、有 Hybrid 开发经验(Weex/React Native/Flutter 等)优先。
  • 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责 1.负责移动端和PC 端前端项目的开发迭代,参与需求讨论、方案设计、接口对接、编码与性能调优等工作; 2.负责模块化框架设计与开发; 3.负责前端前沿技术研究和新技术调研。 任职要求 1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,3 年以上 web 开发经验; 2.对 Vue, React 等前端框架有实操经验,并深入理解其设计原理,熟练使用 Javascript、Typescript 语言与 HTML5、CSS3 等技术; 3.熟练使用 git ,对 node 、 webpack 有了解,熟悉模块化、前端编译和构建工具; 4.熟悉 Web 性能优化,具备良好的代码风格,有接口、架构设计能力; 5.熟悉 Hybrid App 开发,有对接 Native 端能力经验、了解 JS 桥原理的优先; 6.持续关注前端技术发展,热爱写代码,有个人独立作品/开源项目优先; 7.具有良好的学习能力,有较好的沟通能力,优秀的问题分析和解决能力,能迅速融入团队。
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    科技金融 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    职责描述: 1、负责iOS开发及架构设计; 2、负责制定iOS开发相关规范,解决开发过程中的技术难点; 4、关注前端前沿技术研究,持续的优化前端体验和页面响应速度,优化代码并保持良好兼容性,提升页面的友好度和易用性 任职要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,3年以上iOS研发经验; 2、对移动市场领域中的前沿技术,网络架构等移动技术有一定的了解; 3、精通iOS,包括Object C、 Swift、SDK,掌握相关框架及原理,了解iOS系统底层;熟悉Hybrid开发模式,有vue开发经验者优先 4、熟悉iOS高性能编程,性能优化; 5、有良好的沟通协调能力,抗压力,适应高强度工作节奏
  • 60k-80k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    美团的使命是“帮大家吃得更好,生活更好”,公司聚焦“零售 + 科技”战略,和广大商户与各类合作伙伴一起,努力为消费者提供品质生活,推动商品零售和服务零售在需求侧和供给侧的数字化转型。 2018年9月20日,美团正式在港交所挂牌上市。美团将始终坚持以客户为中心,不断加大在科技研发方面的投入,更好承担社会责任,更多创造社会价值,与广大合作伙伴一起发展共赢。 岗位职责 1. 负责终端动态化容器鸿蒙端和渲染能力的技术架构与模块设计,确保项目高质量、高性能交付; 2. 对项目中的技术难点和重点进行深入研究和解决,能够总结积累可复用的经验; 3. 结合美团的业务场景需要,探索行业前沿技术,规划容器长期技术路线; 4. 负责团队建设与培养,为其他工程师提供指导,提升整体技术能力与开发效率。 岗位基本需求 1. 精通 C++ 编程语言,具备规模性项目实践经验,具有出色的编码能力,扎实的计算机科学功底; 2. 具有移动端开发经验,对 iOS 或 Android 操作系统有深入的理解; 3. 具备优秀的架构设计能力,能够灵活掌握并深入实践设计基本原则,能够制定长期技术规划; 4. 具备严谨的思维逻辑,优秀的沟通协作和团队合作能力。 具备以下者优先 1. 熟悉 ArkTS 和鸿蒙上的主流开发框架(例如 ArkUI); 2. 了解动态化容器原理,熟悉 Hybrid、React Native、Flutter 等前沿技术之一; 3. 具有浏览器内核的定制开发经验,或对终端渲染机制有过深入研究; 4. 有团队管理经验,在团队组建、人才培养等方面有较好的经验和心得; 5. 乐于分享和沟通,活跃于 GitHub 和各大技术社区,或有自己的高质量原创博客。 岗位亮点 1. 加入美团 App 研发团队,为亿万用户提供功能丰富、体验卓越的 App,帮助大家 Eat Better, Live Better; 2. 充分发挥技术的杠杆作用,满足复杂多样的技术需求,支撑并驱动美团各业务快速发展; 3. 能和互联网一流研发团队的技术大牛一起,综合学习,共同进步。
  • 30k-50k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1. 参与鸿蒙端动态化容器的架构设计,确保项目研发质量和代码的可维护性; 2. 负责鸿蒙端动态化容器的模块设计与实现,实现高性能、高质量的容器模块; 3. 对项目中的技术难点和重点进行深入研究和总结,积累可复用的经验。 4. 能够主动解决和推动项目前鸿蒙端动态化容器技术领域的阻塞点和难点; 5. 结合美团的业务需求,探索行业前沿技术,规划容器技术路线。 岗位基本要求: 1. 掌握 C/C++ 编程语言,熟悉模板编程、内存管理等; 2. 具有出色的编码能力,扎实的计算机基础,包括数据结构、算法和操作系统等; 3. 具备优秀的架构设计能力,广阔的技术视野,能够灵活掌握并深入实践设计基本原则; 4. 具备严谨的思维逻辑,优秀的沟通协作和团队合作能力。 具备以下优先: 1. 熟悉 ArkTS 和鸿蒙上的主流开发框架(例如 ArkUI); 2. 作为主要贡献者参与过有影响力的开源产品的开发; 3. 了解 Web 开发,熟悉浏览器内核的运行机制; 4. 了解动态化容器原理,熟悉 Hybrid、React Native、Flutter 等前沿技术之一; 5. 乐于分享和沟通,活跃于 GitHub 和各大技术社区,或有自己的高质量原创博客。
  • 20k-32k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    工具类产品 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1、负责华为原生鸿蒙系统特性研究,原有Android app 的功能在鸿蒙os 上的设计和实现 2、鸿蒙os app 整体架构,组件,及相关的开发配套设施建设 任职资格: 1、本科,有优秀的计算机基础,学历优先优先,相关经历优先 2、熟悉前端开发,熟悉javascript,typescript,css,html,动态布局等,熟悉react or vue开发框架 3、有iOS或Android开发经验,有跨端开发经验尤佳(react native,flutter,hybrid,taro,uniapp等),具备后台开发能力也很欢迎 4、很强的自学能力和自我驱动力,良好的沟通交流能力
