• 企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    关于久谦: 久谦管理咨询于 2009 年由多位前麦肯锡顾问创立,主要服务于全球领先的跨国 公司、互联网企业、金融机构以及机构投资者,提供给客户策略性的部门远瞻和 实际的运作支持。 职位描述: 1、基于项目开展桌面研究,运用特定渠道搜索、筛选并联系该领域内有经验的,与项目需求相匹配的行业专家,维护专家关系,同时不断开拓各渠道资源 2、安排专家参与咨询项目访谈,撰写投研市场纪要并进行整理,搭建投研市场交流平台 3、长期关注投研市场,收集并处理相关数据,对特定赛道有较深的理解和判断,有一定市场预测能力,定期为客户提供优质行业专家及信息 我们在寻找的Information Analyst(投研市场方向)… 1、***本科或以上学历,两年以内工作经验 2、具有较强的中文沟通及一定的英文能力 3、具备一定的商业/ 金融市场知识和常识 4、良好的团队协调能力、人际沟通技巧、多任务处理能力,适应快节奏的工作环境 5、对咨询行业有兴趣,有创业精神,抗压力强,愿意“多走一英里” 薪资福利: 1、稳定月薪 10K+,入职缴纳六险一金 2、法定节假日正常休,超长带薪年假 3、完善的入职培训体系、晋升通道让你职场无忧
  • 15k-25k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    金融,软件开发 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    职位介绍: 安全合规专员负责与技术和数字团队合作,结合业务战略目标,实施安全准则,以保护信息资源机密性、完整性和可用性。该岗位需在网络安全策略与标准、网络安全合规和漏洞管理领域开展工作,执行内部合规检查与审核,及时跟进、报告不符合项。 工作内容: o 负责公司网络安全策略、规范、流程和标准的制定与维护,并推进落地 o 开展信息安全意识宣贯 o 负责定期开展SOX内部检查 o 带领各团队准备SOX外部审计并通过 o 准备整理PCI DSS审核材料并配合外部审核员进行PCI审核 o 负责在GRC系统中跟踪安全不符合项,推进整改措施的进行,确保不符合项能及时得到整改 o 负责网络安全等级保护的落地 o 负责推动公司各项其它内部或外部网络安全审计 o 负责整理防火墙变更申请并提交给国际部审阅 o 负责审阅系统灾备演练计划,组织各团队定期开展灾备演练,编写演练报告 o 负责定期编写各项安全报告 o 协助负责网络安全风险评估的推进 我们希望您: o 具备计算机科学学士学位或同等学历,具有信息系统管理或相关专业的信息安全认证(CISSP or CISA) o 具备三年以上信息安全相关经验, 一年以上信息安全审计与/或合规验证相关经验 o 具备信息安全相关的法律法规知识,熟识中国网安法、网络安全等级保护、Sarbanes-Oxley法案、PCI和隐私法 o 拥有良好的英语书面和口头交流能力,包括演示、技术报告和提案的能力 o 对信息安全领域具备高度热情,能持续跟进该领域的发展与趋势及研究方向 o 具有强大的人际交往能力及感染力
  • 20k-35k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Summary NCCT는 Naver Cloud 법인과 발맞추어 Cloud 서비스에 필요한 다양한 상품과 운영도구들을 중국에서 개발하고 유지보수 하는 조직입니다. NCCT 법인 내 NCP Development 부서의 한국 향 개발 관리 업무의 수요에 의한 충원의 건입니다. Position Information: Naver Cloud Platform 서비스 개발 - IaaS, PaaS, SaaS 서비스 개발 및 유지보수 Cloud 운영을 위한 관리도구 개발 및 유지보수 Desired Skills, Experience: - 유관업무 경력 3년 이상 - Computer Science 또는 Software Engineering에 대한 이해가 있으신 분 - Java 기반의 개발 경험이 있으며 Spring Framework에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - MySQL, Oracle 등의 RDB 와 MongoDB, Redis, HBase 등의 NoSQL에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - Elasticsearch, Kafka 등의 기본적인 오픈소스 플랫폼에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - 문제 해결 능력과 커뮤니케이션이 원활하신 분 - 긍정적인 마인드를 가지신 분 - 중국어에 대한 기초가 있으신 분 보유하고 있다면 우대사항이 될 만한 스킬 셋이나 경험을 작성 해 주세요. - 한국 국적 - 중국어 커뮤니케이션 가능하신 분 - 영어로 커뮤니케이션 가능하신 분 - Excel 업로드/다운로드 개발 경험이 있으신 분 - Docker & Kubernetes 서비스 개발 및 운영 경험이 있으신 분 - Vue, React 등을 이용한 Frontend 개발에 대한 이해가 있으신 분
