• 8k-14k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位介绍: 1. Be familiar with the basis of operating system, OSI network model, various computer services and protocols. 1.熟悉操作系统基础、OSI网络模型、计算机各类服务和协议。 2. Be familiar with the principles of firewall, IDS / IPS and WAF, and be familiar with the security reinforcement of host operating system (Windows / Linux). 2. 熟悉防火墙、IDS/IPS、WAF等原理,熟悉主机操作系统(Windows/Linux)安全加固。 3. Be familiar with OWASP ****0 security risks, familiar with common vulnerability principles and reinforcement methods. 3. 熟悉OWASP ****0安全风险,熟悉常见漏洞原理及加固方法。 4. Master a variety of tools or platforms for penetration testing or simulation attacks, such as burpsuite, awvs, nmap, Nessus, sqlmap, Metasploit, cobaltstrike, etc. 4. 熟练掌握多种渗透测试或者模拟攻击的工具或平台,如:BurpSuite、AWVS、Nmap、Nessus、SQLmap、Metasploit、CobaltStrike等。 5. Master at least three red team attack skill fields (such as web / mobile app penetration, network penetration, network security simulation attack, social engineering, threat intelligence collection, etc.), be familiar with their principles and skills, have a certain vulnerability mining ability and defense vulnerability discovery ability, and be able to independently complete the test tasks arranged by the superior. 5. 熟练掌握至少三种红队攻击技能领域(如:web/mobile app渗透、网络渗透、网络安全模拟攻击、社交工程、威胁情报搜集等),熟悉其原理、技巧,具备一定程度的漏洞挖掘能力与防御弱点发现能力,能够独立完成上级安排的测试任务。 6. Have good report preparation ability, and be able to independently complete the preparation of penetration test, risk assessment and other reports. 6. 具有良好的报告编写能力,能独立完成渗透测试、风险评估等报告的编写。 7. CET-4 or above, with strong English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 7. 英语四级以上,有较强的英语阅读、写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 8. Be familiar with at least one computer programming language (C, Java, python, go, PHP, etc.). 8. 至少熟悉一种计算机编程语言(C、JAVA、Python、Go、PHP等)。 9. Be familiar with at least two international or regional compliance requirements or network security standards (such as China's network security law, personal information protection law, China's data security law, level protection 2.0, EU GDPR, ISO27000, NIST cybersecurity framework, NIST privacy framework, PCI-DSS, etc.), in security compliance, risk management have some practical experience in system planning. 9. 至少熟悉两种国际或区域性合规要求或者网络安全标准(如:中国网络安全法、个人信息保**、中国数据安全法、等级保护2.0、欧盟GDPR、ISO27000、NIST Cybersecuirty Framework、NIST Privacy Framework、PCI-DSS等),在安全合规、风险管理、体系规划等方面具备一定的实践经验。 10. Master Mandarin listening, speaking, reading and writing, CET-4 or above, have good Chinese and English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 10. 掌握普通话的听说读写,英语四级以上,有良好的中英文阅读与写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 11. Can work under pressure and accept flexible working time according to project’s requirement and can accept short-term travel. 11. 吃苦耐劳,能适应灵活的工作时间,根据项目需要,能接受短期国内出差。 12. Vulnerabilities submitted on major SRC platforms (extra points). 12. 在各大SRC平台提交过漏洞(加分项)。
  • 30k-40k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    科技金融 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    你将负责的工作 参与公司级数据基建、数据治理及流程优化、数据应用及数据资产沉淀等工作; 1.数据应用,以业务经营目标为依据,负责相关看板体系搭建、关键指标口径梳理、指标体系建设、指标字典及后期运营工作。支持并协同业务开展数据分析等数据应用工作。 2.数据基建侧:组织数据开发人员开展需求分析、指标定义、数据建模等,牵头搭建数据仓库、数据集市、数据字典、数据血缘地图等。 3.数据治理及流程优化:针对重点数据问题组织业务人员及数据开发人员开展数据治理,梳理业务流程及数据流转流程,分析定位问题,推动业务流程的优化改进,以保证未来数据的完整性、准确性,同时针对历史数据产出治理方案并监督落地; 需要你有专业能力+奇富范: 1.互金行业,熟悉数据体系建立的全过程,包括数据采集、数据同步、数仓建设、数据资产管理、BI探索分析与BI report开发等,有经营分析的基本业务sense; 2.自驱力强,良好的表达、理解、文档撰写和深度思考复盘能力;思维敏捷活跃、学习能力强,逻辑分析能力突出,乐于拥抱变化。