  • 30k-60k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    居住服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1. 负责鸿蒙操作系统应用底层能力的需求分析、架构设计、实现、关键技术攻关、验证和选型等工作。 2. 对移动端监控系统、持续集成、跨端能力开发、维护、优化,提高研发效率。 3. 对移动端App进行性能调优、安全保障、容器能力及工程优化。 4. 参与执行相关技术规范制定,文档编写。 任职资格: 1. 熟悉 鸿蒙/Android/iOS 开发,熟悉开发工具和相关性能调试工具的使用 2. 有丰富的性能优化经验和架构设计经验,对代码质量有较高追求 3. 对 鸿蒙/Android/ioS 的底层实现技术有一定掌握,理解内存管理与多线程工作 4. 有 hybrid 技术项目经验,熟悉 小程序、ReactNative、Weex、Flutter 等技术优先 5. 具有优秀的团队合作能力和沟通协作能力,善于学习,乐于分享,热爱挑战
  • 20k-40k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    游戏 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Why Join Us Yotta’s huge fanbase has helped turn us into a globally ranked game developer with offices worldwide. Despite our success, at heart we are still players trying to create exciting and engaging, never-before-experienced games. That drive to make games that we want to play is what animates our well-resourced, ambitious, creative team members. Working together in a supportive, open workplace and taking cues from our gaming communities, we create products that entertain the world. Responsibilities Yotta is in the process of staffing up the R&D team located in Los Angeles, with talented game professionals to build our first AAA open world game project. We are looking for a talented and experienced lighting expert who will report to the game director and collaborate with other teams like the cinematics team and technical art team to help create a highly immersive game environment and cutscenes. What You'll Be Doing: • Create lighting for all game world environments when taking into account the requirements of gameplay, game narrative and game feel; • Collaborate with different team members such as level, mission, and narrative designers to present the perfect visuals and the resulting player experience; • Adjust in-game lighting according to the art directions and the requests of artists; • Make use of lighting system tools to streamline processes; • Create lighting for cutscenes, working alongside the Cinematic Director; • Teach other team members about the finer points of lighting in AAA game design. Qualifications We Expect You To Have: • Over 5 years working experience in lighting; • Participated in the production of at least 2 shipped AAA games in lighting role; • Familiarity with Unreal Engine 5 and 3D softwares, especially Lumen in UE5; • Deep knowledge base in the art of lighting, including the use of light, color, source, brightness, and shadow; • In-depth knowledge of the latest developments in lighting tech, with experience in various lighting techniques and tools; • Highly self-motivated, great communication skills and team spirit; • Passion for the game industry. Even Better If You Have: • Experience working with international teams in different time zones. Additional Information • This is a hybrid role based in Los Angeles (currently hybrid because of pandemic). Yotta is committed to building an inclusive environment where creative professionals from a multitude of diverse cultural backgrounds collaborate to inspire audiences and each other. We are passionately supportive of equality in all its forms and never discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, orientation, identity, national origin, handicap, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law.
