岗位职责: Job Title: Technican(DOIT) Department: Center for Digital World with Intelligent Things (DOIT), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. HKUST(GZ) is located at **** Duxue Road, Qingsheng Hub Cluster, Nansha District, Guangzhou. The campus covers an area of about 1,669 mu (111.3 hectares) and is divided into two construction phases. The first phase covers an area of about 716 mu (47.7 hectares) with a floorage of about 636,000 square meters (63.6 hectares), which had been officially put into use in September 2022. The design of the campus blends natural scenery with architecture, with key cutting-edge technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection adopted during the design and construction process, in a bid to establish the campus as a new benchmark of green, smart and sustainable development. Duties 1.Organize events and group activities at the center; 2.Manage the facilities, furniture, and equipment; 3.Oversee general management and daily operation; 4.Coordinate with sister labs/units for demos and visits; 5.Support non-technical issues such as renovation, maintenance, and reimbursement; 6.Other related duties as assigned. 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1.A Master’s degree in EE, CS, or related disciplines, plus at least 5-year working experience in university, research institution, or hi-tech company; 2.Sound knowledge in R&D, project management, lab administration, and event organization is preferred; 3.Strong sense of responsibility, leadership, ability to delegate is required; 4.Good time management skill and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously are essential; 5.A good command of written Chinese and English. Proficiency in English, Putonghua and Cantonese is preferred; 6.Proficiency in MS Office, Excel, and project management tools is preferred. This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)
15k-30k 经验10年以上 / 硕士教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人岗位职责: Job Title: 网络安全工程师 Engineer of Cybersecurity Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Duties 1. 信息安全制度建设:负责制定和完善学校的信息安全制度体系,不断提升网络和数据安全的管理水平和防护能力。 2. 安全策略设计与实施:设计、实施和维护网络安全策略,以防御恶意攻击和数据泄露,保护学校网络和系统安全。 3. 制度落实与监督:检查、监督和指导安全管理制度的执行情况。 4. 策略执行审核:负责安全策略执行情况的审核,确保合规性。 5. 日志管理与分析:收集和分析信息系统日志及审计记录,对关键设备进行日志检查和审核,并及时报告潜在问题。 6. 操作行为监控:监督管理员的操作行为,检查安全职责落实情况。 7. 安全控制设计与实施:设计和实施安全控制措施,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统和防**软件等,确保网络安全。 8. 风险评估与漏洞扫描:进行网络安全风险评估和漏洞扫描,及时发现并解决潜在安全问题。 9. 业务系统安全测试:负责学校业务系统的安全测试与加固,指导开发人员修复安全漏洞。 10 .渗透测试与漏洞挖掘:负责线上环境的渗透测试和Web漏洞挖掘,保障系统安全。 11. 安全事件应急处理:跟踪和分析安全事件,包括APT攻击、木马和**等,并进行紧急处理。 12. 跨部门协作:与其他部门合作,确保网络安全政策和流程的落实和持续改进。 13. 技术前沿跟踪:关注国内外安全技术前沿,积极开展技术交流和分享。 14. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络安全的问题和咨询。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历背景:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,信息安全或网络安全专业优先。 2. 工作经验:10年以上信息安全工程师或相关岗位经验,具备丰富的网络安全实战经验;有5年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关信息安全岗位工作经验者优先。 3. 威胁情报分析能力:具有深入的安全威胁情报分析能力,能识别并应对高级持续性威胁(APT)。 4. 网络安全知识:熟悉网络体系结构、TCP/IP协议,掌握常见网络攻击方法、原理及防范措施,具备扎实的信息安全理论基础。 5. 安全产品知识:熟悉安全态势感知平台、防火墙、日志审计、WAF、IPS、主机安全、抗DDoS等主流安全产品的工作原理和配置。 6. 日志分析经验:具备IPS/IDS、防火墙、操作系统和应用程序日志的分析经验,能够从日志中发现异常。 7. 渗透测试技能:熟练使用SQLmap、BurpSuite、AWVS、Kali等常见渗透测试工具,能进行手动或结合工具的安全测试。 8. 编程能力:熟练掌握Java、Python或Shell等一种或多种主流编程语言,能够开发简单的安全工具。 9. 文档撰写:具备文档编写能力,能够独立完成系统评估报告和安全漏洞验证报告。 10. 漏洞挖掘经验:具有真实漏洞挖掘和利用经验,在安全平台提交过漏洞或发表原创技术文章者优先。 11. 法规与标准:熟悉ISO 27001、《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保**》及等级保护相关标准和规范。 12. 认证及实战经验:持有CISSP、CISP、CISA或CISM认证者优先,有CTF或攻防演练比赛经验者优先。 13. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和口语能力。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
