• 15k-30k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    专业服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Job Description To really stand out and make us fit for the future in a constantly changing world, each and every one of us at PwC needs to be a purpose-led and values-driven leader at every level. To help us achieve this we have the PwC Professional; our global leadership development framework. It gives us a single set of expectations across our lines, geographies and career paths, and provides transparency on the skills we need as individuals to be successful and progress in our careers, now and in the future. As a Senior Associate, you'll work as part of a team of problem solvers, helping to solve complex business issues from strategy to execution. PwC Professional skills and responsibilities for this management level include but are not limited to: Use feedback and reflection to develop self awareness, personal strengths and address development areas. Delegate to others to provide stretch opportunities, coaching them to deliver results. Demonstrate critical thinking and the ability to bring order to unstructured problems. Use a broad range of tools and techniques to extract insights from current industry or sector trends. Review your work and that of others for quality, accuracy and relevance. Know how and when to use tools available for a given situation and can explain the reasons for this choice. Seek and embrace opportunities which give exposure to different situations, environments and perspectives. Use straightforward communication, in a structured way, when influencing and connecting with others. Able to read situations and modify behavior to build quality relationships. Uphold the firm's code of ethics and business conduct.
  • 4k-8k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: Responsibilities: 1.负责现有目标客户的管理及新市场开拓,发展新客户,完成销售目标; 1. Responsible for the management of existing target customers and new market development, development of new customers, and completion of sales targets; 2.诊断并分析客户需求,提供解决方案,协助后续部门完成重要项目实施; 2. Diagnose and analyze customer needs, provide solutions, and assist follow-up departments to complete important project implementation; 3.完善公司CRM系统中客户需求数据库并进行整合分析需求导向; 3. Improve the customer demand database in the company's CRM system and conduct integration analysis and demand orientation; 4.分析客户需求,完成需求数据采集、分析及约定书撰写; 4. Analyze customer needs, complete demand data collection, analysis and agreement writing; 5.提供咨询服务,负责事务所客户部分战略管理、合作方沟通; 5. Provide consulting services, responsible for part of the firm's customer strategic management, partner communication; 6.维护与客户间的良好关系,关注项目执行进程; 6. Maintain a good relationship with customers and pay attention to the project execution process; 7.项目把控、与客户进行项目结算; 7. The project controls and settles the project with the customer; 8.为高端客户提供面对面的咨询服务; 8. Provide face-to-face consulting services for high-end customers; 岗位要求: Requirements: 1、  本科以上学历; 1, Bachelor degree or above; 2、会计、财务管理、审计等财经类专业背景; 2, accounting, financial management, audit and other finance and economics background; 3、具有团队合作精神; 3, with team spirit; 4、具有良好的沟通协调能力和写作能力; 4, with good communication skills and writing skills;   5、熟练使用WORD、EXCEL、VISIO、PPT软件; 5, the skilled use of WORD, EXCEL, VISIO, PPT software; 6、具有CCPA、ACCA、CIA、CISA、MBA等资格者或英语熟练应用者优先录用。 6, with the CCPA, ACCA, CIA, CISA, MBA and other qualifications or English Proficient preferred. 7.每日8小时时间安排:9:00-11:30;13:30-19:00 7. Daily 8 hours schedule: 9:00-11:30; 13:30-19:00
