• 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、代表火山引擎参与管理面向电商,广告,小程序或小游戏开发者的行业云的平台技术建设及行业云的商业化; 2、与服务电商,广告,小程序或小游戏开发者产品,研发团队共创和迭代行业云平台的产品模块、功能; 3、面向行业客户构建适配的行业云解决方案打造客户成功案例并推进行业解决方案的推广和复制; 4、解决入云客户的技术问题,拉动技术服务团队共同服务好入云客户; 5、总结和沉淀行业云在技术领域的最佳实践,管理规范,推进最佳实践在产研运,财法税不同团队的实现和落地。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,5年以上公有云技术实践,熟悉公有云技术栈,对以公有云为基础的行业云或开放平台有实际经验; 2、充分了公有云平台的TOB链路,能准确理解产品应用场景,有AI/数据/算法智能产品售前经验优先; 3、具有技术领域跨团队,跨业务组织的复杂沟通能力,整合多方资源,推动联合方案落地; 4、良好的心态、自我驱动,责任感强;具备总结意识和分析习惯,善于推动工作流程优化。
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责为使用飞书开放平台的客户提供及时有效的技术支持服务,指导外部开发者使用API; 2、配合商业化团队,为外部客户提供专业的技术解决方案; 3、跟踪客户使用反馈,帮助产研部门过滤与飞书相关的技术问题,将bug提交给产研修复; 4、从技术层面总结,并协同产研团队,优化用户使用飞书开放平台的体验。 职位要求: 1、计算机相关专业,本科及以上学历,熟悉操作系统、网络、数据库等基本技术知识; 2、具备较强的信息和日志检索、问题分析、需求挖掘、数据分析及应用和创新能力; 3、具备较强的沟通协调能力,出色的学习能力,拥有强烈的责任心和团队合作精神; 4、具备Web/前端/小程序开发能力或者服务端开发能力,具备技术支持相关工作经验,熟悉企业级SaaS平台; 5、有开放平台大客户服务经验者优先; 6、英语优秀者优先。
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    美团民宿是美团旗下的民宿预订平台,精准满足年轻一代个性化、多样化住宿需求,专注为消费者提供“住得不一样”的旅居体验。从2017年4月上线至今,美团民宿已逐渐成长为拥有超过20万活跃房东和95万在线房源、业务遍及全国350多个城市的平台。 民宿平台不仅为助力房东们线上经营,让更多人可以发现、体验别样的民宿生活,还为房东们搭建起沟通的桥梁,让大家共同学习、交流和成长,分享知识和热爱,一同塑造更好的民宿行业。 我们是一支有活力、有朝气、有梦想的年轻队伍,汇聚了一群热爱民宿的运营达人、销售精英、技术大牛、产品大咖和设计大师。团队以追求成长、创造价值为导向,期待你的加入,共赴民宿美好的未来! 岗位职责 1、深入了解民宿行业,包括但不限于政策法规、市场趋势、消费者需求等,为业务的产品和服务提供改进和优化建议; 2、根据业务需求,制定并完善平台服务的标准和流程,以确保服务质量的一致性; 3、定期对平台供应商服务进行评估和优化,制定并执行服务质量监控计划,及时发现并解决服务中的问题,提高用户满意度; 4、基于开放平台的方向,对入驻平台的服务运营商进行运营管理(包含但不限于定期对服务供应商进行评估,根据服务质量进行赋能、奖惩等),确保他们能提供高质量的服务。 岗位基本需求 1、本科及以上学历,旅游管理、酒店管理等相关专业; 2、至少5年以上相关工作经验,有民宿或旅游行业经验者; 3、优秀的服务意识和沟通能力,能够提供高质量的服务和支持; 4、具备优秀的分析和解决问题的能力,能够快速适应变化并应对挑战。 具备以下者优先 1、对民宿行业有深入的理解和独到的见解,能够独立思考和解决问题; 2、优秀的资源整合能力和项目管理能力,能够有效地与各方合作伙伴沟通合作。 岗位亮点 1、民宿业务创新的商业模式探索; 2、开放平台是由平台发起的,带领民宿产业升级的路径,对于产业发展具有里程碑意义。
  • 工具类产品,内容社区,音频|视频媒体 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1.负责不断优化腾讯音乐人的激励与分成策略并联动研发、商务和运营等团队,聚焦重点音乐人的扶持; 2.负责提升内容引入的综合效率,通过协议覆盖推进、分成结构优化等方式,达成开放平台的降本目标; 3.负责音乐人开放平台基础体验核心环节的产品迭代,包括版权管理、合同签约等产品能力的建设。 岗位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,3年以上工作经验,具有平台产品或商业化产品经验者优先; 2.具备优秀的数据思维和分析能力,较强的目标结果导向; 3.强烈的owner意识,具备B端、C端和后台全链路策略能力者优先。
  • 工具类产品,内容社区,音频|视频媒体 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1.负责管理和提升音乐人开放平台的基础体验和后端服务质量:围绕发歌、结算、审核等平台核心产品环节不断进行迭代优化,持续提升产品体验,提高业务流转效率; 2.负责音乐人开放平台的商业化建设,围绕用户发歌、推广链路持续探索营收模式,通过产品能力搭建、营销事件策划和核心用户运营等方式,联动商务和运营团队,不断提升收入规模。 岗位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,具有结算产品、商业化产品、增长产品经验者优先; 2.具备较强的数据分析能力,掌握常用的数据分析工具如SQL等; 3.强目标和结果导向,强烈的责任心和自驱力,热爱音乐类产品赛道。
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    美团民宿是美团旗下的民宿预订平台,精准满足年轻一代个性化、多样化住宿需求,专注为消费者提供“住得不一样”的旅居体验。从2017年4月上线至今,美团民宿已逐渐成长为拥有超过20万活跃房东和95万在线房源、业务遍及全国350多个城市的平台。 民宿平台不仅为助力房东们线上经营,让更多人可以发现、体验别样的民宿生活,还为房东们搭建起沟通的桥梁,让大家共同学习、交流和成长,分享知识和热爱,一同塑造更好的民宿行业。 我们是一支有活力、有朝气、有梦想的年轻队伍,汇聚了一群热爱民宿的运营达人、销售精英、技术大牛、产品大咖和设计大师。团队以追求成长、创造价值为导向,期待你的加入,共赴民宿美好的未来! 岗位职责 1、负责民宿业务开放平台在服务端的供应商调研筛选,进行资源整合提高资源利用效率; 2、负责供应商系统层面的对接,如服务供应商的系统接入管理,协调并优化系统之间的衔接与运行; 3、通过对业务需求的分析,不断优化服务端系统产品,提升用户体验; 4、服务方向的相关产品需求的对接实现,包含业务系统产品优化以及同客服侧工单系统的功能对接,提升运转效率和体验; 5、协调内外部资源,推动项目进展,确保产品按时上线; 6、协同团队共同制定并推动服务标准化的落地。 岗位基本需求 1、本科及以上学历,4年以上互联网产品岗位工作经验; 2、熟悉平台业务产品开发流程,具备良好的项目管理能力和团队协调能力; 3、具备优秀的资源整合能力,能从多角度分析问题,提出合理的解决方案; 4、具备服务供应商的系统接入和管理经验,熟悉系统对接的流程和规范; 5、熟练掌握产品原型设计工具和项目管理工具,具备良好的文档撰写能力; 6、具备出色的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能在压力下保持冷静,积极应对挑战。 具备以下者优先 1、对民宿业务、旅游行业有浓厚兴趣,愿意接受新事物,不断学习提升自己; 2、有服务方向功能性产品工作经历者; 3、优秀的资源整合能力和项目管理能力,能够有效地与各方合作伙伴沟通合作。 岗位亮点 1、民宿行业发展迅速,业务空间大; 2、团队沟通氛围简单直接,求真务实,有助于相互学习; 3、对业务和系统均有深度涉猎,既能从业务场景上参与或驱动复杂问题解决、学会多方利益权衡取舍的方法,也能从产品上,积累产品策略和复杂平台的设计经验。