(招聘卖货主播)主播助理 岗位要求:全职/兼职,年龄在20至40岁之间,大专以上学历,有互联网行业经验,执行力强,有上进心,谨慎细心。 职责:负责直播内容更新,热情乐观,用户解答,客诉处理,定期复盘,数据收集统计总结分析,活跃氛围,提高直播间人数,对淘宝、快手、抖音的直播销售有一定了解,包括微信公众号的文案整合,线上线下业务维护,巩固信息库,完成领导安排的其他工作。 福利待遇:弹性工作、直播话术培训、周末双休、餐补、五险、绩效奖励制、定期团建等… 晨汐(北京)创意文化有限公司成立于2021年1月12日,经营业务有艺术品、装饰画、壁画、全品类销售等… 做主播每天都要有突破,这是一份有挑战性的工作,尤其是想发展自身口才和销售能力的锻炼,成功不会轻易的获得,未来事业趋势是人与人打交道的核心模块(包括心理学、人际关系、健康理念)只有不断学习不断纠错才有可能把业绩做成熟,实现财富自由… Ladies and gentlemen, If you want to have a stable income and a beautiful and peaceful ideal life career, come to our company and give it a try . 我们随时欢迎您的加入,一同完成企业变革的伟大战略使命。
GENO Career桔洛工作机会—商务渠道 职位部⻔:市场部 职位名称:商务经理 汇报对象:CEO 岗位描述 about: 桔洛家庭教育养育服务中心 (GENO) ,正在寻找希望将A beautiful world of education for your family传递给更多的家庭的充满热忱的候选者。 在桔洛,我们正在打造一个用专业服务中心陪伴家长育儿的新生活方式,在全球多个国家,Family Based Services(FBS)已经普遍存在,它是以家长和家庭为中心的一种综合性体系化的服务模式,其核心服务理念在于对人的生命观的理解,即对家长和孩子的关怀(care)和家庭成员的自我完善(complete)。 桔洛拥有十余年对中国本土家庭的数据库的探究与萃取所沉淀的内容与技术,我们致力于将内容与技术结合家长当下的需求与社会现状进行产品化的打造,通过创新的服务设计和跨学科的产品设计小组,来构诸如养育服务,养育展览等创新服务形式。为家长和家庭提供养育的全新体验和支持。 360家庭成长陪伴支持计划,是养育服务中心推出的首款服务类产品,它是为家庭基于孩子的成长陪伴提供的系统化服务,通过年度,假日,月度和日常的陪伴场景构建了全体系的陪伴支持系统,帮助那些已经有陪伴师但缺乏体系的家庭及想自己做孩子最好的成长陪伴的家庭更简单美好进行日常的养育,以便实现孩子成长的美好陪伴与养育愿景的达成。 我们是一个由精力充沛、友善和好奇的人组成的小团队。我们有硅谷归来的小伙伴,我们也有深耕十余年家庭教育的资深从业者,我们不看现实的脸⾊也拥抱所有不同的颜⾊,我们注重效率、协作和创造力,简单纯粹,专注产品与用户体验设计。 我们寻求具有工作自驱,热爱探索甚至有些偏执与完美主义的新团队成员。在这里,你只需要做自己,聚焦自己所擅长的事情和我们一起实现组织愿景。 岗位职责: 1、开发与拓展家庭服务相关的行业进行合作与代理; 2、熟悉掌握公司产品与相关业务流程; 3、独立完成合作与分销的商务沟通与谈判; 4、协调公司内部资源完成业务合作与日常沟通; 5、维护长期稳定的商务合作关系,达成月度与年度业绩目标; 6、高度热爱家庭教育事业。
At SAP, we enable you to bring out your best. Our company culture is focused on collaboration and a shared passion to help the world run better. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our purpose-driven and future-focused work. We offer a highly collaborative, caring team environment with a strong focus on learning and development, recognition for your individual contributions, and a variety of benefit options for you to choose from. What you will do You will work in an innovative environment with highly motivated colleagues. Your responsibility will be covering all stages and tasks within the entire development cycle: You work as a developer in an agile development team according to Scrum You will take over responsibility for design, test, implementation and maintenance You have the chance to continuously enhance your knowledge and keep up with latest technology trends In order to deliver first class results, you handle your tasks with enthusiasm and personal commitment. You have the ambition of building future-proof products and using state of the art technologies. What you bring Required Bachelor degree or above in Financials, Computer Science, Information Systems, or related disciplines Good software development/programming skills e.g. in ABAP and/or Java, Java Script, SAP UI5 High commitment to quality, reliability and a self-motivating style of working Good analytical and problem solving skills Interest for financial business processes Good team player with a strong ability to network and with drive for tangible results Willingness and ability to learn new subjects quickly Fluent in English Preferred Experience in functional and business process knowledge in Financials Knowledge of cloud / SaaS computing and enterprise software Work Experience We are looking for candidates who have graduated and seek a career in software development. Meet your team Public Cloud ERP Engineering team is responsible to fulfill SAP’s simplification story by delivering SAP S/4HANA in the Public Cloud. This next-generation set of solutions is based on a simplified and renewed technology stack that leverages the full potential of the SAP