  • 30k-37k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    【Base:深圳】 岗位职责: 1、负责联想音视频及游戏周边设备开发项目管理 2、负责与项目相关方有效沟通,达成项目目标 3、负责新产品端到端项目协调 4、参与产品定义及技术方案选型,并负责相关创新技术方案的产品实现。 5、了解联想电脑周边电子产品的行业趋势,技术趋势,并且负责联想相关电子产品的行业技术竞争力 6、整合供应商能力,高质量完成产品交付 任职资格: 1、EE/CS相关专业本科以上学历 2、在音视频相关产品,做为项目经理具有7-10年工作经验 3、具有音视频产品全周期开发经验与知名品牌产品成功上市经验 4、具有音视频产品基础技术知识,如图像处理,电子电路,图形算法,图像芯片等。 具备较强英文沟通能力者
  • 12k-24k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    专业服务|咨询,区块链 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    公司介绍: Capstone Group is a global blockchain consulting company that provides full stack project incubation, global PR/marketing, global community management, market making, and exchange listing advisory. Capstone's team spans in 4 key locations: China, US, UK, and Korea. Capstone has provided advisory and incubation services to 60+ clients globally, including multiple well-known top tier projects 工作内容: 1. 综合管理区块链项目的市场推广方案、进度和执行工作 2. 参与区块链项目的市场策划、社群营销和战略制定、执行和管理 3. 对接客户需求,及时反馈客户提出的问题,汇报项目进度,呈现项目推进成果 4. 目标拆解,任务分配,团队协调,确保各部门保质保量完成相关工作 5. 把控项目整体进度,抓住关键时间节点,保证预期目标达成 6. 区块链相关文章编辑和撰写 工作地点: 远程办公 任务要求: 必须要求: 在工作场景中的听说读写英文能力接近母语水平 对区块链行业有一定的热情和理解 可选要求: 1. 2年以上市场、PR、运营、商务相关工作经验,互联网和区块链行业优先,有过咨询工作经验的优先 3. 有较强的沟通和表达能力,时间管理能力;逻辑清晰,做事有条理;有项目管理经验者优先。 4. 有较强的理解能力和适应能力,能够灵活应对突发状况。 5. 有较强文字能力,或有一定的区块链行业媒体关系和行业资源优先。 特别说明: 1. 该职位可以获得和**海内外区块链公司高管直接工作的机会 2. 该职位可以接触到区块链行业的各个细分职能 3. 该职位直接工作的的同事均来自于美国,中国,韩国**学校和一线公司
  • 26k-27k·15薪 经验不限 / 博士
    教育|培训 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 一、工作职责 1.开展高水平课题研究,独立完成科研任务,发表具有国际影响力的研究成果; 2.协助课题组项目申请,积极依托课题组申请国家、省、市项目及课题; 3.协助指导硕士或本科生; 4.协助课题组建设和管理。 二、课题组及研究方向 (一)刘东红教授课题组 1.导师简介 刘东红,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、国务院特殊津贴获得者、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才和浙江省151重点人才,获全国优秀科技工作者和全国食品安全工作先进个人荣誉,入选科睿唯安2021年全球高被引科学家。现任智慧绿洲副主任、兼智慧绿洲未来食品实验室主任、浙江大学食品科学与工程一级学科负责人,国际食品工程联盟(IAEF)国家代表,ISO/TC313工作组成员, Applied Food Research副主编,Trends in Food Science and Technology和Ultrasonics Sonochemistry编委。 主要从事食品绿色加工技术及智能装备研发工作。以**完**获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、浙江省科技进步一等奖、中国轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖等奖励。 2.研究方向 食品加工及装备研发;食品柔性智能制造。 (二)陈启和教授课题组 1.导师简介 陈启和,教育部新世纪优秀人才、获浙江省杰出青年基金、151人才计划、科学中国人2014年度人物等。现任智慧绿洲未来食品实验室副主任、智能食品加工与装备国家地方联合工程实验室副主任等。 先后主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省重大科技招标项目等20余项,在Chem Eng J、Food Chem、J Agric Food Chem、Trends Food Sci、Compre Rev Food Sci等期刊发表SCI收录论文80余篇,编著专业教材与著作3部,获浙江省自然科学技术进步二等奖1项、三等奖1项。 2.研究方向 (1)食品合成生物学:围绕动物干细胞定向增殖分化、特征基因元件挖掘与优化、生物合成途径优化和细胞工厂性能提升等关键技术领域,构建细胞工厂生产蛋白质、油脂、碳水化合物等食品重要组分,实现未来食品原料的细胞工厂规模化生产与制造。 (2)生物信息学:基因组学、计算机科学、人工智能或相关专业,通过大数据可视化分析、机器学习或运用R/Python语言、Linux系统解决食品微生物及肠道微生物的代谢机理。 (三)陈士国教授课题组 1.导师简介 陈士国,教育部“青年长江学者”,《Food Science and nutrition》副主编等六本国内外核心期刊共同主编或编委。现任智慧绿洲未来食品实验室靶向功能食品方向负责人、浙江大学食品科学与营养系主任。 主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、浙江省重点研发项目等国家/省部级项目20余项,在食品及亲水胶体领域的一区期刊发表SCI论文100多篇(通讯),H指数51,入选全球前10万科学奖;获教育部自然科学一等奖(2/6)、教育部科技进步一等奖(2/12)、轻工联合会科技进步一等奖(2/12)等奖励及国际食品功能因子大会(ICOFF)青年科学家、首届香江学者荣誉。 2.研究方向 健康食品智造;靶向精准营养。 (四)张辉教授课题组 1.导师简介 张辉,浙江大学工业技术转化研究院副院长,食品科学与营养系副主任。担任Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture期刊副主编(Associate Editor),Food Packaging and Shelf Life期刊编委(Editorial Board)、美国油脂化学家协会(AOCS)中国分会理事(Advisory Council)等学术兼职。 承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、浙江省自然科学基金杰青项目、浙江省重点研发计划等***省部级项目,发表论文120余篇,授权发明专利10余项,其中2项实现成果转化。获2021年黑龙江省自然科学三等奖(4/5)、2021年浙江省科技进步二等奖(1/9)等学术奖励。 2.研究方向 食品风味;食品添加剂;功能性配辅料。 三、岗位待遇 1.薪酬:年薪40万元起(含人才补贴),优秀博士年薪一事一议; 2.福利:享受用餐补贴、节假日福利、生日福利、健康体检等,符合条件者可享受嘉善县相应人才政策;提供人才公寓租住,协助解决子女入学入托等问题; 3.绿色通道:期满出站后优先录用至中心科学研究岗位或工程技术岗位或推荐至省内其他高校或科研院所; 4.其他支持:支持申报博士后科学基金、国家自然科研基金(青年和面上项目)等人才项目(见下表);根据个人学历、职称等实际情况按照嘉善县人才政策享受相应的人才补助待遇。 任职要求: 1.近三年内获得博士学位,身心健康,原则上年龄不超过35周岁; 2.专业理论基础扎实,有相关学科背景,并具有创新意识; 3.具有优秀团队协作能力和独立科研精神,能主动开展研究工作,学术作风端正、严谨。 4.具备良好的英语听说读写能力; 5.能够全职从事博士后工作,无博士后退站经历。
