• 职位职责: 1、设计并实施组织效率及有效性的组织诊断工具以及人才分析框架,对编制效率、组织架构有效性,绩效区分度等维度进行数据分析; 2、和业务部门协同进行组织对标分析,优化组织结构以及编制管理策略; 3、在组织内落地TikTok人才盘点方法论,进行全面的人才盘点评估,通过识别关键岗位、关键人才的继任者计划来支持业务持续发展; 4、协同业务团队定义及发展基于角色的胜任力框架,确保和组织目标以及人才发展战略导向一致; 5、和全球关键合作伙伴建立深度合作关系,了解业务动态、战略以及组织需求; 6、评估HR项目以及流程的有效性,提出改进建议,推动持续改进。 1. Design and implement organizational diagnostic tools and people analytics frameworks to assess efficiency and effectiveness. Analyze data to measure headcount efficiency, organizational structure productivity, and performance differentiation; 2. Collaborate with business units to conduct organizational benchmark analysis and optimize organizational structure and headcount management strategies; 3. Lead the implementation of TikTok's talent review methodology to conduct comprehensive talent reviews and assessments. Identifying critical positions and talent for succession planning to support business growth and continuity; 4. Partner with business leaders to develop and refine competency frameworks for roles, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and talent development strategies; 5. Build strong partnerships with key stakeholders globally to understand their business, strategic, and organizational needs; 6. Evaluate the effectiveness of HR programs and processes, recommending improvements to drive continuous improvement. 职位要求: 1、5 年企业人力资源或咨询工作经验,侧重于人才发展及组织设计(TD&OD); 2、3年以上设计和实施领导力发展项目的经验; 3、具有较强的分析技能,熟练使用数据分析工具(如 Tableau、Exel、Power BI),以提取洞察力并推动战略决策; 4、出色的沟通和表达能力,能够清晰有效地传达复杂信息; 5、具备同时自主管理多个项目的能力,注重细节,时间管理能力强。 优先考虑: 1、有 2 年以上在全球或跨国组织和职能部门工作的经验,接触过不同的文化背景和业务环境; 2、硕士学位和/或人力资源、组织发展、工业-组织心理学或相关领域的专业认证。 1. 5 years of experience in corporate HR or consulting, with a focus on Talent and Organizational Development; 2. 3+ years of experience designing and delivering leadership development programs; 3. Strong analytical skills and proficiency in data analysis tools (i.e. Tableau, Exel, Power BI) to extract insights and drive strategic decision-making; 4. Exceptional communication and presentation skills, with the ability to convey complex information clearly and effectively; 5. Proven ability to autonomously manage multiple projects concurrently, with strong attention to detail and effective time management skills. Preferred Qualifications: 1. 2+ years of experience working in a global or multinational organization and function, with exposure to diverse cultural contexts and business environments; 2. Master's degree and/or professional certifications in HR, Organizational Development, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, or related field.
  • 25k-40k·18薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    智能硬件,电商平台 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述: · 负责小米海外商业化代理机构的开拓与维护,协助代理机构发展业务,以及成功挖掘新的代理机构商机, 完成既定销售指标。 · 管理并巩固主要的代理机构合作,包括与代理机构内上到高层、中层,下到具体团队(包括销售团队、业务发展团队、媒体规划团队和客户经理团队)之间的关系。 · 充分利用市场洞察信息和研究成果,制定以数据为依据的长期代理机构业务发展计划。 · 推动代理机构管理更广泛的客户群体,使海外客户大规模使用MiAds广告平台并实现业务发展。 职位要求: · 在广告销售、数字营销、app下载推广或是效果广告拥有最少3 年工作经验。 · 具备流利的中英文说写能力。