HANA platform. Public Cloud ERP Engineering team is a global development organization that works in close collaboration with customers and partners to support superior finance processes and new business models. Payment, Cash and Treasury team works on treasury areas like Payment, Cash management, Treasury and Risk Management in a new innovative way by using SAP HANA and Fiori technology. Our solution provides customers the end to end process for all the treasury related business scenario. You as an associate developer will be responsible for development focusing on design, coding, testing, and quality assurance of our planned product features.
24k-32k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科硬件 / 天使轮 / 少于15人Note: This position is being recruited by Intellisn on behalf of bitHuman, and the role is unrelated to Intellisn’s business operations. 注意: 此职位由Intellisn代表bitHuman招聘,与Intellisn的业务运营无关。 About Us: bitHuman is a US-based AI company founded in 2023 by seasoned tech entrepreneur Steve Gu. With a rich history in successful tech startups and a deep technical background, Steve has positioned bitHuman at the forefront of developing lifelike AI agents for enterprise use. Under Steve's leadership, alongside a top-tier team of technologists and product developers, bitHuman is dedicated to revolutionizing the way businesses interact with digital environments. Our mission is to enhance human-machine interactions through advanced, human-centric AI technology, driving innovation and optimization in business processes. Role Summary: As a Sr. Software Development Engineer, you will join an innovative project team led and envisioned by Steve Gu himself. You will be responsible for building and maintaining the backend infrastructure that supports our AI-driven platforms, developing scalable and stable software solutions using technologies like Python. In this role, you will have the opportunity to directly influence the company's technical direction and product development, working alongside top talents in the industry to create impactful AI applications. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Python code. - Implement server-side logic to ensure high performance and responsiveness to front-end requests. - Collaborate with the DevOps team on application deployment and management using Docker and Kubernetes. - Work closely with cross-functional teams to translate business requirements into technical specifications. - Mentor junior developers and promote coding best practices. Requirements: - 5+ years of experience in backend software engineering or a similar role. - Strong proficiency in Python, with a solid understanding of its ecosystems. - Familiarity with Docker, Kubernetes, and other containerization and orchestration tools. - Experience with RESTful APIs and server-side logic. - Ability to read and understand technical documentation in English, with basic oral communication skills in English. - Self-motivated and capable of working independently with minimal supervision. - Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Why Join bitHuman? - 100% Remote Work: Enjoy the flexibility of working from anywhere, setting your own schedule to optimize productivity. - Innovative Projects: Engage with cutting-edge technology that is shaping the future of AI in business. - Career Growth: Benefit from a commitment to professional development and opportunities for advancement. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting a resume and a cover letter detailing their qualifications and interest in the role. Join us at bitHuman, where together we are building the future of AI-enhanced business interactions.