  • 短视频 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1、负责第三方概率玩法的运营工作,持续提升优质玩法数; 2、负责与第三方开发者沟通与对接,协同开发者进行玩法运营动作,持续提升玩法转化与流水; 3、负责活动运营、内容运营等,与平台其他活动及生态结合,持续扩大用户活跃规模; 4、负责玩法的日常运营与维护,保障第三方玩法的稳定运行。
  • 短视频 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1、深度理解直播互动玩法,并能够判断、筛选出符合业务阶段性诉求的优质产品,关注行业以及玩法产品的变化趋势,具备行业发展的前瞻性,为业务的后链路发展赋能; 2、具备主动且多元的线索寻找以及渠道建立的能力,定位玩法产品,对接开发者、并且能够驱动开发者优先为平台提供优质的玩法产品; 3、对开发者的引入、入驻、经营等全链路环节进行负责,推进开发者自助化系统持续完善,为开发者的入驻、经营提效赋能; 4、为玩法的选品、接入、上线等全链路环节的进度负责,缩短过程链路,加速玩法入驻上线。
  • 体育 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    We are hiring lululemon digital content operation lead. Who we are lululemon is an innovative performance apparel company for yoga, running, training, and other athletic pursuits. Setting the bar in technical fabrics and functional design, we create transformational products and experiences that support people in moving, growing, connecting, and being well. We owe our success to our innovative product, emphasis on stores, commitment to our people, and the incredible connections we make in every community we're in. As a company, we focus on creating positive change to build a healthier, thriving future. In particular, that includes creating an equitable, inclusive and growth-focused environment for our people. About social editorial team We’re looking for a Content Operation to co-create best-in-the-world content for our lululemon social channel..You will be working closely with EC, Retail, PR, Creative, Social team, RBE to develop clear, efficient content creation process, guidelines, performance results tracking system to allow social editorial team to effectively deliver content with good quality, engagement and ROI. A day in the life: what you’ll do • 80% of your work will be contributed to build up and operate a clear DouYin operation process including DouYin Short videos and live stream with cross-functional partners. • You will be working with DP partner, social, EC, RBE and media buy team to come up with performance tracking system and develop own content performance report to ensure we always have the 1st hand results and insights into the impact of content to bring up content production into next level. • Budget Tracking and Balancing to make sure all the payment, contract are well executed with no time delay. Meanwhile seek the space to spend smart. • Daily routine will be mainly focus on weekly live-stream operations, to ensure the content direction well delivered, get it more effective, more engageable and more impactful. What you need to have: • Acknowledge the presence of choice in every moment and take personal responsibility for your life. • Possess an entrepreneurial spirit and continuously innovate to achieve great results. • Communicate with honesty and kindness and create the space for others to do the same. • Lead with courage, knowing the possibility of greatness is bigger than the fear of failure. • Foster connection by putting people first