  • 18k-30k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,物流丨运输 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Security Compliance Manager Flexport Security team is growing and looking for a highly motivated security compliance specialist to join our team and drive regulatory and certification compliance requirements for our products. You will help to build and manage our security compliance program. You should be a technically experienced and innovative security, risk, compliance, and audit professional who has the ability to understand systems, security, and privacy processes, communicate to customers, and be able to drive innovative process changes through multiple organizations and teams. Key job responsibilities: Understand and rationalize compliance requirements for service and device security. Provide business-specific interpretations and support automation opportunities Review security controls that are technical in nature, such as access controls, data encryption in transit and at rest, and auditing and logging user activity Engage with the Business and SMEs to ensure compliance with information security policies Liaise with auditors, articulate control implementation and impact, and establish considerations for applying security, privacy, and compliance concepts to a technical cloud environment Maintain control libraries and compliance requirements and guidance materials for various security standards and regulations Experienced in reporting metrics, timelines, and effective project management skills. Provides input to privacy, disclosure, and confidentially guidelines. Assists in the implementation of processes and procedures for compliance reporting and metrics activities. Researches best practices and innovative approaches to enable assessment and communication of compliance risk and metrics. Preferred Qualifications: 3-5 years of experience in security or compliance consulting or advisory work in support of a highly technical environment 3-5 years of experience in performing and/or participating in technical assessments in direct support of a major compliance effort (e.g. China information security-related law and regulations, GBT, NIST, SOC1, ISO, or ISO) 3-5 years of experience designing, implementing, and/or running technical GRC solutions Master’s degree in Information Security, Computer Science, Risk Management, Data security with 5 years of experience, or equivalent Bachelor’s degree with 5 years of experience. Experience working directly with security engineers, auditors, and development teams Excellent English is written and verbal communication skills while engaging both technical and non-technical stakeholders
  • 18k-30k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,物流丨运输 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Security Compliance Manager Flexport Security team is growing and looking for a highly motivated security compliance specialist to join our team and drive regulatory and certification compliance requirements for our products. You will help to build and manage our security compliance program. You should be a technically experienced and innovative security, risk, compliance, and audit professional who has the ability to understand systems, security, and privacy processes, communicate to customers, and be able to drive innovative process changes through multiple