  • 8k-12k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    电商 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位描述: 作为财务 BP,您将负责核算和分析淘宝、抖店、拼多多等店铺的经营利润,从数据中发现经营过程中的问题和机会,并提供决策支持。我们将期待您具备扎实的财务知识、出色的数据处理能力以及敏锐的商业洞察力。 主要职责: 1. 负责收集、整理和核对淘宝、抖店、拼多多等店铺的财务数据,确保数据准确无误;  2. 按照公司要求,高效准确地完成财务核算工作,包括收入、成本、费用等,确保各项指标真实反映店铺经营状况;  3. 深入分析店铺经营数据,发现经营过程中的问题和机会,为业务部门提供有针对性的改进建议;  4. 定期制作财务报表,包括但不限于利润表、资产负债表、现金流量表等,帮助公司管理层了解店铺经营状况;  5. 结合公司战略目标,制定并优化财务预算和预测模型,协助业务部门制定合理的销售策略和目标;  6. 建立和完善财务 BP 体系,优化财务流程,提高财务管理水平;  7. 完成上级领导交办的其他相关工作。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,财务、会计等相关专业背景;  2. 2 年以上财务工作经验,有电商行业财务 BP 经验者优先;  3. 熟练掌握财务会计知识、税收法规及相关政策;  4. 具备较强的数据处理和分析能力,能熟练使用 Excel、PPT 等办公软件;  5. 具备良好的沟通和团队协作能力,能与业务部门紧密合作,共同推动业务发展;  6. 具备较强的学习能力,能迅速适应公司业务发展和岗位需求的变化。 我们提供: 1. 具有竞争力的薪酬待遇和晋升空间;  2. 完善的员工福利制度,包括五险一金、带薪年假等;  3. 良好的工作氛围和团队协作环境;  4. 提供专业的培训和职业发展机会。 欢迎有志之士加入我们的团队,共同创造美好未来!
  • 18k-25k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    公司名称:某某公司 工作地点:深圳城市 深圳市仁智山水艺术品有限公司是一家致力于为客户提供高质量服务的公司,现因业务拓展需要,特招聘合伙人,与公司共同发展壮大。 作为我们的合伙人,您将享有以下权益: 1. 参与并组建团队:您将有机会组建属于自己的团队,为公司的发展贡献智慧和力量。 2. 分享公司利润:根据您的贡献,您将分享公司的一部分利润,实现共赢。 3. 拥有公司资源:您将享有公司提供的各种资源,包括培训、技术支持等,以便您更好地开展业务。 4. 协助推广:公司将为您的推广提供支持,帮助您快速融入公司,开拓市场。 5. 职业发展:我们将为您提供职业发展的机会和空间,帮助您不断提升能力,实现事业发展。 职位要求: 1. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力,熟悉行业动态和客户需求; 2. 具备较丰富的行业经验或成功创业经验,有较强的市场推广能力; 3. 具备良好的团队协作精神和人际沟通技巧,通过学习后能够独立开展业务; 4. 具备较强的抗压能力和创新意识,能适应快节奏的工作环境; 5. 热爱合伙合作,对创业充满激情。 我们欢迎有梦想、有追求的您加入我们的团队,一起实现事业价值!
  • 30k-60k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    职位描述 作为人力资源专业通才和了解业务的伙伴,通过助力企业文化落地,多维的人才发展,组织发展,领导力发展,绩效管理,辨识组织发展机会,协调整合HR相关的资源,推动组织效能提升; 岗位职责:  1、作为战略推动者,科学性、计划性和可持续性地建立组织发展和人才发展规划,推进落地,并定期回顾调整。   2、作为变革驱动者,具有独立思考和判断能力,通过对人的深层理解,坚定果敢地给与意见建议,提供中立的第三方/外部视角,推动团队思考活性和判断全局性。深入业务一线,辨识业务中短期及长期发展机会点。   3、作为企业文化推广员,具备丰富的员工关系处理经验,充分理解劳动法/员工手册/文化价值观,捍卫公司/员工的底线要求,温和坚定地解决问题;通过创新有创意的活泼生动活动,宣传推广企业文化和核心价值观。  4、作为人才发展驱动者,深度了解业务发展对于人才和组织的需求,不定期支持业务评估组织架构和人才盘点,拉动一切资源,推动组织能力,团队能力和人员能力的提升。 5、作为组织效能提升者,具备人际敏感度和信息敏感度,能够判断紧急/重要程度,帮助员工解决真正解决问题,精准高效传递正确全面的信息,帮助员工满意度、敬业度和组织效能提升。   6、作为资源整合者,具有多维度协调整合能力,根据业务发展的战略需求,高效协调招聘、薪酬、培训和运营团队,为选拔人、激励人、发展人和服务人员提供优秀的解决方案。 7、通过科学有效的方法,推动个人才发展,组织发展和领导力项目。  8、建立持续学习的文化氛围,推动绩效激励和工程师文化。 9、通过与管理团队的紧密合作,领导和推动公司文化的建设。   10、通过系统性的支持和跟进方案,帮助绩效管理,有效解决员工关系问题。 11、负责推动员工沟通计划,负责领导员工满意度调查的行动计划的制定。  12、为业务部门提供人才方面的数据分析以及以数据为基础的专业建议。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,8年以上工作经验,其中3年以上人力资源伙伴工作经验,包括组织发展,员工关系,薪酬福利和人力资源项目管理和落实经验或专业人力资源咨询经验。  2、具备优秀的计划和组织能力、注重细节的特质、出色的多任务处理能力。  3、能够客观的指导员工,能力处理复杂问题。 4、具备自我管理和驱动能力,注重结果,能够独立设定工作的优先次序。  5、具备强烈的商业敏感度。  6、具备杰出的口头和书面表达能力。 7、具有优秀的人际关系协调能力、团队精神和组织能力。   8、具备强烈的客户服务意识,能够为业务部门提供优质的人力资源专业服务。
  • 30k-60k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1、负责小红书电商及本地生活的前端业务研发,作为业务Partner参与到产品决策讨论; 2、通过代码复用、工程/架构升级等方式持续性提升个人以及团队的研发效率; 3、关注线上产品的体验和质量,优化产品性能和交互,为用户提供顺畅购买体验的产品链路。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历(优先),至少2年前端开发经验, 计算机基础扎实可加分; 2、熟悉TS,CSS, 有一定的移动和PC的复杂框架重构经验; 3、至少熟练使用并深入理解一种前端MVVM框架 (React/Vue); 4、对前端工程化有深入的理解和实践(依赖管理、构建、发布等); 5、具备良好的稳定性意识与经验,熟悉稳定性相关工具使用; 6、熟悉移动端性能优化方案,具备体验度量意识及拆解思路。
  • 40k-70k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    区块链 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    What You’ll Be Doing Synthesize needs from Product, Engineering, and Marketing into comprehensive design deliverables, ensuring design is front-of-mind throughout the product development process Work through design problems from beginning to end: translating qualitative or quantitative insights into ideas that form disruptive new products and features, then designing the workflows and detailed interactions to realize them Support the product development process with wireframes, user flows, journey maps, high-fidelity mockups, interactive prototypes, and evaluative research Partner with cross-functional