and building trusting relationships. • Integrate fun and joy as a way of being and working, aka doesn’t take yourself too seriously. Qualifications • At least 5 -8 years’ experience in relevant work experience, e.g. Digital marketing, EC marketing, social marketing. • Strong understanding of project management tools e.g. MS Office. • Strong Excel skills and experience with data manipulation and reporting. • Ability to prioritize multiple projects and tasks simultaneously with various cross-functional stakeholders, and reliably meet deadlines. • Proven success in data-driven strategic thinking & process optimization. • Outstanding team player and positive attitude. • Strong sense of ownership and accountability. • A genuine passion for digital marketing and the online space with a strong knowledge of digital commerce, performance marketing (email, paid social and other media), A/B testing, and UX. • A love for lululemon - you wear lululemon, follow lululemon channels, and exemplify brand values
  • 40k-55k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 不需要融資 / 50-150人
    Aigens is a restaurant tech start-up that has helped steer the digital revolution of the F&B and Hospitality industry in Asia Pacific. We started as a 2-man team in 2012 and have since grown into a SaaS company known for being a market leader with significant wins, essentially being the first to introduce BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) QR code ordering technology to Hong Kong and Singapore. In the last three years, we’ve experienced our most significant growth to date: resulting in 6 regional offices across APAC, and 120 team members (and increasing every month). We are headquartered in Hong Kong, and serve more than 500 brands in F&B and Hospitality, including global names like KFC, Burger King, Starbucks, IKEA, and Muji. We welcome highly motivated candidates to join our expanding team. Our culture is flat, friendly, and respectful. If ‘doing real work’ and ‘be respected for real contributions’ resonate with you, we might have something in common.! What you will be doing: 1. Participate in the definition of requirements, determine the design scheme and lead the team to realize it; 2. Lead the team as the core developer to tackle key tasks; 3. Ensure the stability, high performance and scalability of the system in charge; 4.Break down tasks, arrange tasks, grasp key nodes, promote the smooth progress of the project, and promote the common progress of the team. We are looking for someone with: 1. Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science, more than 6 years of JAVA development experience, more than 1 year of management experience, and more than 1 medium and large project experience is preferred; 2. Solid JAVA foundation, proficient in spring, spring boot, spring MVC, mybatis, and Node; 3. Have rich experience in the development of multi tier architecture system, and have experience in the development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, and high availability systems; 4. Proficient in various cache technologies, transaction processing, exception handling, and distributed technologies; 5. Strong sense of responsibility, strong initiative, strong learning ability, good communication and