organizations and teams. Key job responsibilities: Understand and rationalize compliance requirements for service and device security. Provide business-specific interpretations and support automation opportunities Review security controls that are technical in nature, such as access controls, data encryption in transit and at rest, and auditing and logging user activity Engage with the Business and SMEs to ensure compliance with information security policies Liaise with auditors, articulate control implementation and impact, and establish considerations for applying security, privacy, and compliance concepts to a technical cloud environment Maintain control libraries and compliance requirements and guidance materials for various security standards and regulations Experienced in reporting metrics, timelines, and effective project management skills. Provides input to privacy, disclosure, and confidentially guidelines. Assists in the implementation of processes and procedures for compliance reporting and metrics activities. Researches best practices and innovative approaches to enable assessment and communication of compliance risk and metrics. Preferred Qualifications: 3-5 years of experience in security or compliance consulting or advisory work in support of a highly technical environment 3-5 years of experience in performing and/or participating in technical assessments in direct support of a major compliance effort (e.g. China information security-related law and regulations, GBT, NIST, SOC1, ISO, or ISO) 3-5 years of experience designing, implementing, and/or running technical GRC solutions Master’s degree in Information Security, Computer Science, Risk Management, Data security with 5 years of experience, or equivalent Bachelor’s degree with 5 years of experience. Experience working directly with security engineers, auditors, and development teams Excellent English is written and verbal communication skills while engaging both technical and non-technical stakeholders
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    China Project(accept travel)-国内出差项目 SAP ABAP/SD/MDG/MDM Job Description: We are currently looking for individuals with strong ERP related skill and experience to provide SAP ERP professional service to our client including: • ERP strategy service: ERP product selection, ERP vendor selection, ERP project assurance, ERP project preparation and planning; • ERP system post implementation access and controls review and optimization; • ERP project management office service; • Implementation and advisory service (including functional and technical design and implementation) of SAP ERP (including FICO, SD and MM etc.). Requirements: • Bachelor Degree holder preferably in Finance Management, Accounting, Management Information System or similar qualifications, e,g; ACCA,CIMA,CMA; • 8+ (For Senior Manager ) 6+ (For Manager ) 3+ (For Senior Associate) years of relevant experience as a planning manager, business analyst, solution architect, or other consultant-like roles working in management consulting firms, Accenture, IBM, Big 4 consulting firms is preferred, or any large complex organization; • Experience in project management, system requirement study, design and implementation of SAP ERP (including FICO, SD and MM, etc.); • Strong fluency in information technology concepts in the areas of systems development, change management, computer operations and access to programs and data; ability to identify and assess business requirement and linkage to IT systems; • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin) is essential.