  • 教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Title: Software Developer Department: DTS, HKUST(GZ) Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run higher education institution between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. Job Duties: 1. In charge or participate in the full software development cycle: including software system design, development, coding, and document writing; 2. System maintenance and support work; and 3. Other tasks from the supervisor etc. 岗位职责: 1. 负责或参与软件产品开发的全程:包括设计,开发,代码编写,文档撰写等工作。 2. 负责系统的维护与支持工作。 3. 其他主管交待的工作等。 任职要求: Requirements: 1. A Bachelor’s degree or above, major in computer science or related areas; 2. At least 2 years’ experience in software development, including but not limited to java/ golang/.net, etc; Candidates with less experience will be considered as Junior Software Developer; 3. Familiar with more than 3 IT design patterns; 4. Skilled at applying multiple mainstream framework development; 5. Experienced in large-scale system integration, data analysis and report template design, OA process design or big data, high-concurrency development is preferred; 6. Proactive, cheerful , strong in communication, willing to learn and stress resistance; 7. Full of passion, self-discipline, sense of responsibility with good team spirit; and 8. Good in English writing and reading. Fluency in Cantonese is a plus. 任职要求: 1. 计算机或相关专业本科以上学历; 2. 至少2年的软件开发经验:java/golang/.net 等。经验较少应征者将被考虑为初级软件开发工程师。 3. 熟练掌握3种以上设计模式。 4. 熟练应用多种主流框架开发。 5. 有大型系统对接、数据分析与报表模板设计、OA流程设计或大数据、高并发开发经验的更佳。 6. 工作积极主动,性格开朗,沟通、抗压及学习能力强。 7. 富有激情, 严于律己,有责任心,有良好的团队精神。 8. 语言能力要求:能够阅读英文技术文档,编写日常英文文件,精通粤语优先。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST Mainland entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://sc.hotjob.cn/wt/HKUSTGZ/web/index and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 15k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责 1、负责Finereport报表开发; 2、负责Finereport与外部系统的接口交互开发; 3、依据开发详细设计,负责数据仓库报表设计,报表设计代码开发; 4、负责帆软PC端、移动端报表产品的开发、调优、测试与上线、发版工作; 5、配合上级进行技术决策,进行技术风险评估,确保报表产品稳定性强、响应性能优秀、用户体验友好; 任职条件 1、计算机、电子信息学科相关专业,大学本科及以上学历;5年以上帆软报表开发经验; 2、精通Fine Report,FineBI产品设计,熟悉帆软报表产品的性能调优,有移动端报表开发经验和有FCRP证书者优先; 3、熟练运用ETL工具,了解各种ETL工具的优缺点,依据需求合理选择ETL工具; 4、具有报表平台以及服务器的运维技能; 5、熟练使用SqlServer,MySql等关系数据库,有SQL优化经验,会编写复杂的存储过程和自定义方法; 6、逻辑思维能力较强,具有良好的学习能力、团队协作能力和沟通能力; 7、能够积极创新,乐于面对挑战,负责敬业,具有高度的责任心及团队精神,执行力强; 8、有软件开发经验优先;
  • 30k-60k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 硕士
    人工智能服务,物联网,制造业 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    本岗位工作地点上海或嘉兴(可根据人选意向决定)、五险一金统一交在嘉兴(有丰厚的人才引进政策),试用期不打折、五险一金全额缴纳。 本岗位隶属感存算一体化实验室。 岗位职责: 1. SRAM/MRAM等存储器的bitcell的设计; 2. SRAM/MRAM内控制电路的设计,包括IO,decoder,control等模块的电路设计; 3. 内部scan chain, 冗余电路的设计; 4. 电路的功能仿真,margin仿真,EMIR分析; 5.指导版图工程师完成版图设计工作; 6. K库工作; 7.完成设计,验证文档的编写工作; 8. 参与测试方案的制定,编写测试文档,SI report。 任职要求: 1.2年以上SRAM/FLASH/MRAM等存储器电路设计经验,了解SNM/WM的原理及VMIN分析,了解SA设计方法; 2.熟练使用virtuoso,hspice,calibre, finesim,xps,liberateMX, totem等设计验证工具; 3.具有扎实电路理论知识,熟悉存储器电路的设计原理和技巧及一定模拟电路知识; 4.熟悉Linux环境; 5.良好的沟通能力和学习能力。
  • 15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    【岗位职责】 1、负责Finereport报表开发; 2、负责Finereport与外部系统的接口交互开发; 3、依据开发详细设计,负责数据仓库报表设计,报表设计代码开发; 4、负责帆软PC端、移动端报表产品的开发、调优、测试与上线、发版工作; 5、配合上级进行技术决策,进行技术风险评估,确保报表产品稳定性强、响应性能优秀、用户体验友好。 【任职要求】 1、计算机、电子信息学科相关专业毕业优先,大学本科及以上学历;2年以上帆软报表开发经验; 2、精通Fine Report,FineBI产品设计,熟悉帆软报表产品的性能调优,有移动端报表开发经验和有FCRP证书者优先; 3、具有报表平台的运维技能; 4、熟练使用SqlServer,MySql等关系数据库,精通SQL语言; 5、逻辑思维能力较强,具有良好的学习能力、团队协作能力和沟通能力; 6、能够积极创新,乐于面对挑战,负责敬业,具有高度的责任心及团队精神,执行力强。 职位福利:带薪年假、五险一金、餐补、大牛带队、周末双休、鼓励内部创新、年轻化团队、无官僚风气 职位亮点:团队氛围轻松,平台稳定,技术大牛带队