coordination ability; 6. Be familiar with the catering/hotel IT operation mode, and participate in the catering/hotel industry SaaS project is preferred; 7. Cantonese and English communication is preferred. What’s on offer: ●Competitive salary for the right candidate ●Performance bonus ●5-day work week, hybrid working model ●Friendly and casual work environment ●Asia Regional exposure that paves ways for your future ●Working in a flat culture with talented individuals ●Join a young and growing brand backed by a great investment team Aigens is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, or any other protected characteristic.
  • 27k-54k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Job Description: Develop Plans and Schedules; Develop Criteria and Requirements; Prepare & Conduct test; Report ADV Status; Support Quality Processes; Lead / Support Evaluation Procedure Development; Gain and Submit Best Practices, Lessons Learned and customer surveys; Support ADV process to reduce Hardware and to realize RLM (Road- Lab-Math) strategy; Lead Export validation activities in foreign countries with ***** partners; Support Vehicle Validation - Type Approval Activities; Lead work with internal and external customers and suppliers; participate in Problem Solving Teams; participate in DFMEA work groups; Build and Lead Vehicle and/or Commodity ADV Sub-plans; Review Program/Process Results; Document and Update Product/Process Knowledge; Analyzes and interprets resulting data from tests (resolves data anomalies); Maintains frequent communication with customers; Prepares formal written test reports; Frequent contact with team members outside of work group. Additional Job Description: Job Description We are seeking motivated candidates for an Electrification Lead position in GM China Electrification group at ATC (Advanced Technical Center). The position leads team involved in-vehicle and lab work, along with related analytical and development activities. Electrification Lead engage in cross-functional teams and GM Global team, are expected to handle multiple projects/priorities, and frequently need to balance planned and unplanned work. Position Description: This position will lead electrification, battery, and propulsion system engineering works on GM vehicles. You will organize the team utilizing system hardware/software troubleshooting skills to resolve issues. In addition, you'll manage the product and components development within China interfacing with global expertise Responsibilities: Leadership / management responsibilities over project team for Electrification Responsibilities include planning and directing work, addressing complaints and resolving problems. Possesses the interpersonal skills to build relationships with key stakeholders responsible for the decision-making process. Actively listens, probes, and identifies concerns. Develop and optimize electrification systems to meet requirements and timing Familiar with electrification standards, industry and conduct benchmarking activities Understands customer's needs in China and speaks their language. Coordinating / monitoring project documentation, timelines, technical performance, budget, production, quality deliverables, and corrective action initiatives