• 企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    技术要求: 1. 三年以上高通平台摄像头调试经验。 2. 对摄像头性能和功耗优化有深入分析和实践经验。 3. 对Camera HAL层的算法集成和适配有丰富经验。 4. 精通图像信号处理和高级图像处理算法。 5. 熟练进行摄像头硬件和软件调试。 项目经验要求: 1. 在高通平台上的摄像头系统开发和优化项目经验。 2. 跨平台摄像头驱动开发经验。 3. 参与过摄像头性能和功耗优化项目。 职责: 1. 负责高通平台上的摄像头驱动开发和调试。 2. 优化摄像头性能和降低功耗。 3. 在Camera HAL层进行算法集成和适配。 4. 与团队合作,共同提升产品的摄像头性能和用户体验。
  • 13k-15k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 大专
    数据服务,其他 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    【基本描述】 在投递该岗位的简历前,请先了解一下我们的 Driver Easy 这款产品,这是我们公司运营的核心产品,它是未来你需要主要负责接手维护迭代的对象,你将会和公司的其他研发岗位一起持续对其进行打磨更新。你面对的领域是Windows 驱动更新和管理,请做好相关领域必要的知识储备。 【岗位职责】 1. 负责公司核心产品 DriverEasy 桌面软件的迭代/更新; 2. 与产品需求方、UI 设计、后端开发协同,参与 DriverEasy 软件的功能设计/实现/自测、日常迭代和维护、需求讨论等工作。 【任职要求】 1. 具有良好的编程能力与习惯,以及良好的逻辑思维能力; 2. 不错的沟通理解能力和问题分析解决能力; 3. 责任心强、有职业操守; 4. 能够基于 .NET 平台做 C# 开发; 5. 熟悉 WPF 界面框架; 6. 熟悉关系型数据库 MySQL 和 NoSQL 系的 Redis; 7. 能熟练使用 Git 进行代码托管管理; 8. 2年或2年以上工作经验。 【以下为加分项】 1. 有过 Windows 驱动相关领域开发经验; 2. 能够使用 docker 进行容器化开发; 3. 英语阅读能力强,阅读英语文档没有障碍; 4. 敢于接触陌生的问题和知识; 5. 性格开朗、活泼,善于处理人际关系; 6. 遇到困难的问题,不缺乏独立解决问题的能力,但又不失及时沟通当前状况的主动性。 【公司环境福利】 1. 丰厚的年终奖; 2. 不用打卡,弹性上班,周末双休,远程办公; 3. 年度旅游,节日福利; 4. 入职购买一档五险一金; 5. 带薪年假,满一年5天年假,两年6天年假,第六年达10天年假,之后两年增加1天,最多可达15天; 6. 清一色90后小伙伴,上班氛围轻松自由; 7. Nice 的同事和懂你的老板; 8. 办公室零食、水果、咖啡饮料不间断; 9. 开放式办公,扁平化管理,丰富的培训与学习机会,简单的人际关系,年轻有活力的团队。 【公司简介】 我们是一家致力于解决用户电脑问题的创业公司,我们希望能够通过我们的努力,将复杂的处理过程,简单的呈现给用户,让用户能够轻松的解决电脑问题。和传统意义上的创业公司不同,我们公司倾向于 Facebook,苹果等欧美风格的创业公司。在创业团队,你需要身兼多职,处理很多任务,这个过程会让你快速成长。我们公司重视每一个员工的发展,并为其提供学习平台。 了解更多,请前往: 公司官网:https://www.earlybirdsoft.com/ 产品官网:https://www.drivereasy.com/
  • 8k-12k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,数据服务 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1、主要从事嵌入式系统的驱动和系统内核的开发工作; 2、硬件相关驱动程序、网络协议、嵌入式系统软件抽象层等方面的软件开发; 3、负责手持终端的软件设计与开发; 4、完成日常开发工作,解决开发中的技术问题。 任职资格: 1、计算机、电子、通信等相关专业,本科学历以上,接受应届生; 2、有嵌入式系统软件(BSP,Driver等底层)的开发经验; 3、熟练掌握C/C++编程语言; 4、熟悉硬件工作原理,能读懂原理图; 5、熟悉单片机原理及底层应用开发,熟悉ARM体系结构,熟悉I2C、SPI等基础的通讯协议。
  • 社交,工具,金融 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    岗位名称:送餐员/骑手(Delivery Driver) 公司名称:快跑者网络技术有限公司 工作地点:城关区就近分配 岗位职责: 1. 负责外卖配送,确保顾客订单准时、准确地送达;   2. 维护骑手形象,遵守交通规则,保证行车安全;   3. 保持骑手装备整洁,维护配送车辆及设备;   4. 及时反馈顾客意见和建议,积极参与公司培训和活动;   5. 完成其他临时性工作任务。 任职资格: 1. 18-45 岁,身体健康,无不良嗜好;   2. 熟悉当地地形,有较强的方向感;   3. 具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识;   4. 具备摩托车或电动车驾驶执照,有相关工作经验者优先;   5. 能接受弹性工作时间,抗压能力强。 薪资待遇: 1. 薪资结构:底薪 + 提成 + 奖金,****;   2. 提供完善的社保福利;   3. 提供培训及晋升机会;   4. 享受国家法定节假日及年假;   5. 提供丰富的团队活动及员工关怀。 应聘方式: 有意者请携带个人简历、身份证、驾驶证等相关证件到公司面试,或将简历发送至公司邮箱:(请填写公司邮箱地址)。 公司地址:城关区,东方红广场 联系电话:*********** 欢迎有志之士加入我们的团队,共创美好未来!
  • 23k-32k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 负责公司边缘计算硬件产品的软件系统设计和开发,参与公司产品功能规划,并根据产品功能需求,完成相应的软件架构设计和软件解决方案实施 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机、软件工程、电子通信、自动化相关专业; 2. 5年以上linux /Android 系统开发经验,包括 uboot/bsp/driver/等 3. 熟悉常用外设工作原理,技术指标及驱动修改和调优,如以太网,SATA,WIFI等 4. 熟悉TCP/IP网络协议,具备一定的网络编程经验,PPPOE,PPP,DHCP,DNS,HTTP,SNMP,FTP,L2TP,PPTP,IPSEC,SSL,VPN,UPnP,RIP,IGMP,QoS,VLAN,等网络协议至少精通一个以上上述协议。 5. 符合以下条件优先:1)有基于RK,AML SOC 系统软件开发经验的。2)有路由器,交换机等网络设备系统软件开发经验的。 6. 有良好的团队协作精神,良好的沟通能力。 7. 工作地点:深圳,上海
  • 13k-17k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    以下是关于岗位的职位描述: 岗位职责 1、参加基于Windows C/C++ 、WDK、COM等技术产品的应用开发。 2、协助及独立完成项目软件的需求分析、编码测试等工作 3、配合项目经理完成各项文档的编写、软件开发以及项目经理安排的其他任务 任职资格 1、熟悉C/C++开发与调试,有Driver相关开发经验者优先。 2、有基于多媒体架构(如:FFmpeg, directshow, OpenMax, MediaFoundation或者一些私有SoC架构)开发经验者优先 3、能承受工作压力、责任心强、勤奋好学、动手能力强、具有团队合作精神和沟通能力 4、英文熟练(看懂英文技术文档,英语四级及以上)