不加班,双休,0销售,0应酬,不打电话 每周至少到岗三天,英语一定要好(优先考虑英语、金融等相关专业25届同学) 接受0风控经验 具体JD如下 1.Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Reporting to both Head of Treasury and Compliance Director of Sales and Trading, you will be a part of a dynamic and motivated team standing ready to make a market for FX spot, forward and derivatives contracts, write compliance reports and analyse trading data. The role of Risk Intern/Graduate will require you to: Daily Tasks and Responsibilities: (1) Assist with the team on daily payment from compliance side, help verifying and screening beneficiaries. (2) Assist with the team on daily trade entries into treasury systems and CAPAY (3) Assist the development team to further build automation on FX derivatives market making process within CAPAY system (4)Run daily reports, including cash reports, position reports, and risk reports upon requests (5) Work closely with other internal stakeholders, including settlement for trade confirmations and trade reconciliation and accounting team on past cash settlement 2. About you: (1) You are highly motivated and passionate for Global Financial Market (2) You have outstanding level of English communication skill (3) You handle stress and pressure well (4) You thrive in a high paced working environment and know how to prioritise your work (5) You either have some coding skills or demonstrate you are in the process of learn the skill (6) You are a fast learner and has the capabilities to solve issues independently, we assess this via looking into your academic results 3.Background and Growth Plan: Corporate Alliance group, with three major brands (currently), CAFX, CAPAY and CAFIN, is a fast-growing global Fintech company, who aims to provide efficient, inexpensive one stop embedded financial services to SMEs, Corporate and other institutional clients. These services include FX Payments and Global Collection, FX leveraged trading and risk management solutions, and Trade Finance services. Corporate Alliance group currently have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Hong Kong and we are currently looking to expand into Singapore, Amsterdam and Vancouver. This role will provide work and services to two subsidiaries of Corporate Alliance family, CAFX Australia holds Australian Financial Service License 523351, CAFX New Zealand with Financial Services Provider (FSP) number 1002179, and CAPAY HK with Licence for operating money service (MSO) number 23-10-03117. Our licences permit us to provide market making services to wholesale clients in Australia and New Zealand on both foreign exchange contracts and derivatives. 4. What you can get Cultural Diversity: Interact with colleagues from various backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and enriching workplace culture. Embrace different perspectives and broaden your horizons. Language Proficiency: Enhance your English language skills by working in an all-English environment. Improve your communication abilities and build strong professional relationships. International Exposure: Immerse yourself in a global business environment, collaborating with professionals from different countries. Gain insights into international markets and expand your professional network. Financial Insights: Develop a deeper understanding of the finance industry through hands-on experience and exposure to various financial processes, products, and trends. Professional Growth: Take advantage of opportunities for career advancement and skill development. We provide resources and support to help you reach your full potential.
Senior Software Project Leader
[深圳·南山区] 2024-01-3040k-70k 经验10年以上 / 本科移动互联网,硬件 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人Availink is a fabless semiconductor company providing ICs for TV connected devices delivering broadcast and streaming media content world-wide. We are expanding our team to position the company for next phase growth. We are looking for hands-on software project leader and/or software architects to help deliver our next generation SDK providing a modern, flexible, seamless, and efficient platform enabling our customers to provide devices with the features and value that consumers demand. we offer competitive compensation, an environment that you can grow your career, opportunity to interact with senior management to make impact at company level. we encourage exceptional individuals, regardless of level of experience to apply, we will create proper position for you to grow and make impact. Responsibilities: • Provide organizational and technical leadership to a multi-national software design team • Employ the principles of agile and continuous software development to plan and coordinate the development activities of a multi-national/multi-site team • Provide organizational leadership to meet schedule and quality targets • Provide leadership in defining software architecture of new products and components • Contribute technical solutions as a hands-on developer along with project planning responsibilities • Coordinate with hardware and systems engineers to deliver total product solutions Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in software engineering, computer science, computer engineering, or similar • Master’s degree in related field preferred • 8 years or more of embedded programming experience, preferably C and/or C++ • 4 years or more of software project management with a track record of delivering timely and high-quality software products • Proficient written and verbal communication skills in both English and Mandarin languages • Proficiency programming in C and C++ required. Familiarity/Proficiency in the following additional programming languages also valued: Python, Javascript, C#, Java, Swift, Kotlin • Experience developing software for consumer multi-media applications strongly preferred • Familiarity with full-stack software development for connected devices preferred • Familiarity with the following multi-media related standards and technologies is valued: MPEG-DASH, HLS, H.264, H.265, MPEG-TS, ISO-BMFF, VAST, VMAP, Playready, Widevine -