  • 20k-30k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询,营销服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    if (your_passions.includes('testing')) { switch(your_stacks) { case 'Python': case 'Design testcase': case 'Functional testing': case 'API testing': case 'Output quality report': case 'Quality system construction': console.log('Join AfterShip'); break; } } 岗位职责 1、负责产品相关的测试工作,参与产品需求分析,制定测试计划和策略,设计并执行测试用例,分析测试结果并推动问题解决; 2、根据产品和项目特点,提出合理的技术解决方案,完善相关测试工具和平台,提升效率和质量; 3、评估项目质量风险,与团队保持积极高效沟通,保证项目质量和进度。 岗位要求 1、本科及以上学历,具备英语读写能力; 2、五年及以上测试工作经验,有中大型中台相关测试经验优先,有电商平台对接测试经验优先; 3、熟悉测试理论和方法,熟悉相关的测试流程以及常用的测试工具( Charles / Postman / Jmeter 等);具备分析定位 Bug 的能力,能够独立完成项目中的接口自动化测试,具备实际系统测试或接口测试相关工作经验; 4、掌握 Python / Node.js / Java / Go 等任何一门主流编程语言,能独立开发测试工具; 5、具备良好的沟通表达能力和团队协作能力,较强的业务理解能力。 加分项 1、有大中型互联网公司或电商公司经验优先; 2、良好英文口语能力及海归经历优先。 为什么加入我们 1、高速发展:公司处于快速发展期,规模及营收每年持续快速增长; 2、朝阳行业:国际电商 SaaS 服务赛道,国际一线投资机构加持,行业大佬背书; 3、多元文化:团队来自全球 20 多个不同城市,国际化视角、扁平化管理; 4、极客氛围:拥抱开源技术,实践敏捷开发,崇尚通过工具和自动化来解决问题; 5、特色福利:学习基金、 一对一帮带、内部商城、提供 MacBook 及可升降办公桌。
  • 100k-200k 经验10年以上 / 硕士
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Department: HKUST(GZ) President Duties The Chief Data Officer will report to the President and oversee all aspects of data management, including but not limited to data governance, data quality, data architecture, and data security etc. The role holder will also work closely with other senior executives, faculty members, and staff to ensure that data is used effectively to support the University's vision, decision-making and institutional transformation. 1. Drive cooperation among various business departments to develop and implement a university-wide data strategy that aligns with the University's mission and strategic goals. 协调学校各业务部门,在大学使命和战略目标的指导下,制定并落实学校层面得数据战略。 2. Develop and promote the implementation of campus data governance policies, including standards for the entire data lifecycle management such as collection, cleaning, usage, and disclosure processes, as well as category-based and class-based data security and protection policies. 制定并推动执行校园数据治理政策,包括数据全生命周期的收集、清洗、使用与公开等流程的政策,以及数据分类分级管理政策。 3. Guide the data teams from various University's business departments to establish and optimize data processing workflows and set standards for data quality and data circulation. 指导学校各业务部门的数据团队,建立和优化数据处理流程,制定数据质量和数据流转标准。 4. Supervise the compliance of data to ensure it meets both domestic and international data protection laws and standards. 监督数据的合规性,确保符合国内外的数据保**规和标准。 5. Lead the establishment of an internal, scalable, and secure data architecture, to accommodate the heterogeneous data integration, through effective coordination and collaboration with data teams from various business units, ensuring that solutions meet business needs, to promote data accumulation and then to form data assets, and report to government departments as required. 带领学校各业务部门的数据团队建立校内可扩展的安全数据架构,实现多元数据汇聚与整合体系,确保数据解决方案能够满足业务需求,促进数据积累和沉淀,形成数据资产,并根据省市教育部门要求进行述职。 6. Work closely with academic and administrative units across campus to foster a culture of data-driven decision-making and drive continuous institutional improvement through the strategic use of data across the University. 与校内各学术机构单位密切合作,培养数据驱动决策的文化,并通过数据持续推动大学的发展。 