  • 15k-25k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 商业化安全运营团队的职责是确保全球用户在观看广告时获得更安全的用户体验,同时帮助Global Business Solution (GBS)实现更高速,更健康的业务增。为保证平台上的广告主始终能够提供高质量内容,我们与全球团队密切合作,包括但不局限于风险监测指标的搭建、审核流程的攥写,内容风险的判罚决策等。 我们希望寻找一位专业的风险运营专家,提出更及时有效的风险监测,探查和解决方案。理想的候选人需要能够理解解析业务痛点,从海量数据和复杂的运营流程中挖掘有价值的信息并而结合业务需求产出可行性方案。 1、负责国际商业化广告客户风险管控,包括日度及周度风险水位监测、预警、研判、下探、处置的日常执行,从运营侧搭建并不断优化国际化广告风控监测体系,并协同合作方实现有效治理 2、参与风险治理专项的运营侧评估,动态迭代风险管控措施并输出洞察; 3、负责风险探查团队的数据工作,包括数据分析和数据可视化; 4、定期进行工作总结和反思,在质量和效率上不断检讨和改进,并将工作中发现的问题和优化机会及时反馈。 Our business is the leading destination for short-form mobile video. Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. We have global offices including Los Angeles, New York, Dublin, London, Paris, Berlin, Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul, and Tokyo. The global Monetization Integrity team ensures users have a safe experience while viewing advertisements. They work closely with internal stakeholders to create ad policies, manage content review processes, and more. As we continue to add advertising on Platform, this team is critical in assuring a joyful and creative ads experience for the community. 1.Act as an independent touch point for risk control advisor who supports integrity teams performing risk assessments, advising teams on risk management, and risk strategies. 2.Identify opportunities to improve processes, protocols, and policies at scale to reduce risk; 3.Develop and track risk KPIs across teams; work to ensure alignment of multiple stakeholders across Product, Policy, Engineering, Strategy, and Sales; work together to implement solutions; 4.Become an expert in Platform Ads infrastructure, policies, products, tools, systems, and data; 5.Serve as primary point of contact to provide ad-hoc and regular risk investigations support to stakeholders in Ads Policy and Product teams. 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,金融,财务,商业分析,风险,计算机,数学统计等相关专业优先; 2、英文口语及书写技能熟练,分析报告撰写能力强; 3、2年以上的互联网内容或商业化治理/风控/审核策略相关经验,熟悉电商、假货、App类违规广告特征及治理方式加分,对风控工作长期有热情; 4、数据分析能力(SQL能力优先)和数据洞察能力,熟练运用EXCEL PPT等工具的高阶技能,熟练数据清洗、处理、可视化; 5、较强的独立思考能力,责任心强,善于跨部门,跨文化,跨时差沟通。 1.Experience in and/or demonstrable knowledge of domains such as risk, payments, ecommerce, information security, and/or online advertising; 2.Strong and demonstrable systems thinking skills; 3.Experience with SQL or Python preferred; 4.Ability to communicate and influence across teams and regions; ability to find win-win solutions that meet the objectives of cross-functional partners while reducing risk.