Do you have experience in architecting data at a global organization scale? Do you enjoy working on cutting edge technologies while supporting end-users achieving their business goals? About QIMA You will be linking our new companies in Americas, our teams in Europe (mostly France) and our teams in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Philippines). Your role QIMA has a 35%/year growth pace, 20% thanks to acquisitions. It is paramount that we manage to integrate quickly our new acquired companies so that they can extend the benefit of our state-of-the-art data management & dashboards to our new clients and colleagues. Data integration plays a key role in this integration: how do we manage to understand quickly and unambiguously the data of the newly acquired company? How do we connect this data to our existing data flows? Data plays a key role at QIMA: as we master the entire data flow, from data collection (with our own inspectors, auditors, and labs), data processing (BI and data scientists) and data actionability (insights for our customers and for our managers). Data is spread around different departments and expertise inside the company: Marketing, Operations, Sales, IT, … Data governance is key, and collaboration around data will unlock the potential to bring even more value to our customers about the quality of their products, and to our managers about their operations. These main challenges about data lead us to look for our Head of Data. In this role, your main responsibilities will be, but not limited to: - Project Management o Imagine the business cases of the data projects by exchanging with stakeholders, and deliver them o Lead the transversal projects around our datawarehouse and cloud ETL o Lead the Master Data Management projects, leveraging the key skills and technologies already in place across departments o Drive the data integration of newly acquired companies within QIMA group in order to synchronize reporting dashboards and provide a transversal understanding of the business o Lead the discussion and integration projects with external partners o Track results and provide continuous improvement o Be responsible for budget, roadmap, quality and delivery of these projects - People Management o Manage the Data Engineering and the Business Intelligence teams - Community Animation o Animate data governance across domains and departments o Be the guardian of data quality in the group, challenge data inconsistencies and ensure that data is shared by all departments in any circumstances o Implement knowledge sharing practices inside the data community o Be responsible of data lineage and data quality - Management of the run o Cooperate with our IT support organization to create the support of the newly created systems o Organize and manage the day-to-day operation and support of this system Requirements: In order to succeed in this role, you must have: - Master's degree in computer science - Extensive experience and knowledge on Data solution architecting - Experience in transversal projects - Are a hands-on person, autonomous, at ease to discuss with a CEO or a field operator - Open minded, agile with change and pragmatic - Ability to drive a workstream and train final users - Can work in a multinational environment and on multiple simultaneous projects - Strong communication skills, both oral and written - Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills - Are fluent in English: daily use required with our colleagues all over the world; - If you are based in Europe, you are willing and able to travel. We offer: a competitive package, performance bonus, fast career progression and international career opportunities.
不加班,双休,0销售,0应酬,不打电话 可转正 有一定期权背景知识 可接受0风控经验 具体JD如下 1.Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Reporting to both Head of Treasury and Compliance Director of Sales and Trading, you will be a part of a dynamic and motivated team standing ready to make a market for FX spot, forward and derivatives contracts, write compliance reports and analyse trading data. The role of Risk Intern/Graduate will require you to: Daily Tasks and Responsibilities: (1) Support FX spot, forward and all FX derivatives to the Corporate Alliance sales teams and external other FX brokers across the world, including Auckland, Sydney/Melbourne, Hong Kong/Singapore and potentially Amsterdam/Vancouver (night desk) (2) Achieve assigned daily dynamic delta hedging goals within the prescribed risk framework (3) Assist with the team on daily trade entries into treasury systems and CAPAY (4) Assist with the team on daily payment from compliance side, help verifying and screening beneficiaries. (4) Run daily reports, including cash reports, position reports, and risk reports upon requests (5) Assist the development team to further build automation on FX derivatives market making process within CAPAY system (6) Work closely with other internal stakeholders, including settlement for trade confirmations and trade reconciliation and accounting team on past cash settlement 2. About you: (1) You are highly motivated and passionate for Global Financial Market (2) You have outstanding level of English communication skill (3) You handle stress and pressure well (4) You thrive in a high paced working environment and know how to prioritise your work (5) You either have some coding skills or demonstrate you are in the process of learn the skill (6) You are a fast learner and has the capabilities to solve issues independently, we assess this via looking into your academic results 3.Background and Growth Plan: Corporate Alliance group, with three major brands (currently), CAFX, CAPAY and CAFIN, is a fast-growing global Fintech company, who aims to provide efficient, inexpensive one stop embedded financial services to SMEs, Corporate and other institutional clients. These services include FX Payments and Global Collection, FX leveraged trading and risk management solutions, and Trade Finance services. Corporate Alliance group currently have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Hong Kong and we are currently looking to expand into Singapore, Amsterdam and Vancouver. This role will provide work and services to two subsidiaries of Corporate Alliance family, CAFX Australia holds Australian Financial Service License 523351, CAFX New Zealand with Financial Services Provider (FSP) number 1002179, and CAPAY HK with Licence for operating money service (MSO) number 23-10-03117. Our licences permit us to provide market making services to wholesale clients in Australia and New Zealand on both foreign exchange contracts and derivatives. 4. What you can get Cultural Diversity: Interact with colleagues from various backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and enriching workplace culture. Embrace different perspectives and broaden your horizons. Language Proficiency: Enhance your English language skills by working in an all-English environment. Improve your communication abilities and build strong professional relationships. International Exposure: Immerse yourself in a global business environment, collaborating with professionals from different countries. Gain insights into international markets and expand your professional network. Financial Insights: Develop a deeper understanding of the finance industry through hands-on experience and exposure to various financial processes, products, and trends. Professional Growth: Take advantage of opportunities for career advancement and skill development. We provide resources and support to help you reach your full potential.