7. Keep an open mind to the latest trends in data science and artificial intelligence, incorporating cutting-edge data governance knowledge and perspectives into the University's data management. 保持对最新的数据科学和人工智能趋势的学习,将前沿的数据治理知识观点代入校园数据管理中。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements A qualified candidate should: 1. Hold a Master's or Doctoral degree in Data Science, Computer Science, or a related field. 拥有数据科学、计算机科学或相关领域的硕士或博士学位。 2. Have at least 10 years of relevant work experience, including data management and team leadership in large organizations, proficient in big data technology such as Hadoop, Hive, Doris, Spark, Flink, etc. 至少10年相关工作经验,包括在大型组织中的数据管理和团队领导经验,精通大数据工作栈,如Hadoop、Hive、Doris、Spark、Flink等。 3. Possess excellent communication and teamwork skills, able to collaborate across departments to promote the implementation of data policies. 具备出色的沟通能力和团队协作能力,能够跨部门合作,推动数据政策的实施落地。 4. Be familiar with domestic and international data security and compliance policies and related regulations, such as China's Data Security Law, China's Cybersecurity Law, etc., with experience in handling data compliance in multiple jurisdictions. 熟悉国内、国际数据安全、合规政策及相关法规,如中国数据安全法、中国网络安全法等,有在多个司法管辖区内处理数据合规性的经验。 5. Have strong strategic planning, organizational management, innovation management, and change implementation capabilities. 具备较强的战略规划能力、组织管理能力、创新管理能力及变革执行能力。
  • 11k-16k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,软件开发 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位要求: 3年及以上ABAP开发经验(不满足该条件不予面试) - 有独立开发Report,Function Module,Dialog 程序能力及经验; - 熟练掌握ALV,Function Module,Class,BAPI,Smartforms,BDC等开发技术; - 对SAP标准模块知识有一定的了解; - ​掌握Odata开发及测试。
  • 18k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询,营销服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    if (your_passions.includes('testing')) { switch(your_stacks) { case 'Python': case 'Design testcase': case 'Functional testing': case 'API testing': case 'Output quality report': case 'Quality system construction': console.log('Join AfterShip'); break; } } 岗位职责 1、负责产品相关的测试工作,参与产品需求分析,制定测试计划和策略,设计并执行测试用例,分析测试结果并推动问题解决; 2、根据产品和项目特点,提出合理的技术解决方案,完善相关测试工具和平台,提升效率和质量; 3、评估项目质量风险,与团队保持积极高效沟通,保证项目质量和进度。 岗位要求 1、本科及以上学历,具备英语读写能力;三年及以上测试工作经验,具备良好的测试分析能力; 2、熟悉测试理论和方法,熟悉相关的测试流程、测试文档标准、以及常用的测试工具( Charles / Postman / Jmeter 等); 3、具备初步分析定位 Bug 的能力,能够独立完成项目中的接口自动化测试; 4、掌握 Python / Node.js / Java / Go 等任何一门主流编程语言,能熟练编写代码; 5、具备良好的沟通表达能力和团队协作能力。 加分项 1、有大中型互联网公司或电商公司经验优先; 2、良好英文口语能力及海归经历优先。 为什么加入我们 1、高速发展:公司处于快速发展期,规模及营收每年持续快速增长; 2、朝阳行业:国际电商 SaaS 服务赛道,国际一线投资机构加持,行业大佬背书; 3、多元文化:团队来自全球 20 多个不同城市,国际化视角、扁平化管理; 4、极客氛围:拥抱开源技术,实践敏捷开发,崇尚通过工具和自动化来解决问题; 5、特色福利:学习基金、 一对一帮带、内部商城、提供 MacBook 及可升降办公桌。
  • 12k-20k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    广告营销 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    KEY OUTCOMES: 1. Hands-on analytics project delivery including data cleaning, modelling, storyline building, report writing and client presentation. 2. End-to-end expertise support from client opportunity finding & proposal writing to final project delivery. 3. Identify clients’ business challenges and create the appropriate Kantar Worldpanel solution and proposal that addresses clients’ requirements. 4. Work closely with the Regional Expert Solutions team to create the best methodological approach and proposal. 