  • 8k-14k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位介绍: 1. Be familiar with the basis of operating system, OSI network model, various computer services and protocols. 1.熟悉操作系统基础、OSI网络模型、计算机各类服务和协议。 2. Be familiar with the principles of firewall, IDS / IPS and WAF, and be familiar with the security reinforcement of host operating system (Windows / Linux). 2. 熟悉防火墙、IDS/IPS、WAF等原理,熟悉主机操作系统(Windows/Linux)安全加固。 3. Be familiar with OWASP ****0 security risks, familiar with common vulnerability principles and reinforcement methods. 3. 熟悉OWASP ****0安全风险,熟悉常见漏洞原理及加固方法。 4. Master a variety of tools or platforms for penetration testing or simulation attacks, such as burpsuite, awvs, nmap, Nessus, sqlmap, Metasploit, cobaltstrike, etc. 4. 熟练掌握多种渗透测试或者模拟攻击的工具或平台,如:BurpSuite、AWVS、Nmap、Nessus、SQLmap、Metasploit、CobaltStrike等。 5. Master at least three red team attack skill fields (such as web / mobile app penetration, network penetration, network security simulation attack, social engineering, threat intelligence collection, etc.), be familiar with their principles and skills, have a certain vulnerability mining ability and defense vulnerability discovery ability, and be able to independently complete the test tasks arranged by the superior. 5. 熟练掌握至少三种红队攻击技能领域(如:web/mobile app渗透、网络渗透、网络安全模拟攻击、社交工程、威胁情报搜集等),熟悉其原理、技巧,具备一定程度的漏洞挖掘能力与防御弱点发现能力,能够独立完成上级安排的测试任务。 6. Have good report preparation ability, and be able to independently complete the preparation of penetration test, risk assessment and other reports. 6. 具有良好的报告编写能力,能独立完成渗透测试、风险评估等报告的编写。 7. CET-4 or above, with strong English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 7. 英语四级以上,有较强的英语阅读、写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 8. Be familiar with at least one computer programming language (C, Java, python, go, PHP, etc.). 8. 至少熟悉一种计算机编程语言(C、JAVA、Python、Go、PHP等)。 9. Be familiar with at least two international or regional compliance requirements or network security standards (such as China's network security law, personal information protection law, China's data security law, level protection 2.0, EU GDPR, ISO27000, NIST cybersecurity framework, NIST privacy framework, PCI-DSS, etc.), in security compliance, risk management have some practical experience in system planning. 9. 至少熟悉两种国际或区域性合规要求或者网络安全标准(如:中国网络安全法、个人信息保**、中国数据安全法、等级保护2.0、欧盟GDPR、ISO27000、NIST Cybersecuirty Framework、NIST Privacy Framework、PCI-DSS等),在安全合规、风险管理、体系规划等方面具备一定的实践经验。 10. Master Mandarin listening, speaking, reading and writing, CET-4 or above, have good Chinese and English reading and writing skills (computer security direction), and can adapt to the English office environment. 10. 掌握普通话的听说读写,英语四级以上,有良好的中英文阅读与写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 11. Can work under pressure and accept flexible working time according to project’s requirement and can accept short-term travel. 11. 吃苦耐劳,能适应灵活的工作时间,根据项目需要,能接受短期国内出差。 12. Vulnerabilities submitted on major SRC platforms (extra points). 12. 在各大SRC平台提交过漏洞(加分项)。
  • 新零售 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    JOB STATEMENT: The key responsibilities of the jobholder is to provide meaningful and valuable analysis and recommendation to the top management team for investment decision making, to help business run more healthy and profitable. JOB ITEM: -Provide timely reports and analysis to management. -Support the team with CRM data processing and various analyses in CRM view. -Provide supporting information / Finding to managers; -Provide presentable result to line manager. EXPERIENCE: -Bachelor or above. Graduated in Finance / Business Administration / Applied Statistics -1-3 year related experience. -Strong analytical skill; Experience in Tableau / SQL is preferred -Good at PPT preparation, specially on convert data result to presentation. ATTRIBUTES: -Good communication, resource management and inter-personal skill -Independency ability for senior financial skills and Microsoft skills -Working with high carefulness -Strong sense of responsibility, honest, quick learner, diligent 您是最适合我们的人选,如果: 您是一位 问题解决者 他们根据基于证据的观点做出决定。当他们尝试新事物时,他们会寻求尽可能多的理解,但不会贸然介入,而是进行尽职调查,并为未来制定计划。 您是一位 评估者 他们评估一项建议的可行性,并观察事实。他们更喜欢使用过去行之有效的策略,并倾向于将事情视为**的。他们分析来自团队内部和外部的信息和想法,并根据团队目标研究它们的可行性。 您是一位 专注专业 他们对一个关键领域有深入的了解,并通过学习和研究寻求可能的解决方案。他们往往更保守,他们不需要负责。他们在团队中工作得很好,也很适应单独工作。 您是一位 团队合作者 他们是天生的团队精神,人人为我,人人为我。他们关注的是团队内部的关系。他们乐观,精力充沛,和别人一起工作时感到精力充沛。 您是一位 联接者 他们专注于建立人与人之间的联系,以及想法之间的联系。他们建立了超越网络或团队合作的深厚关系。他们会通过巧妙的合作找到避免对抗的方法。 您是一位 探索家 他们喜欢探索,具有强烈的好奇心和实验性。他们经常会问“为什么?”,然后快速寻找解决方案的模式。他们往往不那么传统,更愿意尝试新事物。
  • 25k-50k 经验不限 / 不限
    电商平台 / C轮 / 2000人以上
    Position Summary: As a privacy Analyst you will be responsible for providing support to the organization’s privacy program by conducting privacy impact assessments, monitoring regulatory requirements and assisting with compliance, processing data subject requests, and collaborating with stakeholders across the organization to ensure the adequate safeguarding of personal data. Job Responsibilities: Privacy Assessments - Product/Change Management (PbD) Develop close partnerships with internal customers by embedding yourself into the roadmap planning processes for the teams you work with. Collaborate with key stakeholders (including Legal, Security, Marketing, Product Development, etc.) on various business initiatives to ensure data collection and usage practices are transparent, protect user privacy, and mitigate risk. Review product documentation and technical specifications for privacy impacts and conduct privacy assessments to investigate risks to the