  • 专业服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    The role is based in the North business development team but works day to day within 2 One Firm account teams based in Beijing, focussed on broadening and deepening client relationships, enhancing our firm’s position in the market and identifying and driving pursuits to increase our win rate on major and strategic opportunities. The role involves working closely with the Global Relationship Partners (GRPs) on 2 of the firm’s priority clients to help develop client relationships, identify opportunities and maximise revenue. This will also involve working with partners and staff to support them in building their business relationships, building networks within the firm to ensure the right expertise is brought together to meet the clients’ needs, and also working closely with the North Business Development Leader to determine areas of focus, Specifically the role involves: • Deepening and broadening client relationships, facilitating whole of firm relationships • Identifying and supporting strategic pursuits – from identification to conversion • Driving client feedback and ensuring that we are maximising the client experience • Driving account fundamentals – ensuring we are strategically working together as a team to driving a client centric approach on the account • Account Global Relationship Partners • Account Lead Partners and teams • Global account teams • Industry Leaders • CNHK Business Development Leader • North Business Development Leader • Business Development Team Client driver • Be the “glue” of the account team and different teams in the firm, driving broader and deeper relationships across the account, and supporting the conversion of strategic opportunities, delivering One Firm to the client. Ensuring all account fundamentals are in place, to drive sustainable growth for the business. Objective/key responsibilities/KPIs: • Works with global relationship partner and other partners/staff on the account team to build relationships with client stakeholders including introducing new relationships, maintaining relationships and driving the team to increase the number of strategic meetings. • Identify opportunities in new areas, helping to drive the proposal process as appropriate. • Ensure account infrastructure is in place and functioning appropriately – eg account team meetings; opportunity tracking and revenue reporting; client events/regular touch points; follow up on opportunities • Follow up on opportunities with clients to ensure proposals are submitted on time; appropriate expertise is being deployed and deadlines are being met • Acts as a central point of contact for the account team in the North, helping the team across the region engage with the client in strategically defined areas; supports effective communication across the account team regionally – eg through developing account communications; ensuring information is shared • Manages ongoing client feedback process • Designs/manages delivery of the annual global client planning workshop Mandatory experience and skills: Education • Educated to at least degree level Work experience • At least 10 years’ relevant work experience • Understanding of China market and Chinese corporations • Understanding of effective account/ relationship management/ opportunity