5. Deliver the results to clients, working with Client Service teams and Regional Expert Solutions team. 6. Ensure business solutions like Decision Tree, Segmentations, Shopping Mission, Category Adjacency, Chain Analysis, Expandability, Price & Promotion and Range Optimization are well-managed and well-developed in China market, adhering to the guidelines and instructions from global and regional team-in-charge. KEY CAPABILITIES a) The candidate will possess a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics or marketing related majors with 2-3 years of analytics experience, strong business sense and understanding, coupled with excellent communication, data interpretation and presentation skills. b) Acting as a trusted advisor to our esteemed clients in China, the candidate must possess strong analytical skills which can be applied in a commercial context. c) A team player who is systematic and organized; this candidate is also able to lead by example, is approachable, independent and able to influence others. d) There will be a requirement to sell-in to the client new methods, processes and seek revenue generating opportunities. With that, the candidate needs to be bold and enjoy such challenges. e) Passionate in Marketing, Consumer Products, Retail and Shopping Behaviour Study f) Proficiency in R or Python
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor degree in engineering, Chemistry or in the technical field related to the certification activity • 5 years professional experience with at least 2 years employment with testing, inspection, and / or certification tasks in calibration / testing laboratory or inspection / certification body, or quality assurance of toys company. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL • Familiar with toy safety standards and corresponding test method of EN 71 series, Phthalates, AZO dye, PAH • Familiar with GMARK certification for children’s toy will be a big plus • Sound knowledge of ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17067 requirements (with knowledge of ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO/IEC 17021-1 requirement will be an advantage) • Respect for professional ethics in certification • Sound knowledge of the management system, together with all policies, processes, and procedures, of the Certification Unit • Knowledge of the impact of non-compliance on the intended use of the toy • knowledge and skill of the certification requirements and activities of the certification schemes RESPONSIBILITIES • Provide technical internal input in case of questions from client during application, and to the Audit Team during the preparation/ performing the factory audit • Review the information submitted and/or collected and the evaluation report and provide decision for certification • Perform the on-site inspection/ testing during the factory audit per the test plan • Review the information submitted and/or collected and the evaluation report and provide justification for certification to Decision Team • Contact laboratory to get further information if necessary • Join the laboratory visit, including interview of technical staff, and perform laboratory evaluation • Perform the verification of laboratory testing report(s) as part of review and decision process • Perform follow up on corrective actions to be implemented in case of deviation or failure • Decide on the granting of certificates of conformity • Staff who is having a supervising role in the Review and Decision Team, or as delegated by HCU, shall take up responsibility to train the corresponding teammates, if applicable, and monitor the relevant performance.