peers within Product and Engineering in Asia and internationally to define initiatives and create thoughtful solutions—representing design and being the voice for the user throughout the product lifecycle Collaborate closely with UX Research, UX Writing, Brand, and Product leadership to shape the overall design vision of your area of ownership Consistently elevate the quality of the design by soliciting feedback from peers and stakeholders through formal Design Reviews, presentations and by facilitating design thinking workshops What We Look For In You At least 3 years of experience in Product Design, Interaction Design, UX Design, or related fields. Strong communication skills with a proven ability to articulate ideas and advocate for design decisions. Experience working with cross-functional teams, including Designers, Product Managers, Engineers, UX Writers, and Researchers. A deep understanding of design-critical thinking and user-centered design methodologies, ensuring products offer intuitive and trustworthy experiences. Results-oriented and adaptable to change. A thorough understanding of experimentation and research techniques, capable of validating designs independently. Nice to Haves Bachelor's degree in Design, HCI, or equivalent practical experience Experience designing for Fintech, Investment platforms, or Crypto products Experience working with global teams across offices and timezones A desire to mentor cross-functional peers and evangelize for great design
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责外包需求管理、职位管理、供应商绩效考核、洞察与分析能力的系统规划和建设,包括需求的挖掘、产品方案设计产出、功能验收以及期间项目管理。保障产品功能按质、按时上线; 2、跨团队协作与项目管理,涉及系统上下游系统相关方,Partner研发团队,保障协作顺畅,以及功能上线时间点; 3、负责相关功能模块的上线和推广,保障既定业务覆盖目标的达成; 4、对需求全流程体验和效率负责;对供应商管理的有效性负责;通过洞察和分析能力,牵引业务逐步改善用工效率; 5、研究市场相关产品的功能与设计,了解行业知识,并结合内部需求对外包管理系统产品能有清晰定位和规划设计。 职位要求: 1、本科以上学历,计算机类相关专业优先; 2、3年以上B端产品设计经验,从0到1搭建平台者优先,有BI搭建经验优先; 3、具有产品规划及独立设计能力,逻辑清晰喜欢抽丝剥茧,乐于分析事物本质,擅长系统地解决问题; 4、具备强烈的好奇心和自我驱动力,喜欢接受挑战,追求极致; 5、具备需求文档撰写、数据分析能力、产品原型能力、基础交互能力; 6、良好的沟通能力及项目推进能力,能很好的跨部门合作,完成目标。
  • 25k-50k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1. 负责小红书交易用户产品的业务研发,作为业务Partner参与到产品决策讨论; 2. 通过代码复用、工程/架构升级等方式持续性提升个人以及团队的研发效率; 3. 关注线上产品的体验和质量,优化产品性能和交互,为用户提供顺畅购买体验的产品链路。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历(优先),1年及以上前端开发经验, 计算机基础扎实可加分; 2. 熟悉TS,CSS, 有一定的移动和PC的复杂框架重构经验; 3. 至少熟练使用并深入理解一种前端MVVM框架 (React/Vue); 4. 对前端工程化有深入的理解和实践(依赖管理、构建、发布等); 5. 具备良好的稳定性意识与经验,熟悉稳定性相关工具使用; 6. 熟悉移动端性能优化方案,具备体验度量意识及拆解思路。
  • 20k-30k 经验1-3年 / 硕士
    企业服务,消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Responsibilities: Employ the full breadth of data science models, tools, and solutions to execute prioritized analytics use cases across the enterprise ●Collaborate with colleagues and external partner data scientists and analytics professionals to execute analytics use cases ●Present data science solutions to business and Zoetis Tech and Digital colleagues in a clear and understandable manner ● Follow data analytics quality and security standards for data science work ● Effectively document data science models, methods, and code Education and Education Master’s degree in Statistics, Predictive Analytics, Data Science, Computer Science, Econometrics, Mathematics, Operations Research or closely related field ● 0-2+ years of experience in a data science role within a company Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Strong understanding and skills in advanced analytics and data science models and methodology, such as statistical analysis, algorithm development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, text mining, natural language processing, and optimization Strong understanding of and experience using data science tools and technology, such as R, Python, SQL, SAS, and cloud-based technology