management and pursuit processes Personal characteristics/capabilities • Fluent English, Chinese/Mandarin and Cantonese (nice to have) (speaking, reading and writing) • Attention to details with high standard in quality of work • Good presentation skills • Outgoing personality with well-developed social and persuasive skills • Flexible, adaptable, resilient and self-motivated • Team player • Curiosity and hunger to learn – interest in building their understanding of the firm and its services, and in building their career in the region’s – and the world’s – largest professional services firm. • Skills in PowerPoint, Excel and Word
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    工具 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1. 负责备份虚拟化及容器产品模块的研究、设计、编码。 2. 设计和开发基于Openstack、KV、VMware等虚拟化技术的数据备份平台; 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机类相关专业; 2. 具有 3 年或以上虚拟化相关产品开发工作经验; 3. 熟练掌握Java编程语言、数据结构和常用算法,掌握并行编程方法;掌握多线程编程; 4. 熟悉Openstack服务框架,平台优化,熟悉cinder driver; 5. 熟悉Linux操作系统基础管理,熟悉KVM、QEMU、libvirt、virt-manager等虚拟化相关技术; 加分项: 1. 熟悉容器云,熟悉docker原理,熟悉k8s,了解csi driver; 2. 有分布式缓存、元数据,一致性、容错处理、灾备处理等相关经验者优先.
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限
    文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1Purpose of the Job I. Bridge Tech & Analytics team closely to relevant Procurement Teams(Sourcing, Operation, Performance & Planning, etc.) II. Bring the synergies to develop category strategies, and deploy aligned plan properly to ensure following KPIs delivered: · Cost Control: Deliver targeted savings on both Capex & Opex in T&A scope, and ensure no adverse impact on quality and time requirement. · Efficiency Enhancement: Drive a highly efficient project implementation plan with T&A PMOs while ensuring high productivity and maintaining continuous improvement; · Compliance: Manage risk and achieve strategical & operational compliance across ‘Source to Pay’ end-to-end activities. III. Provide expertise of external supply market knowledge, sharing best practices of digitalization, identifying/executing on value creation opportunities. 1. Responsible for general services category sourcing, negotiation, contracting and supplier management, including professional services, lease & rental, facility management, travel, etc… 2. Have an insight into innovation and new supplier development to deliver expected saving on the basis of total cost & value ownership 3. Set up and renew cost model for cost analysis (understand supply and demand market, category supply market, cost structure, etc) 4. Maintain supplier database and make cost driver analysis Qualifications and Technical competencies required 1. Bachelor degree and 3~10 years related working experience of indirect buying in multi-national company; 2. Knowledge and experience in general services or IT category preferred. 3. Knowledge and experience in FMCG company is a plus; Technical competencies: 1. Good data analysis skills and data sensitivity; 2. Good communication skill in both Chinese and English; 3. Good team player; 4. Skillful in computer software: MS Office (Excel, Words, PPT), Website access & research etc; 5. Persist in overcoming obstacles towards success of objectives 6. Challenge self, suppliers & colleagues and persevere to successful conclusion 7. Initiative for “self management” and “self starting” on projects and tasks EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.