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities Ensure all projects are delivered on time within the stipulated scope and budget Manage project scope, timeline and resources Coordinate teams of digital experts (engineers, designers, strategists) to design and ship digital solutions Manage the relationship between our team and the client Communicate and report to stakeholders on progress Actively resolve issues, identify risks and escalate as needed Manage client expectations, build rapport and support business activities (upselling, negotiations, estimates...) Lead project documentation Contribute to process improvement and team knowledge building Requirements 3+ years experience in project management, planning, and tracking Knowledge with current digital technologies Experience working with business stakeholders Experience with and understanding of full project or product lifecycle Proficiency with project management tools, methodologies, and related technology Ability to demonstrate leadership, drive results, solve problems, and possess interpersonal skills Knowledge of waterfall and agile Strong communication skills Fluent and/or conversational English and Mandarin Bonus points Prior experience in software development or quality control Knowledge of Product Ownership Experience with writing Epics, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Certifications in Project Management (PMP, etc.) and Agile/Scrum Methodology (CSM, CSPO, etc.). About Wiredcraft You’ll be supporting talented teams of engineers, designers, and strategists in building mission-critical digital experiences at scale for some of the best brands in the world. We believe in small, agile, and battle-hardened teams of designers, engineers, and product experts. We help multinational corporations move at the speed of startups & develop a product culture. Learn more about our company and how we work on our playbook: https://playbook.wiredcraft.com
  • 30k-45k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    【Job brief】 - We are looking for an ambitious and energetic Business Development Manager to help us expand our clientele. You will be the front of the company and will have the dedication to create and apply an effective sales strategy. - The goal is to drive sustainable growth through boosting sales and forging strong relationships with clients. 【Responsibilities】 - Develop and execute the business strategies to drive sales objectives in new business areas with new potential clients. - Perform lead generation and expand out clientele. - Provide business insights, market analysis, business data report, work out an action plan to collaborate with different parties to achieve the goal. - Lead the entire sales process, from answering client requests (RFI, RFP, …) to creating budget estimates and presentations for our prospective clients. - Lead on presentations and key sales meetings. - Nurture client relationships into long-term partnerships. - Engage with internal and external stakeholders to define the context, goals and scope of qualified leads. - Handle complex pre-sales and after-sales requests. - Collaborate with the marketing team to create business opportunities. - Be accountable for sales KPIs. 【Requirements】 - Understanding of our market (e.g. digital services and solutions). - Fluent (or close to it) in Chinese and English. - Previous experience as an Account Manager or similar sales/customer service role in a relevant organization (agency, consultancy, software provider…). - Great at building rapport and nurturing long-term relationships. - Knowledge of market research, sales and negotiating principles. - Comfortable engaging with high level executives. - Self-driven, reliable and detail-oriented. - Excellent verbal and written com munication skills. - Proficient with presentation software (Powerpoint, Keynote, Google Slides…). - Detail-minded, competitive, presentable, and willing to learn new things and work under pressure. - Bonus point for prior experience with marketing or a sales CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive…).
  • 体育 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    We are hiring lululemon digital content operation lead. Who we are lululemon is an innovative performance apparel company for yoga, running, training, and other athletic pursuits. Setting the bar in technical fabrics and functional design, we create transformational products and experiences that support people in moving, growing, connecting, and being well. We owe our success to our innovative product, emphasis on stores, commitment to our people, and the incredible connections we make in every community we're in. As a company, we focus on creating positive change to build a healthier, thriving future. In particular, that includes creating an equitable, inclusive and growth-focused environment for our people. About social editorial team We’re looking for a Content Operation to co-create best-in-the-world content for our lululemon social channel..You will be working closely with EC, Retail, PR, Creative, Social team, RBE to develop clear, efficient content creation process, guidelines, performance results tracking system to allow social editorial team to effectively deliver content with good quality, engagement and ROI. A day in the life: what you’ll do • 80% of your work will be contributed to build up and operate a clear DouYin operation process including DouYin Short videos and live stream with cross-functional partners. • You will be working with DP partner, social, EC, RBE and media buy team to come up with performance tracking system and develop own content performance report to ensure we always have the 1st hand results and insights into the impact of content to bring up content production into next level. • Budget Tracking and Balancing to make sure all the payment, contract are well executed with no time delay. Meanwhile seek the space to spend smart. • Daily routine will be mainly focus on weekly live-stream operations, to ensure the content direction well delivered, get it more effective, more engageable and more impactful. What you need to have: • Acknowledge the presence of choice in every moment and take personal responsibility for your life. • Possess an entrepreneurial spirit and continuously innovate to achieve great results. • Communicate with honesty and kindness and create the space for others to do the same. • Lead with courage, knowing the possibility of greatness is bigger than the fear of failure. • Foster connection by putting people first and building trusting relationships. • Integrate fun and joy as a way of being and working, aka doesn’t take yourself too seriously. Qualifications • At least 5 -8 years’ experience in relevant work experience, e.g. Digital marketing, EC marketing, social marketing. • Strong understanding of project management tools e.g. MS Office. • Strong Excel skills and experience with data manipulation and reporting. • Ability to prioritize multiple projects and tasks simultaneously with various cross-functional stakeholders, and reliably meet deadlines. • Proven success in data-driven strategic thinking & process optimization. • Outstanding team player and positive attitude. • Strong sense of ownership and accountability. • A genuine passion for digital marketing and the online space with a strong knowledge of digital commerce, performance marketing (email, paid social and other media), A/B testing, and UX. • A love for lululemon - you wear lululemon, follow lululemon channels, and exemplify brand values