  • 13k-18k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Software Development (Backend/Full stack) ##Excellent English communication skills required## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices. and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity, and we urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients and build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • Proven commercial experience with .NET web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • Commercial .NET experience using C# in web development / A minimum of 1 year of commercial experience with .NET web development • Great DevOps knowledge (ideally in Azure DevOps and GitHub) • Working knowledge of Agile software development methodologies • Web API applications using C# / SQL Server and Postgres (MongoDB, Cosmos DB etc) • Web: Angular and/or React • Dynamics 365 (CRM) and/or SharePoint and/or Python experience would be a bonus #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 13k-18k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Front-end Software Development (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity and urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 1 year of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • A minimum of 1 year of commercial experience with front-end development • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS and/or Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 15k-30k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    科技金融,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    57Blocks is building the gateway to DeFi and Web3. You will be joining a distributed team that is building 10x better tools and experiences to get the next generation of users into the ecosystem. Our ideal candidate will have 5+ years of product management experience and is eager to advance their industry knowledge in the crypto and DeFi industry. Responsibilities 1、Define what success looks like for the team, prioritize projects based on impact, and use data to validate success. 2、Develop deep insights into crypto and DeFi verticals to develop innovative solutions for clients and internally incubated products . 3、Identify and collaboratively solve end-user pain-points . 4、Partner with distributed UX design & engineering team to execute a prioritized product plan . Requirements 1、5+ years of product management experience . 2、Previous experience building crypto products is preferred Written and spoken English proficiency . 3、Technical background with the ability to understand technical documentation and code, bonus points for experience with reading smart contracts . 4、Ability to lead & influence cross-functional groups to deliver projects on-time in a fast paced environment . 5、Self-motivated and quick learner . 6、Creative problem solver who is able to quickly identify key problems and reasonable solutions . 7、Outcome oriented - not reactionary; they articulate the desired outcome and work collaboratively to create a path to achieve it.