  • 20k-22k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 2000人以上
    1.工作经验不少于10年 2.***本科或以上学历 3.熟悉嵌入式软件开发流程 4.具备嵌入式C软件开发能力 5.熟悉FreeRTOS、Linux系统 6.熟悉嵌入式Linux Driver、Linux APP开发 7.具有WIFI、BT、4G/5G模块运用开发经验 8.熟悉通讯协议,如以太网、BT、BLE、CAN、USB等 9.具备8个或以上嵌入式产品软件开发经验 10.具备3个或以上嵌入式产品整体技术负责经验 沟通协作能力良好
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    数据服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、分布式爬虫系统和数据采集的规划、设计、开发; 2、爬虫策略和防屏蔽规则研究,提升网页抓取的效率和质量; 3、理解系统数据处理流程以及业务功能需求; 4、负责核心算法的设计与开发。 岗位要求: 1、了解各种加密算法,在破解验证码方面有丰富经验,能够独立解决js反爬和模拟登陆问题; 2、熟悉常见反爬机制,验证码识别,IP代理池、应用Ip池、headers认证和cookie等; 3、熟悉 Appium.Selenium.PhantomJS.Web Driver等技术; 4、熟悉熟练使用charles、fddler等抓包工具; 5、熟悉MySQL、MongoDB、Redis、Elasticsearch、Kafka等常用的中间件; 6、有国外社交网站Instagram、Youtube、Facebook、Tiktok爬虫经验优先。
  • 20k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    物联网,智能硬件 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Primary Responsibilities: 1. Design, develop, and test embedded applications for cutting edge wireless IoT systems built on emerging standards. 2. Create and maintain software requirements and design specifications. 3. Communicate with management to understand product requirements and produce designs to specification. 4. Produce reliable, efficient, and maintainable code. 5. Work proactively with software quality assurance to improve our test coverage and testing automation capability. Knowledge Skills and Abilities: 1. BS, MS preferred, in Computer Science or related technical field. 2. 2 - 4 years' experience in Embedded Software design and development. 3. Experience with Linux and embedded Linux. 4. Familiarity with C and shell is required. 5. Familiarity with Linux driver debug and porting is required. (e.g. MIPI LCD, TP, MIPI Camera, I2S Audio, UART, SDIO WIFI, BT, USB-to-UART). 6. Familiarity with debugging tools in an embedded environment is required. 7. Familiarity with I2C, I2S, PCM, SPI protocol is required. 8. Understand OpenGL-ES, Video encode and decode is a plus. 9. Understand Linux device driver, ALSA, ASOC, V4L2i driver framework is a plus. 10.Able to read & write English.
  • 汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE As a Software QA Engineer, you will be responsible for validating all current and future Autopilot features on the path to full self-driving. You will work very closely with the development team to drive the validation of new and existing Autopilot features, and you will be responsible for reporting and investigating issues that are detected in the field. The work you do will directly impact the experience that our customers around the world have with Autopilot. You will work with teams in Europe, US and Asia. This will require you to be flexible in terms of time. A strong candidate will possess excellent quality assurance skills with a great attention to detail, have prior industry experience testing sensory-based robotics motion, planning and controls features, and have a self-driven attitude and passion to deliver the highest quality software possible. RESPONSIBILITIES Help transition Tesla’s Autopilot to full self-driving by developing & validating features including Autosteer, Navigate on Autopilot, Smart Summon, and more. Support in maintaining existing tooling/automation/simulation code and pitch your own validation requirements to the tooling team on new tooling projects. Perform functional, stress, and performance tests on multiple levels within the system including vehicle software simulation, hardware-in-the-loop automation, and in-vehicle testing. Leverage Tesla’s vast telemetry pipeline to monitor Autopilot performance in the field. Identify effective test strategies for new/existing features and craft test plans accordingly. Analyze issues detected during your tests or reported by others and work closely with firmware developers to fix issues and validate software changes. Review of system requirements for testability and make sure software meets internal requirements. Create data visualizations and metrics. REQUIREMENTS MUST Evidence of solid coding skills in Python or C++. A live coding test will be part of the interview procedure. Very strong English communication skills in conversation and writing. Qualified in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Software Engineering, Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems Engineering, or the equivalent in practical experience and evidence of exceptional ability. Several years of experience feature validation in the field of automotive, aerospace, nautical or robotic systems, embedded or system-level software, or consumer electronics hardware/software. Evidence of hands-on experience troubleshooting on both software and hardware level. Valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Outstanding attention to detail. PREFERRED Manual test execution is not considered as relevant experience. Flexibility of traveling to various domestic and international destinations when necessary, to test vehicles on public roads, test tracks and proving grounds. Experience testing ADAS features, and/or experience testing computer vision systems a big plus but not a must. Candidates with strong validation and test-automation experience from other fields of work, are welcomed to apply.