processing, transmission, and storage of personal data. Advocate for internal privacy principles and identify creative ways to embed concepts of privacy by design into operational activities. Utilize business acumen and experience to consult and advise on privacy practices and process workflows. Develop and maintain an understanding of data flows to identify and assist in resolving compliance issues. Develop and support change management processes to ensure documentation remains up-to-date. Compliance Develop and execute quality assurance processes to ensure privacy safeguard metrics are operating effectively; drive root cause analysis to identify issues and remediate them, as appropriate. Drive execution of gap analyses action plans working with client stakeholders to develop supporting documentation from creation to completion. Verify and document compliance within internal requirements and external laws/regulations (such as GDPR, CCPA/CPRA, and LGPD). Job Requirements: Fluent written and spoken Mandarin and English is required Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum of 3 years of relevant privacy experience. One or more of the following certifications: CIPP (Certified Information Privacy Professional), CIPT (Certified Information Privacy Technologist), CIPM (Certified Information Privacy Manager), CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor). Strong understanding of common data privacy principles such as data minimization, privacy by design, consent, and data subject rights. Experience with privacy-enhancing technologies and ability to translate privacy concepts to business terms.
  • 15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The main missions & responsibilities for the position are the following: Executes tests based on formal Test Procedures. Possesses advanced knowledge in the key principles and practices of Penetration Testing and Procedures. Like fuzz test, stress test, password cracking etc. Strategizes Test Scenarios and Execution of Penetration Tests. Works with project teams to explain the vulnerabilities. Creates and enhances Test Procedures and Methods. Bring security support to Business Unit projects on offer development through high level consultation post the test. Work closely with other Pen testers, project teams and SDL process teams to work on research, investigations, definition of SoP(standard operating Procedures), deployments, training, creating assets for efficiency in the cyber-security practices. Investigate potential 3rd party cyber security offer\tools (startup, etc.) to improve the global security level of our offers. Understand impact of various standards like IEC 62443 \ Data Privacy (US, GDPR…), IoT/Edge/cloud standard and regulation and make proposals for the improvement in our testing practices. Work with cyber security stakeholders (Schneider IT security team, BU teams, lawyer) on all the different aspect of IoT & Cloud security (network, server, secure application development, security operation …). Qualifications PREFERRED ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Technology or equivalent work experience Certifications like OSCP, SANS GPEN, SANSGWAPT or any other industry accredited security certifications would be preferred · Understanding of at least three of the following: cryptography, fuzzing, hardware security, kernel hacking, and reverse engineering · Developing, extending, or modifying exploits, shellcode or exploit tools OT/IoT security assessments · Experience in reverse engineering
  • 教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Title: Software Developer Department: DTS, HKUST(GZ) Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run higher education institution between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. Job Duties: 1. In charge or participate in the full software development cycle: including software system design, development, coding, and document writing; 2. System maintenance and support work; and 3. Other tasks from the supervisor etc. 岗位职责: 1. 负责或参与软件产品开发的全程:包括设计,开发,代码编写,文档撰写等工作。 2. 负责系统的维护与支持工作。 3. 其他主管交待的工作等。 任职要求: Requirements: 1. A Bachelor’s degree or above, major in computer science or related areas; 2. At least 2 years’ experience in software development, including but not limited to java/ golang/.net, etc; Candidates with less experience will be considered as Junior Software Developer; 3. Familiar with more than 3 IT design patterns; 4. Skilled at applying multiple mainstream framework development; 5. Experienced in large-scale system integration, data analysis and report template design, OA process design or big data, high-concurrency development is preferred; 6. Proactive, cheerful , strong in communication, willing to learn and stress resistance; 7. Full of passion, self-discipline, sense of responsibility with good team spirit; and 8. Good in English writing and reading. Fluency in Cantonese is a plus. 任职要求: 1. 计算机或相关专业本科以上学历; 2. 至少2年的软件开发经验:java/golang/.net 等。经验较少应征者将被考虑为初级软件开发工程师。 3. 熟练掌握3种以上设计模式。 4. 熟练应用多种主流框架开发。 5. 有大型系统对接、数据分析与报表模板设计、OA流程设计或大数据、高并发开发经验的更佳。 6. 工作积极主动,性格开朗,沟通、抗压及学习能力强。 7. 富有激情, 严于律己,有责任心,有良好的团队精神。 8. 语言能力要求:能够阅读英文技术文档,编写日常英文文件,精通粤语优先。