  • 15k-29k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    The Role: Veeva is looking for a driven Sales Support Analyst to join our growing team! You will be a partner to the Asia Sales team and work directly with our internal and external customers to support their Veeva software subscriptions orders. Our ideal candidate is a motivated, goal-oriented, and driven individual who is interested in developing sales support and customer service best practices. What You'll Do -Build trusted relationships through direct communication with Veeva sales, finance, and operations teams and with the customer -Create and process subscription and renewals opportunities and quotes in a timely and accurate manner -Answer customer questions about the order process and provisioning status -Collect relevant documentation to close out opportunities -Daily navigation of Salesforce, including, but not limited to - creating opportunities, running reports, searching for current orders, and building quotes -Working on special projects as needed Requirements -University degree (BA, BSc, BBA) or equivalent work experience -3+ years in a sales support or a customer support environment -Strong written and oral communication skills in English -Basic Excel Skills -Experience working in SalesForce or other CRM system -Strong organizational and time management skills, attention to detail Nice to Have -Enjoy solving problems. If you don’t know the answer, you’ll dig until you find it -Experience with MS Office (PowerPoint, Word) -Experience with Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, Slides) -Fluency in another language (Korean)
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    体育 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    We are hiring lululemon digital content operation lead. Who we are lululemon is an innovative performance apparel company for yoga, running, training, and other athletic pursuits. Setting the bar in technical fabrics and functional design, we create transformational products and experiences that support people in moving, growing, connecting, and being well. We owe our success to our innovative product, emphasis on stores, commitment to our people, and the incredible connections we make in every community we're in. As a company, we focus on creating positive change to build a healthier, thriving future. In particular, that includes creating an equitable, inclusive and growth-focused environment for our people. About social editorial team We’re looking for a Content Operation to co-create best-in-the-world content for our lululemon social channel..You will be working closely with EC, Retail, PR, Creative, Social team, RBE to develop clear, efficient content creation process, guidelines, performance results tracking system to allow social editorial team to effectively deliver content with good quality, engagement and ROI. A day in the life: what you’ll do • 80% of your work will be contributed to build up and operate a clear DouYin operation process including DouYin Short videos and live stream with cross-functional partners. • You will be working with DP partner, social, EC, RBE and media buy team to come up with performance tracking system and develop own content performance report to ensure we always have the 1st hand results and insights into the impact of content to bring up content production into next level. • Budget Tracking and Balancing to make sure all the payment, contract are well executed with no time delay. Meanwhile seek the space to spend smart. • Daily routine will be mainly focus on weekly live-stream operations, to ensure the content direction well delivered, get it more effective, more engageable and more impactful. What you need to have: • Acknowledge the presence of choice in every moment and take personal responsibility for your life. • Possess an entrepreneurial spirit and continuously innovate to achieve great results. • Communicate with honesty and kindness and create the space for others to do the same. • Lead with courage, knowing the possibility of greatness is bigger than the fear of failure. • Foster connection by putting people first and building trusting relationships. • Integrate fun and joy as a way of being and working, aka doesn’t take yourself too seriously. Qualifications • At least 5 -8 years’ experience in relevant work experience, e.g. Digital marketing, EC marketing, social marketing. • Strong understanding of project management tools e.g. MS Office. • Strong Excel skills and experience with data manipulation and reporting. • Ability to prioritize multiple projects and tasks simultaneously with various cross-functional stakeholders, and reliably meet deadlines. • Proven success in data-driven strategic thinking & process optimization. • Outstanding team player and positive attitude. • Strong sense of ownership and accountability. • A genuine passion for digital marketing and the online space with a strong knowledge of digital commerce, performance marketing (email, paid social and other media), A/B testing, and UX. • A love for lululemon - you wear lululemon, follow lululemon channels, and exemplify brand values