Conduct project reviews to ensure high quality deliverables Organize, plan, and coordinate development activities with global team and expertise Support identification of requirements for resources to develop product Develop, use, and optimize process in project development Participate in Global and program meetings with resolution and voice from China Participate in development trips and related test activities Required Qualifications: Master of Engineering or equivalent discipline Manage engineering team developing electrification systems and projects Five years of post-graduation engineering experience Independent worker requiring little direction and works well in a team environment Excellent planner and complex problem solver High level of oral and written communication skills including English & Chinese Experience with data acquisition and analysis Knowledge of and passion for electrification propulsion systems Preferred Qualifications: Controls and/or calibration experience Experience with tools commonly used: Vehicle Spy, Matlab/Simulink Key Behaviors: Build Effective Team Drive for Results Dealing with ambiguity Prioritization and decision-making skills Action-oriented Exceptional communication and presentation skills Customer-focused Integrity and Trust Problem Solving Conflict management
  • 20k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    软件开发 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    项目组的客户是美国的大客户,负责开发和维护客户核心使用的债券资产数据分析数据的展现平台。 1、至少具有3年以上运用C#技术的经验 2、参与或主导过中大型项目经验,且管理过5人以上的团队 3、有外企、海外工作经验优先,英文听说读写流利,可以适应纯英文工作环境 4、具有PMP或同等项目管理证书优先 5、国内外重点高校毕业
  • 28k-35k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    是一个技术负责人的岗位,负责为马会建立和维护新一代博彩系统的核心组件。该岗位的主要职责重点是作为一名实操的技术负责人,负责开发软件并为开发人员提供日常的技术指导。该岗位还需要确保开发出来的应用程序耐用、高质量且易于维护,同时形成以解决问题为导向的协作文化。 关键岗位职责 1、管理马会新一代投注系统组件的设计和实施; 2、确保组件交付物的质量; 3、与其他开发团队和参与者保持联系,构建满足用户需求的组件; 4、指导初级开发人员。 任职资格 1、本科学历:计算机科学或相关专业 2、有8年以上应用程序开发的实际经验 3、超过5年的React开发经验 4、有敏捷实践和过程经验者优先 5、对实时、高吞吐量和低延迟的系统有较深的了解者更优 6、有领导团队经验者优先 7、对足球和足球博彩知识有一定了解者更优 技术技能 1、精通JavaScript、HTML、CSS者优先 2、坚实的计算机和网络基础 3、熟悉Webpack / Node.js 4、熟悉HTTP(s)协议和RESTful规范 5、对算法、数据结构和设计模式有良好理解 6、对Java知识有一定了解者更优 7、有Kubernetes CI/CD经验者优先 关键能力 1、能够理解业务需求并将其转变为技术要求 2、较强的英语口头和书面沟通能力 3、较强的分析能力 4、能够建立并保持良好的跨部门工作关系 5、有学习热情,以结果为导向 关键能力 1、能够理解业务需求并将其转变为技术要求 2、较强的英语口头和书面沟通能力 3、较强的分析能力 4、能够建立并保持良好的跨部门工作关系 5、有学习热情,以结果为导向 工作挑战 1、需要适应不断变化和快节奏的环境 2、需要在大型团队中具有团队合作精神 3、为初级开发人员 备注: 此岗位为马会FO投注系统大数据开发模型的结果数据展示,工作直接对接HK 硬性条件: 1、4年以上React开发经验,熟悉JavaScript, HTML, CSS,Node.Js优先。简历需要体现人选对react的使用度。(使用...技术完成....) 2、需要高级一些的人选,有管理经验最好。 3、英文流利,粤语会讲一点即可(英文是HK对接的**要求)
  • 企业服务,工具 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    高级前端工程师(Tech Lead) 职位需求: 1.5年以上前端开发经验; 2.有领导前端团队的经验; 3.精通HTML5和CSS3; 4.精通JavaScript; 5.熟悉至少一种前端框架; 6.熟悉webpack, rollup.js, esbuild等编译框架; 7.有学习新技术的热情和能力; 8.有互联网从业经验; 9.有独立发现问题,分析和解决问题的能力; 10.阅读英语文档的能力。 加分项目: 1.掌握TypeScript或CoffeeScript; 2.掌握Vue.js; 3.GitHub 项目活跃; 4.Stack Overflow高分回答者; 5.日语二级或以上。
  • 企业服务,工具 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    高级后端工程师(Tech Lead) 职位需求: 1.5年以上Java实战经验; 2.有领导后端团队的经验; 3.熟悉至少一种后端框架; 4.有学习新技术的热情和能力; 5.有互联网行业从业经验; 6.有独立发现问题,分析和解决问题的能力; 7.能阅读英语技术文档。 加分项目: 1.有支付网关对接经验掌握Spring; 2.掌握Java以外的编程语言拥有实战Aws、GCP; 3.熟悉容器技术; 4.GitHub项目活跃度高; 5.Stack Overflow高分回答者; 6.日语二级或以上。