  • 企业服务,其他 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    About the role: As the Data Platform Modernization Architect, Group Manager, you carry the overall accountability for performance and growth of this offering. You’ll partner with other architect to define and implement a strategy for offering identification and investments. In this role, you’ll serve as the “face” of the offering both internally and externally, supporting pre-sales, tailoring, sales and delivery, as well as management of capability and capacity. In addition, connect globally with offering alliance partners, including Accenture and Microsoft. Your main responsibility is to drive the Data Platform Modernization offering. Day-to-day, you will: · Lead pre-sales, solution planning and solution design efforts for sales pursuits related to the Data Platform Modernization offering · Lead and contribute towards effective delivery to clients, including project mobilization, delivery innovation and quality assurance · Educate, enable and coach account teams to position Data Platform Modernization offerings with clients · Enable and empower your global Data Platform Modernization offering team members to support you in implementing the global offering plan · Drive our partner relationships including those with Microsoft and Accenture at the offering level · Oversee and as necessary, review deals according to deal approval matrix · Monitor contract performance with delivery leads to surface issues and contribute to resolutions as well as manage escalation of key staffing and coordinate across geographies to meet delivery commitments · Identify high-priority solution areas within the offering and help prioritize internal investment initiatives · Travel as required by the business About you You are business technology executive looking for a challenge in the exciting domain of Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence. You have experience in growing and leading a medium to large scale, international business technology services organization with a history of developing Data & Analytics solutions to deliver impactful business and client outcomes. As a business leader, you also have a track record in selling and delivering Data & Analytics solutions to clients. You have excellent interpersonal, communication and leadership skills, with experience of leading a high-growth, high-demand, top talent global team. In addition, your professional skillset likely includes: · Pre-sales, solutioning or delivery background in Data Management, Business intelligence & Analytics including experience of providing architectural direction for solutions · Consulting experience with a passion for driving Data & Analytics solutions and leading through advisory including Data Governance, Data Analytics strategy & Roadmap · Experience with BI & Analytics tools like Microsoft SQL Server, SSIS/SSRS/SSAS, Power BI, QlikSense, Tableau, SAS, Cognos, SAP-BO etc. · Experience in Cloud based Data Management & Analytics solutions, preferably on Microsoft Azure like Azure Data Lake, Stream Analytics, CosmosDB, Azure Synapse, Azure Databricks, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Purview, and Azure