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST Mainland entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://sc.hotjob.cn/wt/HKUSTGZ/web/index and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. *Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault *Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success *Support the client administrators across multiple organizations *Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues *Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. *Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration *Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production *Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds *Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes *Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary *Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule * Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Korean * Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience *Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences *Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers * Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment *Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential *Knowledge document management systems *Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • 40k-45k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    # Summary of This Role Responsible for overseeing Application systems, architecture, design, data workflow, logical processes, and system interfaces. Assure synergy between software and hardware architecture to maximize that relationship. Determine and develop architectural approaches and solutions, conduct business reviews, document current systems, and develop recommendations on how to proceed with the applications. Responsible for ensuring optimal application and system performance. # What Are We Looking For in This Role? Minimum Qualifications: - Bachelor's Degree - Relevant Experience or Degree in: Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business or related field - Typically Minimum 8+ Years Relevant Exp #Preferred Qualifications - Master's Degree - Computer Science or Information Systems - Certification in IT Architecture # What Are Our Desired Skills and Capabilities? - Skills / Knowledge - Having broad expertise or unique knowledge, uses skills to contribute to development of company objectives and principles and to achieve goals in creative and effective ways. Barriers to entry such as technical committee review may exist at this level. - Job Complexity - Works on significant and unique issues where analysis of situations or data requires an evaluation of intangibles. Exercises independent judgment in methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results. Creates formal networks involving coordination among groups. - Supervision - Acts independently to determine methods and procedures on new or special assignments. May supervise the activities of others. - Experience on design and develop distributed services in both VMs and containers - Backend technology stacks (Java,Node), frontend technology stacks (React, Angular), CI tools (Gradle, Jenkins, Shell) CD tools(Terreform, Python), Platforms (Linux, Docker, Kubernetes), Databases (MYSQL, MongoDB, Redshift, Redis), Cloud platform(AWS(EC2, S3,SQS, SNS, Lambda, Serverless, Kibana, Elasticsearch), Azure)
  • 职位职责: 1、设计并实施组织效率及有效性的组织诊断工具以及人才分析框架,对编制效率、组织架构有效性,绩效区分度等维度进行数据分析; 2、和业务部门协同进行组织对标分析,优化组织结构以及编制管理策略; 3、在组织内落地TikTok人才盘点方法论,进行全面的人才盘点评估,通过识别关键岗位、关键人才的继任者计划来支持业务持续发展; 4、协同业务团队定义及发展基于角色的胜任力框架,确保和组织目标以及人才发展战略导向一致; 5、和全球关键合作伙伴建立深度合作关系,了解业务动态、战略以及组织需求; 6、评估HR项目以及流程的有效性,提出改进建议,推动持续改进。 1. Design and implement organizational diagnostic tools and people analytics frameworks to assess efficiency and effectiveness. Analyze data to measure headcount efficiency, organizational structure productivity, and performance differentiation; 2. Collaborate with business units to conduct organizational benchmark analysis and optimize organizational structure and headcount management strategies; 3. Lead the implementation of TikTok's talent review methodology to conduct comprehensive talent reviews and assessments. Identifying critical positions and talent for succession planning to support business growth and continuity; 4. Partner with business leaders to develop and refine competency frameworks for roles, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and talent development strategies; 5. Build strong partnerships with key stakeholders globally to understand their business, strategic, and organizational needs; 6. Evaluate the effectiveness of HR programs and processes, recommending improvements to drive continuous improvement. 职位要求: 1、5 年企业人力资源或咨询工作经验,侧重于人才发展及组织设计(TD&OD); 2、3年以上设计和实施领导力发展项目的经验; 3、具有较强的分析技能,熟练使用数据分析工具(如 Tableau、Exel、Power BI),以提取洞察力并推动战略决策; 4、出色的沟通和表达能力,能够清晰有效地传达复杂信息; 5、具备同时自主管理多个项目的能力,注重细节,时间管理能力强。 优先考虑: 1、有 2 年以上在全球或跨国组织和职能部门工作的经验,接触过不同的文化背景和业务环境; 2、硕士学位和/或人力资源、组织发展、工业-组织心理学或相关领域的专业认证。 1. 5 years of experience in corporate HR or consulting, with a focus on Talent and Organizational Development; 2. 3+ years of experience designing and delivering leadership development programs; 3. Strong analytical skills and proficiency in data analysis tools (i.e. Tableau, Exel, Power BI) to extract insights and drive strategic decision-making; 4. Exceptional communication and presentation skills, with the ability to convey complex information clearly and effectively; 5. Proven ability to autonomously manage multiple projects concurrently, with strong attention to detail and effective time management skills. Preferred Qualifications: 1. 2+ years of experience working in a global or multinational organization and function, with exposure to diverse cultural contexts and business environments; 2. Master's degree and/or professional certifications in HR, Organizational Development, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, or related field.