  • 30k-35k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    BMW is driving the development of automated driving vehicles as one of its main areas of focus. At the core of such vehicles is software as the vehicle's "brain". The BMW Automated Driving Team, China, is part of the BMW automated driving software development network, and thus requires skillfull and versatile software engineers and project managers. Responsibilities: -Analysis of the defects of the Automated Driving (AD) and Advanced Driver Asistance System (ADAS) in every development cycle, to identify root causes and direction of fixes. -Construction and maintainance of the AD system effect-chain knowledge. -Development of toolings for the defects analysis. Trouble-shooting the effect-chain during the Integration of the vehicle onboard software into real testing vehicle and virtual testing facilitiy, to provide a testable system in every development iteration. Qualifications: -Master in Computer Science, SW Engineering or equivalent. -Substantial knowledge and experience in modern software development and engineering in embedded systems or backend systems with mainly C++, and partially Python. -Familiar with project lifecycles and software processes (both functional and non-functional requirement analysis, system design / architecture, implementation, configuration/build management, testing/integration, user acceptance testing, roll-out, maintenance). -Good understanding of software-/system architecture and system design. -Usage, deployment and improvement of distributed, big data systems targeting automated driving applications. -Good knowledge and experience in data analizing pipline/systems development and deployment with mainly spark, airflow, grafana, and influxDB. -Knowledge about vehicle bus network, sensor and other electronic systems in a vehicle. -Capable of working in a dynamic and challenging environment. Good communication skills, good language skills in Chinese and English (written and oral); German language skills optional and appreciated. -1-3 Years Software development experience. -1-3 Years Automated driving/ driver assistance/ Robotics experience.
  • 18k-36k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车|出行,硬件 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Purpose of Position • Act as the technical expert of China Digitalization- IoT area, support and coordniate the related activities in China • Support Industry 4.0 rollout activities Essential Responsibilities • Identify business needs could be solved by IoT solution ; • Researching, creating, testing and documenting IoT solutions; • Translate IoT enhanced solution into end user benefits and into company value ; • Manage IoT pilots and projects coordinating internal and external resources; • Provide solutions to issues related to the connection of networks and platforms ; • Responsible for data collection of software and hardware systems such as DCS, PLC, automation equipment and IPC ; Design and debugging of industrial communication protocol, interface, data format and driver ; • Coordinate Industry 4.0 rollout activities. Qualifications/Requirements 1. Bachelor degree or above in computer and related majors, at least 5 years IoT experience in manufacturing industry; experience on Azure IoT is plus ; 2. Firm understanding of IoT architecture and principles; 3. Skilled in industrial automation products (PLC/DCS/upper software/sensors/IPC/SCADA, etc.) ; 4. Proficiency in Siemens PLC of S-300/400, S1200,S1500 & WINCC, familiar with TIA PORTAL; Also familiar with other PLC brand, like Beckhoff, Mitsubishi,Keyence, Omron, etc; 5. Good knowledge in mainstream sensor application schemes(pressure, temperature, photoelectric sensor, etc.), and have comprehensive networking experience in related technologies; 6. Familiar with wireless sensor network, Ethernet, Fieldbus and other communication technologies, understand RFID, ZigBee, Wi Fi, WIA-PA, Bluetooth 4.0, UWB and other technologies; 7. Good knowledge in OPC/OPC UA/MQTT/Modbus/TPC/Fieldbus or related protocols, configuration know-how is a must;Good knowledge in bus systems (MPI, PPI, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Device NET, TCP/IP, etc) ; 8. Well-versed with multiple programming languages such as Embedded-C, Embedded C++, JavaScript and Python; 9. In-depth understanding of computer programming ,device security ,data security and network security. CCNP or more advanced network certificate is required, CCIE certification is plus; 10. Good communication and team work; 11. Good oral and written English as a plus. 其他信息