Responsibilities 1. Assist clients to find the right industry experts often at the heart of their industries to take part in a consultations with our clients 2. Engage with these experts to understand whether they are the right fit for our clients 3. Set up consultations - scheduling, contracts, compliance requirements 4. Develop relationships with existing Six Degrees industry contacts and build new ones with experts you have identified 5. Deliver an excellent client experience through fast, accurate recommendations 6. Think on your feet as you speak on the phone with people across industries and levels 7. Constantly Learning about news and trends in different industries. What we look for 8. Fluency in English and can be your main working language 9. Strong academic credentials also experience in a customer focused role 10. Excellent communication skills, good business sense 11. You will be working on multiple requests on any given day, all with tight timelines, and spanning a wide variety of industries and geographies 12. We look for individuals who are driven, results-orientated, and adaptable to high- pressure situations Development Your path to career advancement at Six Degrees is as follows: Research Analyst - Project Manager – Team Leader - Principal We have a comprehensive training system for newcomers that will teach you the basics of our business. You will learn how to process our customers' ideas and how to explore numerous industry sectors in order to uncover key drivers and interesting research angles for our clients. You will learn how to use public research tools to identify industry experts and refine your communication skills to interact with industry experts/professionals over the phone. In due time you will be promoted from a new hire to an experienced expert consultant with a focus on execution and building a strong network of experts with clients in different industries. What can you expect: 1. Flexible career and development path, with opportunities to gain a wide range of transferable skills 2. Competitive salary 3. During the Associate Program, you will sharpen your skills in business acumen, persuasion, negotiation, time management and stakeholder management
Quality Engineer(Developing)美国E轮外企
[广州·海珠区] 2023-08-2430k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科工具类产品,人工智能服务,数据服务|咨询 / D轮及以上 / 150-500人美国爱迪生(Edison)软件公司成立于2012年,总部位于美国,2021年Yipitdata并购了Edison,目前是E轮融资的独角兽企业,估值10亿美金+。公司正处于快速发展期,我们在美国,新加坡,中国香港,上海,北京,广州成立了分公司。 福利待遇: 1. 美国E轮外企,周末双休不加班,无996,极大的弹性和自由空间,扁平化管理。 2. 无天数限制的年假制度,育儿假随时休,入职即可享有。 3. 六险一金,高端商业保险保障你和家人的健康。补充公积金,缴纳比例12%。 4. 国际化团队的工作环境和氛围,培训机会多,我们在Glassdoor上有令人5. 惊叹的评价,是Inc最佳工作场所之一。 6. 每月有听音乐,健身,自我提升培训等福利。 7. 晋升通畅,每个月都有员工晋升 About The Role: Software Engineer (Testing) As a Software Engineer (Testing) , you will work with a top-notch engineering team and data team to perform quality control from 0 to 1, including monitoring requirements from the production side and qa side, QA platform development for regular auto-test tools, integration tests in CICD, smarter tools to generate and organize test cases. Job Responsibility: 1. Be responsible for part of the functional testing, familiar with the daily testing to help QA and develop to organize their automation test requirements. 2. Help the developer and data Teams to measure and gain insights into improvements to the data quality. 3. Design and develop testing tools for QA testing. 4. Explore the smarter automation tools or forms. Requirements: 1. 4+ years of experience in automation testing. Or 2+ year of experience as a developer. 2. Hands-on experience with Test Automation in any language or tool on unit, integration. 3. Experience in different forms of testing (performance, acceptance, and exploratory) 4. Background in optimization quality monitor or alarm (for example integrating automated tests and other checks), implementing modern quality-focused practices in the developing life cycle, and seeing your career moving into this area. 测试开发工程师 作为一个测试开发工程师,你将加入国际化工作团队,与广州data team研发团队一起把控产品研发质量,参与产品质量监控和保障工作,包括熟悉业务数据和测试流程,负责生产端和QA端的监控需求、常规自动测试工具的QA平台开发、集成 CICD 中的测试. 以及探索更智能的自动化工具来生成和组织自动化用例。 工作职责: 1. 参与核心业务测试,熟悉常规业务测试的方法和流程; 2. 熟悉业务数据和数据的处理逻辑。帮助开发团队和Data 团队监控数据质量,并且提供可视化的数据质量趋势,及时准确的发现数据问题. 并且协助和跟进数据质量的改进; 3. 参与自动化测试工作,包括自动化测试用例设计,编码; 4. 参与自动化测试工具开发,包括但不仅限于功能测试工具,性能工具,以及更智能化的测试工具探索。 岗位要求: 1. 4年以上自动化测试经验,或2年以上研发经验。工科、计算机或其他相关专业本科以上学历,具备一定的计算机基础知识; 2. 具有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,快速的业务学习能力和优秀的逻辑思维能力; 3. 具有较强的责任心和团队意识,工作积极主动,能主动协助组内其他同事, 共同达成团队目标; 4. 熟悉任何一门语言,并且有自动化测试(单元,集成自动测试)或自动工具编程经验; 5. 有一定性能测试知识,如果有性能测试经验更佳; 6. 有兴趣探索更智能的自动化测试方式,并实践; 7. [Option]有监控报警或其他质量监控测试、开发背景优先。 What We Offer: 1. Our compensation package includes comprehensive benefits, perks, and a competitive salary: 2. We care about your personal life and we mean it. We offer flexible work hours, flexible vacation, parental leave, team events, a wellness budget, learning reimbursement, and more! 3. Your growth at YipitData is determined by the impact that you are making, not by tenure, unnecessary Facetime, or office politics. Everyone at YipitData is empowered to learn, self-improve, and master their skills in an environment focused on ownership, respect, and trust. -