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    游戏 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Why Join Us Yotta’s huge fanbase has helped turn us into a globally ranked game developer with offices worldwide. Despite our success, at heart we are still players trying to create exciting and engaging, never-before-experienced games. That drive to make games that we want to play is what animates our well-resourced, ambitious, creative team members. Working together in a supportive, open workplace and taking cues from our gaming communities, we create products that entertain the world. Responsibilities As a Level Designer you will create and fulfill the environment of each level. You will also implement and update the logic components that are necessary for these levels to work. What You’ll Be Doing: • Based on our story, create a complete and fascinating level for single player; • Ensure the quality and consistency of your work from conception to delivery by correcting bugs and iterating based on peer assessment; • Actively participate in reviews of additional game modes and levels; • Build replayable level mechanisms. Qualifications We Expect You To Have: • 3+ years’ experience in game industry as a level designer role; • Shipped at least one project, ideally ARPG genre in a level design role; • Deep knowledge of game editor tools such as Radiant, Unreal, Unity or Crytek Editors; • A strong demonstrable portfolio of personal and/or professional work; • A proactive, self-driven teammate with outstanding problem-solving abilities; • Capability of communicating well both verbally and in writing. Even Better If You Have: • Experience in shipping AAA games; • Experience in shipping large open world games; • Experience in Unreal 4/5 projects. Additional Information • This is a hybrid role based in Los Angeles (currently hybrid because of pandemic). Yotta is committed to building an inclusive environment where creative professionals from a multitude of diverse cultural backgrounds collaborate to inspire audiences and each other. We are passionately supportive of equality in all its forms and never discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, orientation, identity, national origin, handicap, or any other category protected by applicable federal and state law.
  • 35k-65k 经验不限 / 本科
    智能硬件,电商平台 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述 1、承担无人车运动规划中运动规划、行为决策等相关算法研发、实现与测试; 2、调研决策规划领域先进科研成果; 3、设计算法评价指标与测试场景。 职位要求 1、良好的数理基础与逻辑推理、分析问题的能力,良好的算法基础; 2、熟悉C++,具有良好的编程能力; 3、具有团队协作精神,良好的沟通能力; 4、对无人车行业或决策规划问题感兴趣。 熟悉以下至少一个方面: 1、熟悉数值优化、凸优化或全局优化算法; 2、熟悉不确定环境下的决策规划问题,如MDP、POMDP及求解算法; 3、熟悉基于搜索的运动规划算法,如Hybrid A*、State Lattice、MCTS等 ; 4、熟悉现代控制理论,包括非线性控制、最优控制、MPC等; 5、熟悉经典机器学习方法,如RL、IRL、概率图模型等; 加分项: 1、ACM/ICPC、CCPC、NOI、IOI等计算机/信息学竞赛获奖经历。
  • 20k-40k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    【职位描述】 1. 参与公司端侧Web跨平台框架和生态的整体建设工作; 2. 完成端侧Web跨平台基础组件的开发工作,服务于各业务研发团队,包括但不限于SDK、基础组件、调试工具、监控工具等; 3. 完成相关技术难题攻坚及工程建设与持续优化; 4. 完成相关前沿技术的探索实验、推进其在业务线落地。 【职位要求】 1. 软件工程、计算机、通信或相关专业本科及以上学历,2年以上相关工作经验; 2. 熟练掌握各种前端语言,包括 HTML / CSS / JavaScript / TypeScript 等; 3. 至少掌握Vue / Angular / React 主流框架中的一种,理解框架背后的思想; 4. 有 Electron / 小程序 / Flutter / ReactNative / Hybrid 跨平台开发经验; 5. 加分项:曾参与或熟悉 Android / iOS / Windows / macOS 平台App开发。 【职位诱惑】 1. 腾讯背书的金融平台,分享海外投资趋势和公司快速成长的红利; 2. 公司内部定期课程,提升个人投资认知,助力财富管理能力成长; 3. 六险一金、上市公司、行业龙头、前景广阔。
  • 20k-40k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Senior Front-end Development Engineer (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity, and we urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 2 years of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS / Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 20k-40k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Senior Front-end Development Engineer (Frontend/Full stack) (SSW China is now based in Hangzhou, and we'd love to invite you to come and join us in Hangzhou) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity and urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 2 years of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • A minimum of 2 years of commercial experience with front-end development • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS and/or Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 15k-30k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    金融业 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    职位描述 1、负责web/wap/hybrid 研发,与产品经理和UI配合完成产品功能开发和优化; 2、配合交互设计师及视觉设计师实现交互效果,配合后台工程师完成应用开发; 3、负责前端基础架构、组件抽象。 职位要求 1、本科及以上学历,计算机、通信等相关专业; 2、熟练掌握JavaScript、CSS、HTML,及动画、协议、安全、网络、性能优化等前端技术,对主流前端框架( React \ Vue \ Angular等)至少一种有深入应用并深入理解其设计原理; 3、对用户体验、交互操作流程、及用户需求有一定了解; 4、具备良好的服务意识、责任心、较强的学习能力、优秀的团队沟通与协作能力; 5、去中心化办公,可base全国。