Data Factory (ADF), Azure SQL, Polybase · Successful business development and market making within a diverse customer portfolio and complex channel management · Building impactful partnerships with ecosystem of partners including organizations of a scale, complexity and sophistication similar to Accenture and Microsoft · Demonstrated managerial, leadership and effective peer teaming expertise in large, multinational, organizations with globally distributed teams · Ability to achieve through influence and effective navigation of matrixed organizations
  • 12k-15k·13薪 经验不限 / 本科
    金融 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    职位需求和亮点: - 跨境精品投资银行,Deal flow好,精英团队 - 全流程深度参与大型国际集团与越南之间的跨境并购交易 - 涵盖前期研究,潜在标的筛选,交易发起与执行 - 富有竞争力的薪资 要求候选者中英越3语流利,对并购业务富有好奇心和热情,有咨询或金融工作经验加分 关于我们: XBO Advisory成立于2016年,专注与亚洲相关跨境并购交易的独立精品投资银行。总部位于上海,在亚洲-欧洲跨境交易中拥有卓越的业绩。深受客户信赖采取****的方式发掘专有机遇,能够在各类情况下为客户提供定制化的并购咨询服务。 主要职责: 1.信息搜集与分析:通过案头研究与访谈,对越南当地的行业或企业进行全面研究 2.文件与材料准备:作为市场推介或现行项目的需要,准备并写项目所需的材料 3.筛选优秀越南企业:通过公开渠道与行业访谈,根据客户需求筛选并评估候选企业 任职要求: 1.优秀的中英文及越南语的书面沟通能力 2.好奇心驱动,对研究工作官有热情 3.拥有出色的信息搜集、整理、分析与呈现能力 4.注重细节与准确性 5.能够同时处理多个任务,并有效区分工作的紧性 6.具备一流的职业养,能够妥善处理保密信息;拥有投资银行、咨询等领域工作经验尤佳 请有意向申请者将中英文简历发至以下邮箱************************
  • 10k-20k 经验不限 / 不限
    广告营销,工具 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    工作内容:协助客户办理业务 每月薪资:1万 职位福利:(五险一金/周末双休/) 学历要求:暂无 工作年限:有无经验均可 工作地址:乌鲁木齐鸿瑞豪庭 任职要求:积极,乐观,勤奋,团队意识强 报名方式:请直接投递简历报名或来电咨询报名。
  • 4k-6k 经验不限 / 大专
    医疗丨健康 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1.承担产品知识和所负责的相关市场的医生培训,业务员培训,省办培训经理内训; 2.根据标准课件有效传递企业文化,产品知识等; 3.不断完善和开发新的课件; 4.梳理产品线内容,对卖点进行提炼,形成标准; 5.收集产品市场数据及竞品资料,分析差异及对比。任职资格: 1.专科及以上学历,医学,营养学相关专业; 2.具有良好的演讲培训能力.沟通与协调技巧.组织策划能力; 3.熟练使用办公软件,能制作标准课件; 4.从事医.药相关工作1年以上,有临床经验或营销经验,有第三终端经验者优先; 5.能吃苦耐劳,适应国内出差。
  • 8k-12k 经验不限 / 不限
    物流|运输 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    工作内容:主要负责配送酒饮料,零食,烟,生活用品和快消品等。 公司固定货源,配送全城覆盖,司机可以全城各个区域拉货,多劳多得。 1.岗位要求:持C1驾驶证,年龄 22-52 岁,无犯罪记录,能吃苦耐劳有责任心有 无经验均可. 2、工作地点:中山,珠海全区就 近分配。 3、工作时间:每天早上9点下午 6点,月休4天 4、初期有老师傅带,熟悉仓库流程. 日收入300-600不等,多劳多得
  • 20k-30k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    短视频,软件服务|咨询,电商平台 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1. 负责核心业务系统的设计与开发,深入理解业务需求,设计出可扩展、高可用、高性能的系统; 2. 负责完成重要业务模块及核心框架的搭建及编码实现; 3. 负责系统整体技术架构和代码质量控制,主导技术方案落地; 4. 配合测试人员和业务团队对新系统进行测试工作; 5. 协助解决系统运行及测试中出现的问题,确保开发质量及系统稳定运行; 6. 负责相关系统的运维及技术支持; 岗位要求: 1. 计算机或相关专业本科及以上学历,5年以上Java后端开发工作经验; 2. 精通Java Web开发,能够熟练使用Spring、Spring Boot、MyBatis等主流开源框架; 3. 精通数据建模相关技术,能够熟练使用PostgreSQL,MySQL等数据库; 4. 有丰富的Elasticsearch、Redis、RabbitMQ等实践经验; 5. 掌握并具备微服务、分布式、多线程等应用实际开发经验; 6. 具有较强的分析和解决问题的能力,能够高质量地独立完成工作; 7. 有良好的团队精神,交流与沟通能力强,能够承受一定工作压力; 8. 能够自我驱动,乐于接受挑战,能承受工作压力,对业界新的技术和实现有浓厚的兴趣和深入见解。
  • 5k-8k 经验不限 / 本科
    文娱|内容,人工智能 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    主要职责 1、负责公司产品的运营相关工作(包括日常运营、活动运营、内容运营、用户运营及产品推广规划申请及落地等工作); 2、负责编写软文、制作短视频和设计市场营销材料,维护微信公众、抖音、小红书等平台的内容; 3、负责人员接待、日常人事行政、费用报销、流水帐登记等工作; 4、负责公司内部的日常运营和维护,包括协调各部门之间的合作,确保公司内部的工作协调和高效运转; 5、完成上级交给的其他任务及配合其他合作部门完成工作。 任职要求 1、大专及以上学历,具备文案编辑能力,文字功底扎实,对文字敏感; 2、对互联网业务感兴趣并有所了解,且对互联网营销有一定的认知,有相关工作经验优先; 3、熟悉办公软件,如Excel、Word、PowerPoint等,能够熟练操作办公软件; 4、有较强时间管理意识,能接受短中期出差; 5、具备良好的沟通协调和表达能力,能够与内部业务侧和外部客户侧顺利合作; 6、有责任心,做事细心、耐心、积极主动,执行力强,具备团队协作精神。