  • 15k-20k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Specific responsibilities: Participates in all steps of the software development life cycle and is accountable for producing quality code. Participates within a collaborative software development approach to identify and recommend practices for quality assurance at the source using automation. Conducts basic impact analysis, evaluates and identifies effects to regression test suites, testability of code, and application performance to reduce negative influences on continuous testing. Performs quality checks along with updating of automation scripts. Identifies and designs basic testing suites for test driven development (TDD) and behavior driven development (BDD) to allow early and frequent testing as the software is developed. Develops standard software tools, frameworks and utilities for validation / verification activities and end-to-end functional testing of software. Identifies and recommends tools and frameworks for testing and creates automated tools for generic use and maintainability. Writes standard code that uses / exercises non-user interface (UI) components like application program interface's (API's), representational state transfer API (RESTful API), and web services similar to the end user to develop frameworks for testing. Integrates automated suites with continuous integration (CI) tools for frequent execution. Works with stakeholders, business, developers and other analysts to develop test plans, conditions and cases to be used in testing, and learns to perform test data conditioning and execution of test sets. Begins to build a base knowledge of using multiple environments to validate test conditions and reviews data values while learning the various components of the systems and the applications. Reports, tracks defects and defect resolutions, closure and participates in root cause analysis. Uses performance, load, security, and service virtualization testing tools to conduct basic testing, analysis and results interpretation. Builds, scripts, and generates data used in testing. Analyzes moderately complex system performance and responses during loads. Applies a basic knowledge of procedures, methodology and/or application standards to include payment card industry and security related compliance to testing activities using automation. Applies knowledge of service virtualization concepts and its applicability for application testing. Contributes to the continuous improvement activities and testing efficiency. Hiring qualifications Bachelor’s or above degree- Software Engineering, Computer science ,Information systems and other Technical degrees.. Typically 5+ years relevant exp on B/S or mobile testing. Excellent in Software Quality Assurance methodologies, process and best practices along with strong understanding of current Internet/mobile application development technology Proven ability to translate functional stories and user-cases into working test plans using Behavior Driven Development(BDD) methodologies. Experience with automated testing tools including Selenium, Puppeteer, Cucumber, Cypress, Appium, or similar is required. A Python or Ruby or Typescript or Ruby is required. Experience with Devops tools Docker, Jenkins, version control tools Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, and Cloud technology AWS, Azure is preferred. Experience with different type databases in testing. Strong verbal and written communication skills, speaking fluent English is nice to have.
  • 8k-15k·13薪 经验不限 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Responsibilities: 1.Coordinate with Team/ Client to follow-up daily issues 2.Design Presentation/coordination meeting/Translation. 3.Ensure the development team understand the work to be done 4.Responsible for internal and external communication, transparency, and distributing information Qualifications/Requirements: 1.University graduates 2.Proven skills in computer applications, i.e. Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop/CA 3.Strong analytical and problem solving skills with a high attention to detail 4.Great collaboration skills with a professional and positive attitude 5.Working knowledge of office procedures / Design procedure. 6.Independent worker who possesses initiatives 7.Be responsible for the tasks he/she is assigned to. 8.Excellent communication skills including verbal, written, white boarding and presentation in fluent English / Mandarin. 9.Have basic knowledge of manage / consolidate information into readable/ understandable format for designer or client. 10.Ability to introduce, drive, manage and execute new ideas and change in a fun, quickly evolving environment