Job Introduction: 1、Based on customer's quality and packaging requirements, contact and communication with the customer, factory and relevant business units, to ensure both samples and bulk production can meet customer quality requirements.。 根据客户的质量和包装要求,与客户、工厂及相关业务单位联系沟通,确保样品和大货生产都能满足客户的质量要求。 2、Ensure the orders can be accomplished in time and guarantee both quality and quantity, and deal with the emergencies during the production schedule and raw material tracking. 保证订单的按时保质保量完成,处理生产计划和原材料跟踪过程中的突发事件。 3、Understand customers’ latest ideas, cooperate with customer manager to achieve company established sales plans and profit targets. 了解客户的最新想法,配合客户经理完成公司制定的销售计划和利润目标。 4、Recommend new products to the customer on a regular basis and provide products meeting customers’ requirement in time. 定期向客户推荐新产品,及时提供满足客户需求的产品。 5、Preparation and reception for the foreign customers’ visits. 准备和接待国外客户来访。 Job requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above in international trade or textile engineering related majors, CET - 6 or above. 国际贸易或纺织工程相关专业本科以上学历,大学英语六级以上。 2. Be familiar with the operation process of textiles’ export business, have the experience as a merchandiser is preferred. 熟悉纺织品出口业务操作流程,有跟单经验者优先。 3. Have good communication skills, fluent in English. 良好的沟通能力,英语流利。 4. Love the foreign trade career, pioneering spirit, bears hardships, can adapt to the long working hours caused by international jet lag, be serious and responsible, have the ability to stand strong pressure. 热爱外贸工作,有开拓精神,吃苦耐劳,能适应国际时差造成的长时间工作,做事认真负责,能承受较强压力。 5、Ability to work independently, have a successful independent experience of developing new customers, good ability of self-regulation. 独立工作能力强,有独立开发新客户的成功经验,良好的自我调节能力。 Corporate Benefits: 企业福利: 1. Five insurances and one housing fund, supplementary medical insurance; 五险一金,补充医疗保险; 2、Length of Service Award; 服务年限奖; 4、subsidy for communication costs; 通讯费补贴; 5、Lunch and shuttle is free; 免费午餐,免费班车; 6、Holiday gifts, diverse group activities 节日礼金,多样化的集体活动(女神节活动、生日会、趣味运动会、亲子活动、好书分享会、迎春晚会) 7、Annual medical examination service 年度体检服务; 8、Flexible working hours are optional; 工作时间弹性可选择; 9、Enrichment holidays: statutory holidays, paid annual leave, nursing leave, parental leave, hospitalization nursing leave for parents of only children, blood donation leave, etc.; 丰富假期:法定假日、带薪年假、哺育假、育儿假、独生子女父母住院护理假、献血假等; 10、Hardship relief fund, employee condolences, maternal and child care (special mother and baby room inside) 困难救助基金、员工慰问、母婴关怀(内设专门母婴室)
Software Engineer, Backend_SH
[上海·打浦桥] 2023-08-0930k-35k 经验在校/应届 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructure, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. To support our ambitious growth plans, we are looking for talented, curious and determined individuals to join us for this full-time position in 2023. As a graduate, you will be responsible for partnering with Airwallex’s engineering teams to drive a high performance, data driven culture. You’ll work on high priority areas, such as ensuring operational effectiveness and alignment across the Engineering organization as Airwallex continues to scale across the globe. At Airwallex, you will get unparalleled opportunities to kickstart your career, explore limitless growth opportunities, and build the future of global finance on one platform. You will: Work with a wide range of systems and teams to deliver a solid foundation for our global payment infrastructure Communicate with other engineering teams across Airwallex’s global offices Collaborate with our users and financial partners on a regular basis Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems Debug production issues at multiple levels of the stack Own and optimize several critical parts of Airwallex’s online payment processing flow You may be a fit for this role if you: Graduated or will be graduating in 2023 from a Bachelor's or Master's degree or above in Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Maths or related major. Less than a year of full-time software engineering experience excluding internships Strong verbal and written communication skills Desire to learn and grow with Airwallex as a technologist Love to design systems that are elegant abstractions over complex patterns/practices, especially in the financial industry Think about systems and services and write high quality code. We work mostly in Kotlin However, languages can be learned: we care much more about your general engineering skill than knowledge of a particular language or framework Hold yourself and others to a high bar when working with production systems; Uphold best practices in engineering, security, and design Drive in a collaborative environment involving making decisions with different stakeholders and subject matter experts Enjoy working with a diverse group of people with different expertise. Engineers at Airwallex collaborate with teams across the company, from Sales and Support in sharing feedback from our customers, to Legal and Accounting in supporting our systems for tracking money movement and reporting around the world Plus: Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot Familiar with HTTP protocol and RESTful specifications Knowledge about Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Redis / NoSQL Working experience with Kotlin / Scala / Python / Shell Working experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka Working experience with cloud vendors, such as Aliyun Cloud, GCP or AWS -
Software Engineer, Backend_BJ
[北京·大望路] 2023-08-0930k-35k·14薪 经验在校/应届 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructure, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. To support our ambitious growth plans, we are looking for talented, curious and determined individuals to join us for this full-time position in 2023. As a graduate, you will be responsible for partnering with Airwallex’s engineering teams to drive a high performance, data driven culture. You’ll work on high priority areas, such as ensuring operational effectiveness and alignment across the Engineering organization as Airwallex continues to scale across the globe. At Airwallex, you will get unparalleled opportunities to kickstart your career, explore limitless growth opportunities, and build the future of global finance on one platform. You will: Work with a wide range of systems and teams to deliver a solid foundation for our global payment infrastructure Communicate with other engineering teams across Airwallex’s global offices Collaborate with our users and financial partners on a regular basis Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems Debug production issues at multiple levels of the stack Own and optimize several critical parts of Airwallex’s online payment processing flow You may be a fit for this role if you: Graduated or will be graduating in 2023 from a Bachelor's or Master's degree or above in Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Maths or related major. Less than a year of full-time software engineering experience excluding internships Strong verbal and written communication skills Desire to learn and grow with Airwallex as a technologist Love to design systems that are elegant abstractions over complex patterns/practices, especially in the financial industry Think about systems and services and write high quality code. We work mostly in Kotlin However, languages can be learned: we care much more about your general engineering skill than knowledge of a particular language or framework Hold yourself and others to a high bar when working with production systems; Uphold best practices in engineering, security, and design Drive in a collaborative environment involving making decisions with different stakeholders and subject matter experts Enjoy working with a diverse group of people with different expertise. Engineers at Airwallex collaborate with teams across the company, from Sales and Support in sharing feedback from our customers, to Legal and Accounting in supporting our systems for tracking money movement and reporting around the world Plus: Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot Familiar with HTTP protocol and RESTful specifications Knowledge about Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Redis / NoSQL Working experience with Kotlin / Scala / Python / Shell Working experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka Working experience with cloud vendors, such as Aliyun Cloud, GCP or AWS